Sagittarius (22 November-21 December)
There’s a feel-good factor to April as the month begins although it is erratic and good times come and go. However, with three of the personal planets, Venus (love), Mars (action) and the Sun lighting up the sector of your chart that rules children, creativity, entertainment and pleasure, you’re eligible for some fun and good fortune.
If you’re short on laughs, plan some lively events; if you want love in your life, arrange a date or two; if you want more play and less work, arrange a social get-together. The planets are aligned for you to enjoy yourself so don’t disappoint and do whatever you want to do in order to make the most of love and life.
Jupiter, your ruling planet, is also in on the act and currently in your opposite sign of Gemini other people are there for you. This is promising if you want to expand your love life or meet someone new. Be chatty and flirtatious on the 1st and 24th in particular and see what happens. On these two dates, Jupiter connects with the Sun and Mercury respectively suggesting you’re in luck on the love front.
Jupiter in Gemini also brings people forth who can help you and whatever you need in life, whether it’s a favour or a lift up the career ladder, ensure you ask. You’ll soon realise that there are people out there who are not only willing to help but are prepared to go the extra mile to lend a hand.
When it comes to love the 6th and 7th are especially intriguing. Mercury is your partner planet and on the 6th it reaches the exact point in the heavens where it turned retrograde on the 23rd February. This is about second or even third chances so don’t be surprised if someone gets in touch on this date who you’ve been waiting to hear from for some time.The following day the 7th, Venus and Mars cosy up in the heavens and in mythology these two were lovers and they bring together love and desire. In your romance sector this signals a fresh start for love and pinpoints the 6th/7th as a wonderful weekend for a date.
The New Moon in Aries three days later on the 10th is also a positive omen for a fresh start. When planets are in fire signs, they’re in tune with your own sign of Sagittarius, helping you feel more positive, motivated and enthusiastic about life in general.
On the 14th, Mercury, the communication planet and your partner planet, picks up the Aries flag and continues the theme of fun and romance. The 20th and 24th again look lively. However, there is one word of warning and this concerns money. Uranus, planet of spontaneity is also in Aries and in your chart the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square pits fun and entertainment against financial pressures.
This also translates into romance and being wary of anyone who’s not good with cash. The same applies if you’re a parent and helping your children negotiate the rocky road of financial management. There’s a big lesson here about learning what you can and can’t afford; what necessity is and what luxury is. You have a few years to learn this lesson but the quicker you do so, the better.
Three of the personal planets move into Taurus mid-month, including the Sun, Venus and Mars so turn your attention towards work, routine, your health and everyday lifestyle. This is about getting the basics right and slowing down the pace of life to boost your well-being. There’s a lot going right in this area as all three planets connect with Neptune on the 19th, 24th and 27th.
Home life can flow with Neptune down at the base of your chart and it’s about working with the daily rhythms which suit you. Whether you’re a night owl or an early bird, get the flow right for you and learn when you’re at your most energetic, when you eat well and when you require rest. This is especially important if you’ve been low of energy or under the weather. Look after no. 1 and put your own needs first.
The week beginning 22nd April may test your stamina and this is because Saturn opposes the Taurus planets on the 22nd and 28th and in the middle there’s a lunar eclipse cutting across the Taurus/Scorpio axis. Saturn in Scorpio and your hidden sector slows you down one way or another but sometimes to the point of inertia.
This may be of your own accord, wanting to build meditation or prayer into your daily practise or because you’re unwell or tired. Saturn in Scorpio focuses on the power of the subconscious and dealing with any form of worry or fear. If there are things in life that you can’t actively change, it’s important to find ways to stabilise your fears and focus on the positive rather than the negative.
It may sound easier said than done but don’t let Saturn take up residence in your subconscious if he’s working against you. Build up your defence levels and remember that Saturn represents boundaries so it’s important to create your own set of boundaries that limit what’s difficult and encourage what’s helpful and easy in your life.
If you are dealing with tough stuff, remember it’s more than likely to be a phase in your life and the phrase “this too shall pass” may help to bring comfort and understanding. Remember Jupiter in Gemini which I talked about earlier? Remember that other people are there for you and if you need something, just ask.
[art by Rankin Miss at]