Sagittarius (22 November-21 December)
As the month of May begins, you’re advised to adopt a slower pace of life than usual and to be thorough in your endeavours. This is because both the Sun (self) and Mercury (communication) are in the earth sign Taurus as the month begins ruling your work, your everyday routine and your health.
Being one of the earth signs, Taurus makes progress steadily and methodically and this is about paying attention to the details. Try and cut corners now, wing it or not focus on what you’re meant to be doing and you can make mistakes or get caught out.
Saturn, the taskmaster of the heavens, is also involved as May begins as he opposes Mercury on the 3rd and the Sun on the 10th. For some, this means a period when you’re extra busy and you have to work at the weekends. Saturn in Scorpio is good news for any study project as long as you manage your time well and keep on task.
Saturn’s not an easy planetary energy, however, and there may be delays or dead-ends or the need to put on the brakes for one reason or another. If you’re waiting to hear about work or a new job, Saturn can postpone things and you have to be extra patient. If you are out of work, prioritise good self-care as it would be easy to drop into a negative mood with Saturn in on the act.
Arrange some fun meet-ups or get-togethers and don’t spend too much time alone if you know that’s not good for you. You’re a sociable extrovert type and even if it’s only now and again, you need a burst of fun to break up the more mundane side of life.
There’s a shift mid-month when the Full Moon cuts across the Taurus/Scorpio axis and you can see your situation with more clarity. Full Moons are bright and illuminating and they show you clearly what needs to be done. They also represent completion so you may be wrapping up a project that’s kept you busy on or around this date.
There is a lot of potential for fun and socialising in May too so as suggested earlier, do make time for friendship and laughter when you can. Venus, the love planet, moves into your fellow fire sign of Aries on the 3rd where she remains until the 29th and Mercury, your partner planet, enters Gemini and your relationship sector on the 7th where he remains until the 29th.
This is a double dose of romance and if you’re looking for love, here’s your opportunity. Things could happen quickly this month and it all starts with a chance encounter or a brief conversation. The key dates to note are the 15th and the 28th which feel especially flirtatious and fun. Ask someone out, join a dating site or send a saucy text. Whatever you do, initiate the first step towards making contact and you start the ball rolling.
If you’re in a relationship or married, this is an excellent month to make the most of love and to enjoy some fun times together. You don’t need to have a serious heart-to-heart to sort out your relationship but regular conversation and chatter can make a big difference. Find time for each other and don’t take the other person for granted but treat them as you would your best friend.
The New Moon in Gemini on the 28th is also a lovely day to make a fresh start in a relationship or to arrange to do something special together, just the two of you. Close the door on family, arrange babysitters for the kids and spend some quality time reconnecting and enjoying each other’s company.
For some, it’s friendship that turns into love now as the passion planet Mars is in your friendship sector and on the 20th Mars turns direct and picks up speed. If there’s been a possible romance bubbling away with someone since early March which hasn’t really developed, here’s your chance and again you may find that developments pick up pace and fast.
Mid-month there’s a blip in the smooth progress when Venus in Aries triggers the Grand Cross planets that dominated last month’s stars. The dates to note are the 11th-18th and although this isn’t likely to be a major event, there will be a flare up of what’s gone before. Money’s in the frame and looking at who pays for what and where your money goes ignites a clash of opinions. Take a backward step if you can and don’t get overly involved especially if it’s someone else who’s trying to cause trouble. Keep in mind the facts and use logic over emotion to sort things out amicably. You may need to agree to disagree but at least you can dampen the fire before it blazes out of control.
Finally this month there’s a superb connection between your ruling planet Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Scorpio on the 24th. As both these planets fall in water signs, this suggests that what takes place will help you feel emotionally or financially more secure. These two planets together suggest progress. Hope and faith play their part but more important is a chance to build on strong foundations.