Scorpio (24 October – 21 November)
Your ruling planet Mars is in Aquarius and your home and family sector until the 19th. This is a progressive, forward-thinking placement for Mars and a time when you can do things differently.
You might be meeting up with family before the big day itself, Christmas Day, or perhaps you’ve decided to change things around, to do away with convention. The same applies to the tradition of giving presents. Do what’s best for everyone this year rather than stick to the usual routine.
If you’re moving or looking for somewhere to live, the period from the 2nd to the 7th feels positive. Take action fast and you could line up something new early in the month. Ring the changes at work too and if you can work from home and ditch your regular commute, then do so. Any activity that saves you time is worth aiming for.
Yet there is another planet in Aquarius and this is Venus, your partner planet. Venus enters Aquarius on the 7th where it remains throughout the Christmas period. Venus is in action on Christmas Day itself, December 25th, so this flags up an intriguing time for love.
You might be spending Christmas with your partner’s family or your partner receives be good news concerning work or money. Certainly, someone close to you could be a blessing in your own life and offer you what you most need. Turn to other people for love, advice and support during the festive season.
If you’re looking for love, things begin to hot up once Mars enters romantic Pisces on the 19th. This is your chance to meet someone new so accept any invitations which come your way or line up a date or two.
The period between Christmas and New Year feels especially romantic and a good time to explore your romantic options. Note in particular the New Moon on December 29th as it links in to your ruler Mars on the 27th/28th and romantic Neptune on the 30th. Gorgeous for making new connections.
However, don’t expect anything to get finalised or agreed over the festive season. This is important because communication planet Mercury is up to its tricks throughout the Christmas period.
On the 19th, Mercury turns retrograde in your communication sector and remains on go slow until January 8th 2017. You don’t get the full picture when Mercury’s on go slow. Instead misunderstandings are likely and the truth is only revealed once Mercury turns direct.
So enjoy meeting new people over Christmas but if you’re travelling, be flexible and allow yourself plenty of time. Some arrangements may fizzle out or be postponed or cancelled. If so, have plan B up your sleeve so you can make merry wherever you are.
December is potentially an expensive month and for you, it is important to focus carefully on finances. The Sun is in Sagittarius and your money sector until the 21st and the Full Moon on the 14th lights up the financial axis of your chart. This could turn out to be an important date for a significant financial transaction or contract.
Yet you do have to pay close attention to money matters now and learn to utilise your money to good effect. It’s not a time to be overly extravagant because sober Saturn is in your money sector and teams up with the Sun on the 10th. Instead learn positive money management, spend within your budget and keep your eye firmly fixed on your long-term money goals.
Notice too what happens over the Christmas period especially relating to money. This is because Saturn in your money sector and Uranus in your work sector come together in a positive aspect on Christmas Day, December 25th.
For some, this indicates a new chapter at work, breaking free or shifting your current work position in a way that feels significant to you. There might also be an opportunity to benefit financially through a property move or via your family. If you’re working on Christmas Day itself, it could prove surprisingly lucrative.
The festive season is filled with surprises this year. At least one surprise will convince you that you’re heading on the right track with your money, the things you hold dear and all that you value highly.
There is another factor to take into account and this is the planet Jupiter in your preceding sign of Libra. You may decide to focus on your inner well-being over Christmas, change some of your habits and do things differently on a daily basis. This could be in response to higher stress levels and choosing to radically change your lifestyle or your work.
Again this is likely to take place towards the end of the year. This is because there’s a powerful planetary opposition between Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries and your work and health sector on December 26th, Boxing Day.
Then three days later Uranus turns direct in Aries on the 29th. This often brings a change of pace, a sudden decision to do things differently.
If you’re not working over the Christmas period, you would benefit from a retreat or time out. Once you allow your inner voice to come forth, then you will know what changes are right for you. Life might present you with the unexpected linked to a changing economy or job cuts which affect you too. If so, listen out for the signs and let your intuition guide you.