Scorpio (24 October – 21 November)
This feels like an exciting month ahead and the majority of the planetary activity is taking place in Leo, the sign at the top of your chart. In fact, your ruler Mars is here throughout August and plays a key role in the month’s events.
Mars in Leo is confident, bold and creative and Leo rules your career and vocation, your future and where you’re heading. This looks like being offered a new work opportunity and you hit the ground running.
For most of the month until the 22nd, Mars remains relatively close to the Sun in Leo and this is a favourite placing for the Sun. There’s warmth and heat here, vitality and passion. It’s good for competitive events, for being physical, for attacking life head on.
Your ruler Mars is also involved in both eclipses this month and this is another reason why this feels powerful for you. The first eclipse takes place on the 7th and it’s a Lunar or Full Moon eclipse cutting across the Leo/Aquarius axis of the zodiac.
This represents your foundations and turns the spotlight on the work/life balance. You might want to get family on your side if you have some big plans for the future. Or perhaps work’s recently taken off and you need their support as you’re not around so much.
Eclipses can sometimes indicate a crisis, perhaps a family member who’s out of work or needing to take care of family and juggle work commitments. It’s more likely however that this eclipse will either represent overwhelm, feeling swamped by your responsibilities, or hopefully represent an achievement, something that comes full circle.
What might be worth considering is the fact that there are two major planetary events just before this eclipse which could be linked in some way. Firstly, the planet of unpredictability, Uranus, turns retrograde in Aries and your work and health sectors on the 3rd.
This indicates a change in your situation or lifestyle, a decision to do things differently or events happening suddenly. Perhaps you’re juggling work commitments and need to decide what stays and what goes. Or maybe you recognise that you need to look after yourself better and boost your lifestyle so you can best prepare yourself for the month ahead.
The following day on the 4th, there’s a major clash between Jupiter in Libra and your co-ruler Pluto in Capricorn. This is the third and final confrontation between these two major planets. They met first in November 2016 and for a second time in March 2017.
This is often about the balance of power and who has control. You may recognise that there are certain areas of your life where you’ve had to bow down to experts or the authorities but you don’t want to anymore. Or perhaps you’re ready to move on from a situation that’s going nowhere fast.
Combine both these big planetary events with the Lunar Eclipse on the 7th and you could have some big decisions to make. Confront life head on rather than bury your head in the sand.
The second eclipse takes place on the 21st and it’s a Solar or New Moon eclipse in the sign of Leo. On the 21st, the Sun connects with Uranus in Aries in a stunning trine aspect. So this feels positive for you as if something exciting is about to happen.
Look out for new work opportunities that come in on or around this date or notice who’s in your life who may be influential or can open doors for you. Sometimes eclipses do close a door on the past so one job may go but in all reality it looks as if something better might be just around the corner.
In addition, your ruler Mars makes two stunning planetary aspects either side of the eclipse. It teams up with lucky Jupiter on the 20th and sensible Saturn on the 22nd. This feels like finalising a deal, drawing up a new contract or finding a solution to a problem that works.
Wait until the 26th if you can before you move things forward as on the 26th, Venus enters Leo, there’s a helpful Sun/Mercury conjunction and the following day, the 27th, Jupiter and Saturn combine forces.
The decisions you have to make now may not be easy but there is a sense of steady progress, especially when it comes to money, work and what next.
It could also be that you’re looking after someone close to you this month and there will be times when relationships are strained. Venus is your ruling planet and opposes your ruler Pluto on the 15th. This flags up a difference of opinion or conflicting wants or needs.
Yet you’re strong in August, whereas your partner planet Venus is up against more challenge. So step in if necessary and help a partner, either in love or professionally, find their feet. They could be more than a little grateful or appreciative once Venus enters confident Leo on the 26th.
There is the pesky problem however of Mercury this month because the planet of communication turns retrograde on the 13th in Virgo and your friends and group sector. Now this might not stop the bold planetary pattern that’s unfolding throughout August but it is worth noting.
Traditionally it’s not wise to take action or make big decisions whilst Mercury’s on go slow. Yet this is perhaps more about the social side of life for you, the friends you hang out with, the groups you frequent. It may be here where there are misunderstandings and muddles rather than in other areas. Bear this in mind, but don’t miss out on some stunning planetary activity this month.