Sagittarius Monthly Stars March 2014

Sagittarius JaipurSagittarius (22 November-21 December)

The beginning of March feels exciting for you for a number of reasons. Firstly, Mercury, planet of communication, turned direct on the last day of February in the sign of Aquarius and your communication sector. This is a double green light for news or information you’ve been waiting for.

It feels as if the wheels are turning again and any problems with regard to technology or communication issues can start to be resolved. It’s also the perfect time to initiate key conversations in your life, especially if there’s something you’ve been putting off. This can be personal or professional but it feels as if life’s working with you rather than against you and you can start to tick off a lot of your ‘to do’ list.

The best news for you, however, concerns your planet Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune and opportunity and is currently in the sign of Cancer ruling joint finances in your chart. Jupiter’s been retrograde or on go slow since early November 2013 but on the 6th of this month, Jupiter turns direct. This too suggests a green light and a chance to improve your fortunes.

Jupiter remains in this sector of your chart until mid-July 2014 so this is the time to be expansive, to look at ways to improve your financial situation and to deal with more sensitive issues between you and your partner or other people close to you.

Jupiter in Cancer feels like a protective influence, it’s helpful for pooling resources and for looking after the ones you love and even creating a community that can benefit you and others.

This is also because the Sun begins the month of March down at the base of your chart in the sign of Pisces, ruling your home and family, your past and where you come from. This is in keeping with the Jupiter Cancer theme so home and family are important issues for you now and there’s a sense that together you’re bigger and better.

Two dates this month are key for family and home affairs and they are the 1st when the Sun meets Jupiter in a glorious trine aspect and the 26th when Mercury and Jupiter connect in a similar pattern. Plus on the 1st there’s a New Moon in Pisces, a symbol of new beginnings and the chance to make a fresh start in life.

This is beautiful symbolism for healing any hurts and offering the olive branch of peace. It feels fortunate for money matters and to improve your current situation look to your home and your family. You may benefit now by moving home, renting out a room, asking someone in the family for a loan or receiving an investment or inheritance. It feels as if the wheel of fortune is turning in your favour.

Take note also of the weekend of the 15th/16th when there’s a Full Moon falling across the Virgo/Pisces axis of your chart, a culmination for work or a home/family related matter. Focus on these areas this weekend and you’ll do well.

This is also a good month to focus on social activities and to make the most of your local neighbourhood and your community. Mercury is in one of the social sectors of your chart until the 17th and Venus joins Mercury in sociable Aquarius on the 5th where she remains throughout March. Venus in Aquarius is lovely for making new friends, getting to know people better and teaming up with others who live close to home to make your daily experience a happy one. If you’re looking for love, this is the classic boy/girl next door scenario so smile at the people you meet on your local commute and be friendly and chatty whilst you go about your daily business. The 18th is especially lively for love when Venus teams up with spontaneous Uranus. Ask someone out on a date, send a text and see who pops up into your life on or around the 18th. Events could turn quickly.

In line with this more sociable feel to the month is the Sun’s entry into Aries and your fellow fire sign on the 20th. This is the spring equinox and Aries rules all the good things in your life, such as love affairs, your children, entertainment and your creativity. This is big thumbs up for having fun and letting your playful nature show. Find an outlet for your self-expression and brush up your natural talents. There’s also a second New Moon this month in the sign of Aries on the 30th so this is a brilliant date to begin a new creative project, for getting pregnant or for falling in love. Up the pleasure factor in your life and do what you enjoy.

Finally this month there are two important planets turning retrograde. One is Saturn which turns retrograde on the 2nd in the sign before yours Scorpio and personally I think this is helpful for you. Saturn can be a tough planet bringing doubt, lack rather than plenty and low energy. When Saturn’s retrograde it feels as if Saturn’s tougher side is weakened and you get a break from any troubles. Saturn’s on go slow until mid-July 2014.

The other retrograde planet is Mars, planet of action, which turns retrograde in Libra on the 1st and your friendship sector. This may signify a change of direction for a friendship that was potentially developing into a ‘friends with benefits’ situation or you may find yourself pulling away from a group in which you’ve been heavily involved.

I suspect this is also about chilling around any friend situation that’s been rather volatile. Mars rules anger and on go slow it’s a cue to let things be rather than try to change a situation. Mars remains retrograde until May 20th 2014 so be relaxed about this area of your life.


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