Sagittarius Monthly Stars January 2015

fireworksSagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

New Year’s Day is marked by an optimistic planetary connection that involves your ruling planet Jupiter and Mars, the planet of action. This is an opposition that can bring challenges but Mars and Jupiter work well together to deliver adventure and fun to your life, opposition or not.

Plus these two planets are in sectors of your chart that inspire you, the 3rd/9th axis, which includes learning, travel and making the most of life.

If you’re making New Year’s resolutions, make sure they’re big and bold and will take you places physically, intellectually and spiritually. There’s a sense that this is going to be a big year for you, not that it will be all plain sailing but the tools are there to help you turn dreams into reality. Hard work helps transform your positivity and inspirational ideas into nuggets of gold.

The main reason for this is because your ruler Jupiter is in your fellow fire sign of Leo up until August 2015 and you now have Saturn in your own sign of Sagittarius. These two are boosting each other and if you combine optimism (Jupiter) with common sense and discipline (Saturn), mighty oaks can grow from tiny acorns.

Saturn is the ‘get real’ planet and when it’s in your sign you have to take a serious approach to your life and goals if you want things to happen. Learn from your lessons and be committed to what you begin. Saturn is in action early in the month when it combines in a helpful aspect with Venus and Mercury on the 4th and 5th.

This is about setting your stall; listen carefully to your own and other peoples’ ideas, make plans, speak up, find your voice and show in some shape or form that you are committed to the intentions you set. Find someone to be accountable to, a coach or a friend; write down what you want or what you’re going for in a diary or journal; share your ideas and dreams with others and let the universe know what your intentions are. Magic can happen when you speak out loud.

The first weekend of the month is powerful as there’s a Full Moon growing in the heavens, exact on Monday 5th. This Full Moon cuts across the Cancer/Capricorn axis and the money sectors of your chart. This Full Moon links in to the Uranus-Pluto square which is effectively old news or a repeat situation and you have to make key decisions early on in January with regard to money matters.

This feels as if it’s your first test of the year, how to deal with a debt or pay for something that matters to you greatly. What can you let go of or ditch that can free you up financially? Where can you cut costs so you can find the money you want to fulfil your goals? Who can help you? How can you pool resources? Where do you need to break free of emotional/financial ties?

Deal with any personal finance issue sooner rather than later and even though the Full Moon energy can be dramatic, see this as your first Saturn lesson. Deal with the reality of your situation and take steps or make plans to create solutions to problems.

The rest of the month is a variable smorgasbord of ideas, excitement and socialising and your desire to communicate and think up new plans takes on a life of its own. In fact, your mind is in overdrive throughout January and at times, it will take you on a path when you haven’t got a clue where you’re heading or why.

This is because on January 21st, Mercury turns retrograde in Aquarius and your communication sector and is on go slow until February 11th. Aquarius is the sign of the month and the New Moon in Aquarius on the 20th is especially punchy for an important conversation, genius insights and brainwaves. Use the internet to get your message across; think websites, blogs, social media. Be chatty and find your tribe.

However, once Mercury turns retrograde, it’s time to slow down the pace and be patient. Timing is the key to success early in 2015 and the ideas you generate and the seeds you sow early January can come to fruition late February and early March. Try not to run before you walk, explore all your options, be flexible and remember that Mercury retrograde sometimes indicates communication chaos.

Double-check all important dates and meetings, back up your computer before the 21st and know that misunderstandings are likely whilst Mercury’s on go slow. You may feel as if you lose your way when Mercury is retrograde but sometimes it’s by taking a ‘wrong path’ that you end up at the ‘right destination’. Don’t be too set in your ways and see where life leads.

Home and family affairs are also prominent in January as Mars enters Pisces and your home and family sector on the 12th followed by Venus on the 27th. Happiness lies close to home but it’s these key areas that may also test your resolve or resilience. This is because Saturn in Sagittarius is square Mars in Pisces on the 15th and this can highlight issues around responsibility or show you where your limits are.

If you know you’re looking at your personal life through rose-coloured glasses, have a peak at your situation without them and see whether fantasy and reality are far apart or if there’s a possibility to bring the two closer together.

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3 thoughts on “Sagittarius Monthly Stars January 2015”

  1. Hi Sally. I am definitely feeling anxiety due to money woes due to some setbacks. This week will be focused on where I can come up with $ to pay for an important necessity so I wont lose it. I am a sag (12/16/79) and was told Saturn wouldnt hit my chart until 2016/7 when it nears 22/23 degrees. Can I still be panged by Saturn even if its not near my degree?

    1. hi Georgia, it depends whether you have other planets in early degrees Sagittarius with regard to Saturn. Saturn won’t conjunct your Sun Sagittarius this year but in 2016 or 2017. As long as you get your head down and work with ‘get real’ Saturn, he doesn’t have to be a harsh taskmaster. It is about being sensible though and thinking long-term when it comes to projects/money, etc. I hope that helps and good luck. Sally

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