Sagittarius Monthly Stars September 2012

Sagittarius Ukraine StampIt’s an invisible shift in the heavens that brings the greatest possibility of change to your life this month. On the 2nd the Moon’s nodes take a backward step and leave the Gemini/Sagittarius axis after an 18 month stay. The Moon’s nodes are linked in to the pathway of the Moon and it’s the south node that’s been in Gemini, your opposite sign. This is often where you find you’re stuck; it’s your comfort zone but nothing moves or shifts.

This changes after the 2nd and even better news is that Jupiter, your ruling planet, is also in your opposite sign of Gemini, where it’s been since June. So it’s got to be good news for your one-to-one relationships. There’s a sense of release, freedom and the chance to let go, and for some of you an opportunity for love to soar high.

In addition, Venus enters your fellow fire sign of Leo on the 6th and this adds an exotic feel to love. It’s wonderful for a holiday romance and if you’re looking for love, keep an eye out for a foreigner, student or someone who makes you laugh who brightens up your life. The best love dates are the 13th, 21st and 26th so smile and be optimistic. The happier you are, the more you attract people to you and if love is what you want, here it comes.

If you’re in a relationship or married, plan a holiday together or take a spontaneous trip to quickly put the romance back into your life. Go on fun dates together, watch a comedy, laugh and enjoy life. You may not even have to have a heart-to-heart or dredge through the difficult stuff to reawaken the love between you. A positive attitude and a simple intention to be happy and have fun could be all that it takes. Why not give it a try at the very least.

Work’s still busy for you as the month begins with both the Sun and Mercury at the top of your chart in the sign of Virgo. Being organised and creating a schedule that works helps you stay on top of tasks and keep focused. Learn good time management and prioritise what you need to do with lists and efficient filing. The 10th is great for a meeting or interview and the New Moon on the 16th also falls in Virgo, an excellent day to set new intentions for your work or career and to make a fresh start. It doesn’t matter whether you’re the boss of a multi-billion business or a student looking for work, the beginning of September is full of energy and promise to get your career moving in the right direction.

There is a strong focus on your inner life now and it’s becoming more important to learn what you need to do in order to create a sense of peace or well-being in your own life. Mars is currently in Scorpio, the sign before yours in the zodiac, and next month Saturn enters Scorpio. Scorpio is a deeply personal sign and a hidden sector of your chart. You may decide to go into therapy whilst Saturn’s in Scorpio or want to learn more about your inner motivations through a personal development workshop or self-help reading.

For some this will be the start of a spiritual journey and if you find yourself wondering about the universe, your place in it and what it’s all about, you’re ready. There needs to be a deeper purpose to your life when Saturn’s in Scorpio and although the fun stuff, personal connections and the material side of life all helps, at times you need firmer foundations and something more.

This month could find you having interesting conversations with your friends, not the usual superficial gossip but a deeper level of philosophical and emotional discussion. Create a strong support network of friends around you and join a group with like-minded people. Do whatever’s necessary for you to feel that your life is well-balanced, grounded and full.

Finally this month, the second Uranus/Pluto square takes place on the 19th and this is a volatile energy. The first square happened late June so think back to that period to see if you can discover any patterns emerging. Pluto is currently in Capricorn and your cash sector and if you closely examine your inner motivations, you may start to see what works and what doesn’t work for you with regard to money. Friends or children may be a drain on your finances but by changing your attitude and theirs too, you can start to do things differently.

In some way your creativity is connected with all of this and it may be that simply by changing your money mindset you start to create the wealth and security that you desire. There’s a real opportunity now for you to do things differently and learn a lot about yourself in the process.

[photo from]

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3 thoughts on “Sagittarius Monthly Stars September 2012”

    1. Thanks for your comment. It’s actually a Full Moon that is exact at 3:19am GMT on 30th September 2012. Full Moons are emotional & this time around the Moon is conjunct Uranus so it’s closely connected to the volatile Uranus-Pluto square. This kind of astrological pattern tends to play out globally and in the world we’re already seeing fresh outbreaks of violence & rioting in the Middle East. The Uranus-Pluto square is all about anarchy & dramatic change and sometimes that’s for worthwhile reasons and sometimes it’s obsessive and intense. I know a lot of astrologers have termed it a Monster Moon and it’s already building to be a volatile couple of weeks. Personally, it depends whether you have planets at 7 degrees Aries, Libra or Capricorn, how much this Full Moon is likely to mirror events in your own life. It could be disruptive for some but the message is clear that change is imminent. There’s no point holding tight, instead let go and embrace a new (and hopefully) better future for yourself. The times are changing, again…

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