Sagittarius November 2016


Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

A positive attitude to life really helps as November begins. Graceful Venus lights up your sign of Sagittarius until the 12th and this is an opportunity to put yourself first, do more of what you love and treat yourself.

This is a good time to focus on your image and how the world sees you. With your ruling planet Jupiter currently in Libra and your friends and group sector, popularity means a lot to you. In fact, life will bring opportunities your way now which show you what a difference a group of people can make in your life.

Venus also represents enjoyment so whilst Venus is in your sign, line up some fun and social activities. The 5th looks gorgeous for a party or entertainment as does the 26th. Make the most of life now and know that the more you put in, the more you receive in return.

Love too is on the cards if you’re dating or want to meet someone new. The dates mentioned above are brilliant to fall in love or meet someone who brightens up your love. Whilst love planet Venus is in your sign, make the most of this gorgeous transit and spend some quality time with the one you love.

The focus is on you after the 12th too as on the day Venus leaves Sagittarius, communication planet Mercury moves in and is joined by the Sun on the 21st. This is the time to focus on your personal goals and aims and this is especially important if life has dealt you a difficult set of cards of late.

Return the focus back to you and look at what you want not only in the future but also on a day-to-day basis. Saturn, the taskmaster of the heavens, remains in your sign of Sagittarius and connects with Mercury on the 23rd. This could be a time when you’re making a big personal decision and it’s important to take life seriously.

Plus, Neptune continues to wash in and out at the base of your chart. Neptune stations direct in Pisces on the 20th so it’s very slow-moving this month and Pisces rules your home and family, your past and where you come from.

This can feel unsettling, rootless even and if you’re dealing with a changeable situation at home, it will be hard at times to feel anchored or purposeful. Try and learn to go with the flow to deal with any personal matters which not only require your time and attention but also demand a strong emotional input.

You can feel unsure of yourself when Neptune is prominent as it sometimes leads to confusion or a period of unclarity. Trust your natural intuition now to decide what you can and can’t do.

One of the best dates for you this month is the 29th when there’s a New Moon in Sagittarius, your own sign. New Moons are perfect for new beginnings and this New Moon is the equivalent of your personal New Year. Set your intentions not only for the month ahead but focus on 2017 and line up some activities which inspire you and give you joy.

Money and work also dominate this month but take care that you don’t overdo it. The Sun is in Scorpio and the most hidden sector of your chart until the 21st. This is a time when you often have to take the pace slow whether you’re dealing with personal issues or your energy levels are low.

You need time to yourself when planets are in Scorpio so ensure that life isn’t so busy that you lose touch with your self, your inner voice. Build some solitude into your daily routine and have a discipline that helps you stay calm and connected to the earth.

The Full Moon on the 14th is a powerful one as it cuts across the Scorpio/Taurus axis of the zodiac. Taurus is the sign which rules your work and routine, your health and your lifestyle and the Moon in Taurus is a safe harbour.

For some reason, you need to focus on your daily life now and ensure that you have habits in place which boost your well-being. A simple life might suit you best or at least not rushing ahead or taking too many diversions. Try and stay away from distraction and focus on one task at a time.

Action planet Mars is in Capricorn and your personal money sector until the 9th so it will help to focus on money matters and create some security in your own life. Mars is an ambitious planet but the atmosphere changes once Mars leaves Capricorn and is replaced by Venus in Capricorn on the 12th.

This is a slower, gentle energy when you want to trust in the flow of life, the natural law of giving and receiving. Sometimes extra money comes your way, a gift perhaps, when Venus is in your money sector and often you feel more generous and want to treat people close to you.

Yet don’t rush into things financially and avoid big risks or investments. This is especially true in the last week of November when your ruling planet Jupiter in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn. This combination does not favour big risks but instead you’re wise to look at where you’re losing money and to reassess your financial situation.

Sometimes this combination can act as a wake-up call, a sense that you’re on the wrong path and you need to course correct. Your faith might be tested or you have to make a tough choice linked to money. You can afford to help someone out financially, for example, but that means you have to forego another expense at the same time.

It is important to recognise what this planetary duel means for you because Jupiter and Pluto will clash twice more in 2017. Be wary of investing in a friend’s business or loaning money to a group you’re involved with. It’s here where you might not see the return on investment you hoped for.

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