Sagittarius (22 November-21 December)
Mars the action planet shines bright in your fellow fire sign of Leo throughout September bringing confidence and energy to your life. These two together are a dynamic combination which is boosted even more on the 14th when Mars trines Uranus in a playful and spontaneous aspect.
Leo rules travel, education, spirituality, philosophy; all the things that expand your life and this is a great month to have new dreams and goals to pursue. Leo rules your 9th house which is the sector of your chart that’s naturally linked to your sign of Sagittarius so this feels positive for you.
Whether you want to teach, begin a spiritual discipline, get a book or article published or fight a legal case, all these areas are boosted by Mars in Leo so make the most of this dynamic potential.
As September begins two of the personal planets are in Virgo up at the top of your chart ruling your career sector and this confirms the theme of making progress and moving forward in life. Both planets get an easy run through the zodiac and the first week of September looks especially productive.
On the 1st the Sun links with Pluto in a helpful aspect and on the 7th the Sun connects with your ruling planet Jupiter. Both these planets are in the money sectors of your chart so it’s a great time to apply for a job and to improve your position either at work or financially. Both Jupiter and Pluto are planets that have a little bit of magic about them so conjure up something special. The other dates to note are the lunar phases and in particular the New and Full Moon.
On the 5th the New Moon falls in Virgo and your career sector so another brilliant date to apply for a job. New Moons are for sowing seeds, initiating action and making a fresh start. Why not start a new project on the 5th and see if you can complete it by the Full Moon on the 19th. This month’s Full Moon is in Pisces and falls across the home/work axis of your chart and Full Moons often bring insight or understanding. They’re about completion and achievement and highlight and illuminate these key areas of your life.
Challenges may come in other areas of life this month as mid-September from the 14th-20th there’s another cardinal Grand Cross in the heavens. This aspect takes place every time a planet in Libra makes the fourth axis of a cross shape with three of the slower-moving planets, your ruler Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. Last month it was Venus’ turn over the Bank Holiday weekend in the UK (24th-27th August), this month it’s Mercury, the planet of communication, and next month it’s the Sun on the 2nd/3rd October.
You can expect some challenging conversations when Mercury enters the picture although Mercury in Libra is the diplomat and prefers to stay calm and negotiate well rather than entering into a full blown confrontation. Mercury in Libra rules friends, groups and the wider society and opposes Uranus in Aries on the 16th bringing unpredictability to the areas of creativity, children or romance in your chart. As these two planets are opposed by planets in the money sectors of your chart, this may be you trying to sort things out financially with a friend, child or lover. Expect sparks to fly and whatever takes place will cause tension. The good news is that you have more than one opportunity to work things out; the bad news is that the same issues will keep appearing until a solution or agreement can be reached. Mars links in to this cross in a helpful way on the 17th so try and see the bigger picture or look at things from a psychological or philosophical viewpoint. There may be a deeper reason behind petty squabbling for example and if you can determine what’s really going on in these interactions, this can help you sort things out quickly.
Finally this month, there’s a lot going on in Scorpio and the hidden sector of your chart. This involves what’s happening behind the scenes or in secret. Venus, goddess of love, enters Scorpio on the 11th and meets Saturn on the 18th. This speaks of a hidden affair or a love that’s unavailable and for some reason you have to keep certain aspects of your life private.
Saturn has been in this part of your chart since last October and in fact Venus and Saturn have met once before at the end of November 2012. Think back to that time to help you understand what’s happening now. As this is the most internal sector of your chart, it may be your inner voice or internal dialogue that’s troubling you. Saturn is never an easy planet to deal with and can represent doubts or fears.
If you are feeling at all low, this is a good time to work at replacing negative thoughts with a positive attitude. There are loads of resources on the internet or in books that can help you or turn to friends for advice or even better book yourself a holiday and have some fun and make the most of the Mars in Leo vibe.
Mars is up against Saturn on the 9th but even though Saturn can be tough, Mars in Leo feels a powerful force for you helping you to be active and make things happen in a positive way. The 26th may prove to be a turning point when your planet Jupiter boosts Venus and you receive financial or emotional help that’s linked to your past.
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