Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)
Your ruling planet Jupiter is strong as the month begins and that’s really good news as early April also heralds a Lunar Eclipse.
Eclipse symbolism is shadowy when hidden themes come to light. The Lunar Eclipse falls on the 4th over the Easter weekend and cuts across the Aries/Libra axis.
Aries is a fellow fire sign and for you Aries rules all the good things in life, such as love affairs, children, creativity, entertainment, whatever you ‘give birth to’. It’s about having fun and enjoying life to the full.
Libra is the opposite side of the spectrum so whereas Aries rules self-expression, Libra’s about the collective; this is where you interact with others, your relationship with friends, groups, social networks and wider society.
These areas of life are highlighted during the eclipse and as we’re now mid-way through an eclipse cycle that focuses on these two signs, Aries and Libra, you might find that your attitudes, wants and needs are shifting and changing in relation to one or more of these areas of life. The first Aries/Libra eclipse took place in October 2013 and the last eclipse in this cycle takes place in March 2016.
Yet why this month’s eclipse comes with more of a punch is because it links in to the Uranus-Pluto square. The 7th and final Uranus-Pluto square fell on March 17th last month, and what takes place over the Easter weekend might bring a similar scenario or reignite an issue that’s been on your mind or foreground in your life for some time.
Uranus is in Aries, the same sign as the Sun this month and Pluto is square to the eclipse in Capricorn and your money sector. So it might be money that’s the trigger for some discontent or a misunderstanding. What you can and can’t afford; what you want to spend money on v. what someone else close to you wants to spend money on; clashing money mindsets, etc.
It might help you to think back six months when there was a similar eclipse in the heavens on October 8th 2014. This took place at 15 Aries/Libra and this month’s eclipse takes place at 14 Libra/Aries.
One of the planets involved in the eclipse is Mercury, the communication planet, also in Aries. Mercury in Aries is the straight talker and being a Sagittarius you’re not someone who looks before you leap. Instead like all the fire signs, you jump into action instinctively so be aware that with Mercury feeling feisty, it would be easy to get into a heated debate or discussion over Easter.
Tradition states that you’re wise to wait a few days before taking action and let things settle before you make up your mind or make a big decision. Yet as mentioned already, Jupiter, your ruler, is in the mix and in a supportive and helpful trine aspect to the Sun. Jupiter is currently in another fire sign, Leo, and in your chart Leo rules Jupiterian activities, i.e. anything that expands your world. This includes travel, study, gathering knowledge, spirituality, seeking a deeper meaning in life.
The Sun in Aries is trine Jupiter on the 2nd, Mercury is trine Jupiter on the 6th and on the 8th Jupiter turns direct in the heavens. This is a glorious run of Jupiter energy and whatever is going on for you personally over the Easter weekend, Jupiter adds trust and faith to the mix and helps you look at life and your situation philosophically and remain positive and upbeat.
Plus Jupiter’s urging you to say Yes to life, to go on holiday, to grab new experiences, to reach out to others and do more of what you love. Once Jupiter turns direct on the 8th, it’s full steam ahead until August 2015 and whether you’re into teaching, politics, social causes, pleasure-seeking, exploration, entrepreneurial activities, you have the green light and a big thumbs up to make things happen.
For some, it’s an unexpected love affair that will light up your life in April or news of a pregnancy or birth. Creative projects are also well-starred and the 10th and 18th are dates to note. On the 10th, the Sun and Mercury connect in Aries bringing good news and on the 18th there’s a New Moon in Aries, a symbol of new beginnings and the chance to make a fresh start. Sow seeds in your life and set your intentions; follow your passion and do more of what you love.
Love is definitely higher up the agenda now as Venus, the love planet, enters your opposite sign of Gemini on the 11th boosting your relationships. Venus in Gemini is light and flirtatious and the more sociable you are, the more likely you are to meet someone new. There might be some opposition from a member of your family or you might have doubts about what next or the long-term implications of a new love affair but if you can put all that to one side, there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy yourself now.
If you’re in a relationship or married, make an effort to do more together. Socialise with friends, book a trip or holiday and live life to the full. Speak words of love and know that the more you put into a relationship, the more you get back in return.
Finally this month, there’s always at least one personal planet in the earth sign Taurus focusing on your work and your health. This is about your everyday lifestyle and you have to work hard now to get things right. Yet action reaps rewards and keeping busy proves productive. Slow and steady wins the race in April so keep your eye on your long-term work goals and make progress one step at a time.