Sagittarius Monthly Stars June 2014

Sagittarius Month of DecemberSagittarius (22 November-21 December)

There may be a tendency to want to rush through life now and pick up the pace but actually you’re wise to do the opposite and slow things down so you can listen to your intuition and make sound decisions. This is also a month when getting from A to B takes you via C, D and E but keep the long-term goal in mind and you’ll get there in the end.

Jupiter your ruling planet is currently in the sign of Cancer highlighting joint finances, comfort, security and stability. You’ve had a good run with Jupiter in this sector of your chart since last summer even if you’ve had to make some drastic changes along the way but Jupiter’s almost at the end of it’s travels through this sector of your chart.

Mid-July Jupiter will move into your fellow fire sign of Leo putting the fun back into life big-time and lining you up for your next grand adventure. So this month is more about tidying up loose ends and closing things down so that you can wipe the slate clean ready to begin again.

This is partly to do with the fact that on the 7th Mercury turns retrograde also in the sign of Cancer. You need to take care with finances on or around this date and not be tempted to sign or seal a deal that sounds good on paper. Mercury retrograde moves the goalposts and what you thought was final or secure turns out not to be once the ink dries.

Have a quick check through of all your finances, including insurances, mortgage, savings, debts. etc. before the 7th and then batten down the hatches and wait and see what happens. Mercury will move back into Cancer next month and mid-July will see your patience rewarded.

You may find that things begin to shift late June once the Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st, the day of the Summer Solstice followed by the New Moon in Cancer on the 27th. Note what appears in your inbox or pops up in your life on or around these dates as this can lead you towards a better future and a financially secure proposition.

A money-making opportunity could reappear as Mercury retrograde is often about second or even third chances. Think security, think ditching debts and look to the future. You will get there as Jupiter is on your side but it will take persistence on your part, some cunning and a willingness to wait until the time is right to act and that times comes next month in July.

On the 17th Mercury reverses back into your opposite sign of Gemini where it joins the Sun. This is interesting for your 1-to-1’s so don’t be surprised if someone crops up from your past. You may hear from an ex-lover or find that someone you were interested in long ago reappears.

The Full Moon on the 13th looks especially emotional as it falls in your own sign of Sagittarius and there may be a proper chance to say goodbye. This sounds strange perhaps but with Venus opposite Saturn and Mars square Pluto on the 13th and 14th, relationships are under stress and it’s only by laying down clear boundaries or closing a door on the past that you allow fresh energy in and can start anew.

Once Venus enters Gemini on the 23rd that’s when you want to be free to spice up your love life or to fall in love all over again. Plus once Mercury turns direct in Gemini on July 1st, you’ll hear the news you’ve been waiting for or find that new information comes to light which helps you make an important decision that revolutionises your 1-to-1’s and your love life.

Another area of life that’s under the cosmic spotlight in June involves your friends, a group, club or network in which you’re involved. There’s potential conflict with regard to one of these areas of your life, perhaps around money or entertainment. The key to all of this is to look back in your life and see what played out six months ago over Christmas and New Year 2013 and again over Easter 2014, especially the 22nd/23rd April.

This month there’s a repeat of a planetary aspect which took place on these two previous dates between Mars in Libra and the Uranus/Pluto square. This is the third and final clash which means you either decide to fight for what’s rightfully yours or you say ‘enough is enough’ and move on. This is the last clash and in some respects, it’s got to be your decision whether you make a challenge or take a step back and retreat. Mars too is on the move in July so in this area of life as well, there’s a theme of endings or letting go.

Finally this month the planet Venus is comfortably placed in Taurus until the 23rd putting the spotlight on your everyday routine and your health. As it’s a lively month, you’ll benefit from taking good self care and putting procedures in place that ensure you’re healthy and happy. Look after no. 1 and put your own needs first.

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