Scorpio (24 October – 21 November)
July starts with a bang as your co-rulers Mars and Pluto clash on the 2nd. This can be a difficult combination when you feel out of sorts or you find yourself in an impossible situation. Try not to turn any negativity in on your self and express your feelings, especially angry ones in as controlled and responsible a way as possible.
Mars/Pluto oppositions can feel like a volcano that’s waiting to erupt so do take note of this and let off steam in a healthy fashion.
Mars is currently in your fellow water sign Cancer until the 20th and it’s here along with the Sun until the 22nd. Cancer rules travel and study in your chart, the bigger picture of your life, also your ideals, your principles, what you believe in.
All these areas are highlighted during the Full Moon on the 9th which cuts across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac. Plus, the following day on the 10th, the Sun makes its annual opposition to Pluto.
So this feels like a powerful Full Moon when emotions run high and some tough decisions need to be made. You might find that travel or study plans are postponed or cancelled or perhaps you feel trapped or stuck in a situation that’s not to your liking.
Rather than waste too much energy on an issue or project that’s going nowhere, this could be the time when you’re better off pulling back and letting go. Pluto can represent loss or the knowledge that whatever you do, you’re not going to get what you want right now. There’s often a finality about a situation when Pluto’s in play.
The Sun and Mars also clash with another key planet this month in the shape of Uranus in Aries on the 18th (Mars) and 21st (the Sun). Uranus is an unpredictable, impulsive energy and right now it’s lighting up your work and health sector. So perhaps there will be changes or disruption in these areas of your life.
Again as Mars is involved, try not to play the rebel card unless your situation calls for it. When your ruler Mars opposes Pluto and squares Uranus, you have to look carefully at things before taking dramatic action.
What’s interesting to note is that on the same day that Mars clashes with Uranus, the 18th, love planet Venus is strong as it teams up with lucky Jupiter. So perhaps someone else steps in to help you out or you come face to face with your saviour, a benefactor, someone who’s on your side.
Venus is in the air sign Gemini from the 5th so this is about money on the one hand as Gemini rules joint finances but also the hidden side of life. Venus in Gemini is great for going in deep, analysing yourself and others, being with people who can help you reveal insights and self-understanding.
There is a feel of the talking cure about this combination, being with someone whose advice and knowledge is invaluable to you. Again, it indicates that when it comes to any partnership, both personal and professional, you’re not necessarily the one with all the answers this month.
Line up some key experts in your life, to help you deal with a financial or emotional tangle. The 7th, 14th, 18th and 19th are positive dates in this respect. The date to avoid is the 24th when Saturn in your personal money sector opposes Venus in Gemini. This feels disappointing rather than joyous so choose your timing carefully.
One area of your life where you can make progress this month is your career and future plans. Communication planet Mercury is in Leo and this sector of your chart from the 6th to the 25th. This means it’s a top month for negotiations, so line up some key interviews or meetings, apply for a job or promotion.
Most importantly however, use your connections with Mercury in your career sector and here too, don’t go it alone. The more involved you are in all aspects of your work or vocation, the quicker you learn and the faster you can make progress.
The major turning point for you in this respect is the last third of the month. Your ruler Mars leaves Cancer where it’s been somewhat water-logged and enters fire sign Leo on the 20th. Mars in Leo feels confident and you get back your spark, possibly in quite dramatic fashion.
Two days later on the 22nd, the Sun joins Mars in Leo and there’s a powerful New Moon in your career and future sector on the 23rd. New Moons are a symbol of new beginnings so take advantage of any opportunity that comes your way on or around this date. It could be quite special for you.
The Sun and Mars align in Leo on the 27th, another date that should be earmarked for success. This is a no-holds-barred combination so don’t let fear hold you back and show other people what you’re made of.
It really is important to make your mark at the end of the month because there’ll be another New Moon in Leo in August, but this one will be a Solar Eclipse. Make sure you’re in charge before the energy gets cranked up another level.
Shine a light brightly on anything that’s hidden or murky and by the end of July you’ll find a way forward, perhaps in quite amazing fashion. If ever there was a time to step into your power it’s the last week of July onwards.