Sagittarius September 2016


Sagittarius September 2016

Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

September is the most pivotal month of the year for you because your ruling planet Jupiter changes signs. Jupiter spends approximately one year in each sign of the zodiac so it’s always a big deal when Jupiter moves on.

Jupiter’s move takes place on the 9th when it leaves the sign of Virgo up at the top of your chart. Virgo rules your career and vocation, your future and where you’re heading in life. Jupiter is the planet of opportunity and growth but also freedom. This month’s events might symbolise a shift in direction for you, letting go of a job or role, selling a business or moving to take on a brand new position.

Yet nothing is straightforward this month and it’s important to have your wits about you whether you’re starting a job or moving on. This is because of other key planetary activity taking place in the same sector of your chart.

Firstly, communication planet Mercury is retrograde, i.e. in retreat through Virgo until the 22nd. Therefore at times you might feel as if you’re moving backwards rather than forwards. Plans might unravel and however hard you try to control what’s going on, life intervenes and takes you on a diversion.

Know too that when Mercury is on go slow, misunderstandings are likely so don’t jump to conclusions. Post or important correspondence can go missing or be delayed so chase things up rather than leaving them to chance.

You too might change your mind about what you’re doing and nothing is certain or set in stone which can you leave feeling disoriented or confused. The 22nd is likely to be a date when you see your situation more clearly once Mercury is back up to speed. This is the date too when you can be confident of making a big decision and know that you have all the information you need.

Yet before Mercury picks up speed, there are two more important planetary events because this is an eclipse month. The solar or New Moon eclipse takes place on the 1st also in Virgo and the lunar or Full Moon eclipse takes place on the 16th cutting across the Virgo/Pisces axis of the zodiac.

Eclipses are game-changers, they tend to coincide with drama, big events, the unexpected. Life takes a sudden twist or turn, there are other factors to consider. So hold on to your hat this month and expect a roller coaster ride when it comes to your work and career and what next. Embrace a chance to let go of responsibility or to be free as your ruler Jupiter moves on but at the same time know that there are other factors involved which must also be acknowledged.

One of these is the Saturn-Neptune square which links in to the eclipse on the 1st and is exact on the 10th. This powerful square aspect has been one of the major themes of 2016. It was strong in November 2015 and again in June 2016.

It’s important for you because Saturn is currently in your sign of Sagittarius and Neptune is in Pisces, the sign down at the base of your chart. This is your home and family sector so personal issues, feeling unsettled might also play into what’s happening in the bigger picture.

Take good care of yourself as the month begins because this combination can feel disorienting, as if your boundaries are fuzzy. You might be dealing with personal difficulties, perhaps linked to your home and family, or be experiencing fear or sadness. Take life one day at a time if this is your experience and let yourself drift and go with the flow until you have a clearer insight into what next.

What will help you now is taking charge because action planet Mars is also powering through your sign of Sagittarius until the 27th. Mars rules physical activity so get out and about, go for a run, do something which helps revive your energy levels. This month requires courage, boldness and it’s important to focus on you and your personal aims and goals.

Yet other people are there for you and this is especially true of your friends, group interactions, your team or tribe. The planet of relating, Venus, is in Libra and your friendship sector until the 23rd. This connection links friendship and love so if you’re looking to meet someone new, ask for an introduction or catch up with old friends.

More importantly for you however is the fact that Jupiter, your ruling planet, joins Venus in Libra on the 9th where it will remain until October 2017. So this is a reminder that being social, networking, making connections is where opportunity and growth lies.

Whether you’re looking for people of like minds, whether you want to be more sociable, whether you need people in your life right now to lean on or to ask for help and support, make strong connections.

The 26th is an especially powerful date for you when the Sun and Jupiter come together in Libra. This feels lucky so use your friends to boost your influence, your own good fortune.

The end of the month is also powerful for money matters. Mercury turns direct in a positive trine aspect to Pluto in Capricorn and your personal money sector. Pluto turns direct on the 26th and the following day, the 27th, action planet Mars enters this same sector of your chart.

This indicates that it’s time to focus on money and earnings, to fight for what’s rightfully yours, to be powerful around money, possessions and all that you value in life.

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