Scorpio Horoscope July 2022

Scorpio horoscope July 2022, cityscape

Your Battle To Fight

As July begins, your ruling planets Mars and Pluto are in action. Mars is in Aries and your work and health sector until the 5th. Pluto is in Capricorn and your communication sector ongoing. You may be unusually busy as July gets underway and be on a mission to get fit and get things done.

You’re likely to need more stamina but don’t overdo it and be careful of hitting burn out. Mars clashes with Pluto on the 2nd and this combination can feel combustible. You may feel outraged, angry or indignant at what’s going on around you.

This could be at work or it might involve a dispute with the neighbours, an argument with a sibling. Alternatively, generally feeling frustrated and cross with what’s happening either locally or in the news. 

Mars has got energy to burn as July begins but ensure you use it in a way that’s constructive and don’t waste your precious time and energy. The theme of finding your voice has been prominent for some time now but choose your battles carefully.

If you’re up against the authorities, decide whether it’s worth taking on a fight. You don’t want to tarnish your reputation as you have potentially glorious astrology opening up later this month when you could do exceptionally well. One way or another, your inner activist is dominant and strong as July begins.

The Bigger Picture

Even though July’s stars may see you getting fired up in your everyday life, there’s a side of your nature that may be yearning for something more. This has a lot to do with the activity taking place in Cancer and your travel and study sector. 

Cancer is a fellow water sign and you often feel in your element when planets are making a positive connection to your star sign Scorpio. The Sun is in Cancer until the 22nd and talk planet Mercury joins the Sun here from the 5th to the 19th.

This can be an ideal time to day-dream and ponder. You could be seeking meaning or purpose in your life and need a big vision or an opportunity to broaden your horizons. You want something more from life than the everyday, so step out of your comfort zone and explore new experiences.

When it comes to booking travel or a study course, ideally use the Full Moon on the 13th to make a decision. This Full Moon falls across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac. This is about education and learning, knowledge and teaching.

You could be taking an exam on or around this date or line up some new plans or goals. Your co-ruler Pluto is involved during the Full Moon too and you may make a decision based on events at the start of the month. If you want to step down or say no, be firm in your resolve.

Sometimes, you have to close a door on the past for a new door to open in front of you. This theme may also kick in from the 18th to the 20th.

Work & Ambition

On the 22nd, the Sun moves into Leo and your career and vocation sector. The Sun joins talk planet Mercury here as Mercury enters Leo on the 19th. As July continues, you’re heading towards an ambitious and potentially successful time of year, so crack on if you’re ready.

This is your chance to shine, to improve your status or reputation. It’s an ideal time to show off your skills and talents. If you get asked to do a talk or give a presentation, go for it.

Be confident in your abilities and, if necessary, fake it until you make it. It’s a good time to show off and let others know what you have to offer with positive planetary activity in your career & vocation sector.

This is also the theme of the New Moon on the 28th which falls in Leo, a symbol of new beginnings. Ask for what you want, launch a project and set your intentions around work, career and your next steps.

Big planet Jupiter is also pulled into the planetary picture as Jupiter’s in another fire sign Aries. This could be when a loss turns into a win. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 28th, the day of the New Moon, encouraging you to play big or take a leap of faith.

Lucky dates for work, career & vocation are the 23rd & 31st when Jupiter lights up talk planet Mercury and the light of the Sun respectively. If one door closes in July, it’s very likely that a new door will open.

Also, money is under the cosmic spotlight in the first half of the month with Venus in Gemini and your joint finance sector. Therefore, look for the right people who can help you financially.

Invest in people who can help you move one step closer towards your goals. This could be someone with expert advice. Or, a partner who’s savvy when it comes to money and earnings.

Love Surprises

Your ruling planet Mars moves into Taurus and your relationship sector on the 5th where it remains until August 20th. Mars in Taurus is steady but stubborn too. You may want more security in your relationships but you may already know that doesn’t always suit you.

Plus, you have the planet of change Uranus in Taurus and Uranus is active towards the end of July. The key date is the 26th when Uranus aligns with the karmic north node in Taurus. This can sometimes mean that the wheel of destiny turns leading you down a new path. This may be about love or a business partnership.

Someone else could step in and take you by surprise this month, perhaps an offer you weren’t expecting or a competitor who challenges your business. Uranus gives but also takes away – it works both ways, which is why it’s wise to be flexible and ready to act fast when Uranus is in action.

As your planet Mars clashes with talk planet Mercury on the same day, the 26th, this feels volatile and it might be an argument that’s the catalyst for change.

If you’re in a relationship or married, keep things fresh in your love life. There’s often a theme of freedom when Uranus is active or things happening quickly. 

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5 thoughts on “Scorpio Horoscope July 2022”

  1. My goodness, you were so right. My husband is a Scorpio and he was contacted by a company for a job, interviewed on the 26th and offered the job the same day. This all happened between the 22nd – 28th.

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