Sagittarius Monthly Stars June 2012

Sagittarius Ukraine StampSagittarius (22 November-21 December)

This month is definitely a case of out with the old and in with the new as your ruling planet Jupiter changes sign. Jupiter’s been in Taurus, one of the earth signs since last June and Taurus rules your work, health and service to others. The earth signs have dominated the heavens of late and action planet, Mars, is still in Virgo for one more month. This picture, however, suggests bringing things to a close, completing a project, working hard and getting ready to move on.

On the 11th June, Jupiter leaves Taurus and moves in to your opposite sign of Gemini where it remains until June 26, 2013. This puts the spotlight on relationships and significant others in your life, whether business partners, teachers or other key individuals. But the big news has got to be love and this is potentially a dramatic turning point in your personal relationships.

Wind back to last month on the 20th and there was a solar or New Moon eclipse in Gemini, this month on the 4th, there’s a lunar or Full Moon eclipse cutting across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis. So not only will Jupiter bring new love opportunities your way or enable you to free yourself from a difficult relationship but the eclipses add drama. Eclipse symbolism is about shadows and what is hidden being brought to light. You may find one door closes for another door to open or there’s a triangle situation in your life, three people in a relationship, and someone gains and someone loses.

The lunar eclipse on the 4th is big news because it coincides with the Venus transit of the Sun on the 5th/6th that’s a once-in-a-lifetime event. Venus transits occur in pairs and the first of the two transits was on June 8 2004, but the next Venus transit won’t take place until 2117. Venus, Goddess of love, is currently retrograde but turns direct on 27th June.

This again suggests hidden information, possibly an affair or hidden feelings. What it does confirm is that this is potentially a momentous month for your love life and if you meet someone new or move away from a relationship, you can guarantee that you will look back on this time as a significant turning point in your life.

If you’re looking for love, circle the 1st, 6th, 19th, 21st and 27th June as your best dates to meet someone new. The same dates apply if you’re married or in a steady relationship and are perfect for an important heart-to-heart, or even a marriage proposal or big decision for the two of you. Jupiter, your planet rules expansion and living life to the full. Now’s the time to embrace the love life you want for yourself and give it wings to fly and soar to its full potential.

This month, it’s important to look out for an individual who turns your life around and it’s not necessarily a love relationship. This person is likely to be someone adventurous who urges you to follow your dreams and be true to your heart and authentic self. These are exciting times but not without moments of drama and the unexpected too.

Keep a close eye on money matters later this month as the challenging Uranus/Pluto square is exact on the 24th June, the first of seven contacts of this lively and unpredictable duo. Where money’s concerned, speak up for what’s rightfully yours, and take note of what happens on or around the 11th/12th June and the 29th June. You may find that you have a significant expense on or around these dates, whether due to a child or a creative project in which you’re involved. Weigh up the pros and cons carefully before you commit yourself. It’s also a good time to ditch a habit that will enable you to make financial savings or to let go of a long-term financial commitment that’s not working out.

Finally, there’s also an important aspect on the 25th June when your planet Jupiter squares up to Neptune. This may bring a sea change with regard to your home life as Neptune is settling in to Pisces down at the base of your chart. You may be ready to make a move to somewhere new and the catalyst is love, whether you decide to follow a lover/partner to a new home or move away from a place because of the associations with an ex.

See what happens on or around this date but also be mindful of not letting go of someone or something too easily. It’s important to keep firm boundaries in place when it comes to love or a close relationship, so have a heart-to-heart if you find you’re drifting apart and take action to ensure you stay connected and talk through things together.

[Sagittarius from]

3 thoughts on “Sagittarius Monthly Stars June 2012”

  1. ohhh. June looks excting. Interesting re one door closes and another opens as earleir on this week I made a couple of important business decisions which involve will be interesting to see what rest of month brings forth. And as a recent on the horizon..? bit son for me but knows what life has in store. Thanks Sally.

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