Scorpio April 2019

Scorpio, anemone

Scorpio (24 October – 22 November)

The start of April is an ideal time to sort out a muddle or a mess. Last month, communication planet Mercury was retrograde in fellow water sign, Pisces, and you may have found your motivation lacking. Perhaps, you had so many ideas but felt overwhelmed, either emotionally or via an information overload.

Creativity Rebirth

Feel your way forwards this month as Mercury moves forwards in Pisces up until the 17th. This is the most creative sector of your horoscope and brilliant for bringing new ideas, plans and projects into life. 

Also, Pisces rules children and babies in your horoscope. You may hear news of a pregnancy or find a way to handle an emotional issue with a child in your life.

The planet of love and relating, Venus, joins Mercury in Pisces up until the 20th. This is a lovely placing for Venus as it’s about unconditional love. It’s romantic for you, also kind and forgiving. Venus in Pisces is gorgeous for finding new love and there’s a peak period from the 10th to the 15th when Venus is strong.

With your key relationships this month, be open-hearted. Find the soft and gentle side of your nature and be around people who help you get in touch with your emotional centre.

Going In Deep

Your ruling planet Mars is in Gemini throughout April, the sign of communication. Gemini rules an intriguing part of your horoscopes that’s closely linked to your star sign, Scorpio. This is about the areas that are difficult to reach, inner communication, reading between the lines, looking below the surface of life.

Mars here can feel intense and full on. However, you’re not usually someone who shies away from the transformational side of life. Delve deep into your psyche this month and talk about what you’re experiencing. Mars in Gemini is the perfect talking cure. 

Dare to go wherever other people fear to tread – make this your personal motto. If you work as a therapist or you have psychic abilities, your intuition and instincts will be particularly acute.

Work & Money Progress

Money and work are key factors of the month ahead. Here, there is a real sense of progress. The Sun is in Aries and your work sector up until the 20th. On the 5th, there’s a New Moon in Aries, a symbol of new beginnings. 

The New Moon is the ideal time to set new healthy habits and instigate new routines that boost your time management. The more organised you are, the quicker you can get things done. Aries rules your work and routine, your lifestyle and health. Think holistically and work on your mind, body and soul. Do so and your efforts could pay off fast. 

Plus, you have lucky Jupiter currently in Sagittarius and your personal money sector. Jupiter turns retrograde on the 10th shifting your perspective or mind-set around money. 

This is a lively time for you, from the 10th to the 15th, when you’re wise to take a risk, play big and trust your natural intuition. This isn’t to suggest you start gambling but your stars feel lucky and opportunistic around this period. It’s definitely a time to trust your luck.

Talk planet Mercury joins the Sun in Aries on the 17th and the planet of relating, Venus, picks up the Aries baton on the 20th. This means that work colleagues play an important role as the month progresses. Look out for people who can help you and focus on team work. 

If you know you have a tendency to be overly independent, make an effort to learn from others and be diplomatic with your associates or colleagues. It’s a good idea to keep on the right side of everybody this month because you don’t know who has the most influence. Use your networks and connections well.

Your ruler, Mars, in Gemini lights up your joint finance sector throughout April, so you may be negotiating money matters now or looking at ways to earn or invest more. You do need to sift through offers carefully and the period around the 27th is particularly shady.

Balance Inner & Outer

Also, there’s a second Full Moon in Libra on the 19th, the first taking place on March 21st. Libra is the most hidden sector of your horoscope and turns your attention inwards. It’s ideal for going on retreat or starting a meditation practise. 

Listen to your inner voice and slow down the pace of life. Aries is encouraging you to speed up and get things done. Do so, but don’t neglect the opposite axis of rest and retreat.

Love & Freedom

The Sun shifts star sign on the 20th entering your opposite sign of Taurus. Two days later, the Sun meets the planet of unpredictability, Uranus, on the 22nd, which entered Taurus last month. This may highlight what you can expect during this important transit. ‘Live and let live’ is a good way to describe Uranus in your relationship sector. It’s not a time to hold on tight.

Yet, when it comes to relationships, there’s plenty to examine and discover. If you’re a typical Scorpio, you love 1-to-1 connections as intimacy and analysis are part of your make-up. The deeper your connection with other people, the better and this month has the potential to be transformational.

Go in deep with other people whether you’re the one who’s coaching others or you’re enjoying intimate heart-to-hearts. This could turn out to be quite an extraordinary month for your relationships with the potential for great learning on both sides.

Automatic Patterns

Finally, your co-ruler, Pluto makes a rare connection with the south node on the 4th. Plus, Pluto turns retrograde on the 24th. This is in conjunction with another key planet, Saturn, and both Pluto and Saturn are currently in Capricorn and your communication sector. 

This is an unusual combination and you may find yourself at loggerheads with authority or eager to find your voice around what’s happening in the world. 

Be careful of falling into automatic patterns and losing yourself in unconscious behaviour. It’s a good idea to measure what you want to say carefully. This whole combination means that words are written in stone and you can’t change your epitaph.

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