Sagittarius Monthly Stars October 2014

SunlightSagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

There’s a lot going on in the heavens this month but the big news for you is the continuation of glorious fire trines which began late last month.

This involves your ruling planet Jupiter (expansion) in Leo still close to a trine with Uranus (spontaneity) in Aries and early in this month Mars (action) in Sagittarius links the two.

This is a big tick for doing all the things you love in life, especially when they expand your horizons physically, mentally and/or spiritually. It’s about discovering what gives you meaning in life and doing more of it. Your sign is the explorer, the traveller and you’re at your best when you’re setting off on a new quest or journey.

Mars in your sign adds courage and bravery to your personal tool box and it’s the planet of get-up-and-go. There is a slight foolhardy quality to Mars in Sagittarius so ensure that the risks you take this month don’t endanger you. Mars rules passion and anger and it’s not a quiet influence by any means.

Mars trines Uranus on the 5th and Jupiter on the 8th and this is about grabbing life with both hands and getting really over-the-top excited and enthusiastic for what you want to do. It feels entrepreneurial and is a ‘flying high’ combination. You may decide to jump out of a plane, bungee jump or simply take a big leap somewhere in your life with your feet placed firmly on the ground. Whatever works for you.

It does feel wild and crazy and potentially hedonistic though so a great time to join in a Full Moon party and let your hair down. The 8th is an important date this month as it’s not only part of the fire trine energy but there’s a Lunar or Full Moon eclipse on the same day. Eclipses tend to have hidden themes and they’re often quite dramatic as they bring what’s hidden to light.

This Lunar eclipse cuts across the Aries/Libra axis of your chart, highlighting friendships, groups, children, love affairs, so a very sociable and pleasurable feel to the two sectors involved. The love planet Venus is also pulled into the dynamic combination and as the Uranus-Pluto square is in the mix, this could be the reoccurrence of an old dilemma or issue. A flare up of a disagreement with a friend, a repeat problem with a child, the same old, same old issue with a lover or something similar that applies to your personal situation.

With such combustible energy in the heavens, it’s going to be hard to remain calm and as Full Moons are emotional at the best of times, get ready for fireworks but also be ready to respond rather than react. By this I mean choose how you want to behave instead of falling into automatic behaviour patterns.

If there is some kind of fall-out or split, be aware that Mercury, the communication planet, also retrogrades back into Libra on the 10th and remains on go slow until the 25th. This suggests that there is a chance to negotiate and talk things through, in particular on or around the 16th/17th. However Mercury retrograde could symbolise silence and not talking to someone for a couple of weeks.

Either way, know that towards the end of the month, new information comes to light and you may discover that it’s a muddle or misunderstanding which caused the rift/split/argument/dramatic events and there’s a chance to resolve the issue and get back on good terms. Libra is the sign of relating and diplomacy and with three key planets in this sector of your chart throughout most of October, it is worth your while sorting out your friendships and relationships as best you can and being open and willing to change and/or connect.

The sticking point could be around money but again if this is the case it’s something you know about already and you need to do the best you can with what you’ve got. Pluto in your money sector sometimes signifies a loss but also a chance to transform your earnings/money dynamics. It is the planet of finality and if you are putting money into a bottomless pit, here’s another opportunity to stop. Mars, the action planet, enters Capricorn and your cash sector on the 26th urging you to focus on money matters now and get things sorted.

Finally this month, the end of October is punchy when there’s a Solar or New Moon eclipse in Scorpio, the sign before yours. This indicates secrets or a confidence; it’s hidden information, perhaps deeply personal and is potentially healing for you.

The Solar Eclipse takes place on the 23rd when the Sun, Venus and the Moon all come together in this powerful sign. This is a strong feminine energy so turn to the women in your life or your girlfriends if you’re seeking insight or understanding. Trust your intuition and develop your feminine skills.

A lot of this month’s planetary activity is very masculine and active especially with Mars in your sign until the 26th so you need a balance of a quieter, softer energy. Learn to ‘be’ as well as ‘do’; prioritise quiet time and sleep if your schedule is hectic ad listen to your inner guidance. There’s a sentimental feel to the last week in October whether you’re wafted back to your past in some way or there’s a chance to heal and grow closer to a family member or someone from your childhood.

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