Sagittarius Monthly Stars February 2015

I love you, Je t'aimeSagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

Your ruling planet Jupiter is in your fellow fire sign of Leo stirring up your wanderlust and calling you forth to engage in new activities, adventure and fun experiences.

Yet, there’s a sense in February that you’re having to bide your time and other areas of life are foreground. You will get your turn to broaden your horizons but for now consider your options carefully.

This is easier said than done at the Full Moon which falls on February 3rd in Leo, close to Jupiter. Full Moons heighten emotions and denote drama and celebration. This is a lively Full Moon followed three days later by a Sun-Jupiter opposition in the heavens on the 6th. Even if you can’t travel/study/go on an adventure right now, you can still plug in to the hedonistic feel of Jupiter and Full Moon in Leo and have some fun.

For the rest of the month, your ruling planet Jupiter is quiet apart from three minor aspects called a quincunx or inconjunct. The best way of describing this is a ‘blind spot’, something you’re not seeing or can’t accept. These minor aspects take place on the 4th, the 10th and the 27th and involve planets in your home and family sector and your personal finance sector.

For some, this means the reason you can’t get on and live your life the way you choose right now is because of one of these key areas. Whether it’s financial or emotional, there’s something or someone holding you back.

Some of you will be spreading your wings but with Mercury retrograde or on go slow in Aquarius and your communication sector up until the 11th, you’re walking an unsteady path. Mercury retrograde in the part of your chart that rules transport makes travel & communication more chaotic than usual and if you are abroad or able to gain fresh perspective on your life, it’s not a straightforward time. Progress is one step forward and two steps back whether information is hidden from you, plans change suddenly or you’re waiting to hear from someone before you can set off on the next stage.

The stars paint a frustrating picture in the first half of February as if you yourself are playing a waiting game. Fortunately, things begin to pick up as the month progresses and by the last week of February you’re on a roll. Mercury’s change of direction on the 11th is the planetary equivalent of a green light. You find your voice, you hear from the person you’ve been waiting on, you make that call, send that email or shoot off that text and after countless reasons why plans were stalled, it’s all stations go.

Aquarius is the sign that rules technology and Mercury in Aquarius wants to spread the word. Mid-month onwards use social media to good effect and get your message out there. There’s a New Moon in Aquarius on the 18th which is more positive energy as New Moons indicate new beginnings and the chance to make a fresh start.

This is the second New Moon in Aquarius and the first Aquarius New Moon fell on January 20th, the day before Mercury turned retrograde. This month’s theme highlights second chances, trying again to follow someone up, chase that ‘yes’ and make things happen second time around.

You may also be ready to make a big decision that’s going to affect your future over the next few years. This is because Mercury makes three key aspects to Saturn in your own sign of Sagittarius. These two planets came together by sextile (helpful) aspect on January 5th and this month they meet on February 5th and February 19th. It’s the last connection that’s the most important especially as it comes the day after a New Moon.

Whatever the big decision you’ve been building towards, you’re ready to do something about it. Mercury and Saturn together represent agreements, finalising a contract, voicing your commitment, letting others know you mean business. This focuses in particular on your personal goals, your name, your image and appearance and all forms of communication. By the 19th the wait is over and you can settle in to enjoy the long-term prospects.

There’s plenty of enjoyment in store when Venus and Mars, the lovers of the heavens, move into your fellow fire sign of Aries on the 20th and two days later on February 22nd these key planets come together in the heavens. Aries rules the most fun sector of your chart; this includes love affairs, children & pregnancy, creative projects, entertainment and luck. It’s a real whoosh of energy and if you’re hoping for a passionate Valentines experience, forget the 14th and schedule your diary for the following weekend.

A new love affair can take off like a rocket and you’re ready to commit from day one. Other people bring fun and inspiration into your life and any new creative project gets a huge thumbs up on or around the weekend of the 20th-22nd. Hang out with your kids or spice up your love life and do more of what you love and what you’re passionate about.

Finally this month, there’s one area of your life that’s especially sensitive or vulnerable and this is your home and family life, your link to your past and where you come from. Venus and Mars are in the sensitive sign of Pisces and this sector of your chart up until the 20th and for some this indicates reconnecting with a childhood sweetheart.

The Sun picks up the Pisces baton on the 18th and this is more of a challenge when, on the 23rd and 26th, the Sun clashes with the Saturn-Neptune square. Ensure you have firm boundaries in place with regard to home and family affairs, consider how much of your time and attention you give to close family members and check if there’s an imbalance in how much you give and receive.

If someone’s going through a vulnerable stage, you may choose to put your own plans on hold to be there for them. Know that the decision you make in the last week of the month will tie you in for some time to come so be thoughtful and considered before you commit.

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