Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope September 2015

school bus, SagittariusSagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

As September begins, there’s exciting fire sign activity lighting up your chart. Fire signs like yourself thrive on excitement and spontaneity. On the 1st day of the month, the lovers of the heavens, Venus and Mars, come together in your fellow fire sign of Leo.

This spells good news for romance, especially if you meet someone from a different culture or country. Leo rules all things foreign and is linked to any area of life which expands your outlook. This includes study, learning and adventure.

Then five days later on the 6th, the love planet Venus turns direct in the heavens after six weeks retrograde or on go slow. If love’s been absent from your life or you’ve had difficulties in a relationship, this is a significant turning point. Any issues can be resolved quickly and it’s a stunning symbol for getting love back on track.

Love and friendship are also linked this month as your partner planet Mercury is in sociable Libra throughout September. Make the most of life, enjoy yourself and extend your social circle. You might be anti-commitment right now and instead you want to play the field or keep love light. If you’re in a relationship or marriage, you need your sense of independence at the same time as being part of a couple.

If you’re looking to meet someone new, circle the 8th and 23rd in your diary as these days look especially lively for love when Mars and Venus, the lovers, connect with impulsive Uranus in Aries and your romance sector.

Yet this lively fire sign activity doesn’t only link to love and relationships in your life. It’s a reminder to ‘seize the day’ and if you’re at all bored or uninspired, reach out, make connections and arrange trips, talks or get-togethers to look forward to. You’re at your best when you have a varied and interesting social life.

This month is important however for other major reasons as there is some key astrology which indicates you’re stepping up in life and you need to take a more serious outlook on where you’re heading and why.

Firstly, your ruling planet Jupiter entered Virgo and your career sector last month where it remains for another 12 months. This is often a peak period for success but as Virgo is one of the earth signs you don’t get away with doing nothing. Instead, you have to knuckle down, draw up a plan and get serious about your work and vocational goals.

This month there are also two eclipses and the powerful solar eclipse on the 13th falls in the sign of Virgo ruling your career. This is effectively a New Moon with extra oomph. Solar eclipses act as power points because they set you on a new path in life. Sometimes a door has to close before a new path reveals itself to you but take note of any new opportunities that come your way on or around the eclipse.

A few days later, there are three significant events which suggest you might end up feeling confused about your way ahead and unsure as how to progress. Firstly, your ruling planet Jupiter is in a major opposition with Neptune in Pisces on the 17th. These two mighty planets face up to one another across the foundations of your chart.

It’s work and career versus home and family and this indicates that your current life situation is shifting. You might be offered work abroad or need to move your family closer to work prospects. Changes at home might affect your own future path and all in all this could you leave you feeling unsettled.

At the same time, Mercury, the planet of communication turns retrograde on the 17th and remains on go slow for the next three weeks until October 9th. Mercury too is lighting up one of the future sectors of your chart so this is a powerful indication that you can’t rush into any major decision now. Hold your horses, bide your time and see what other offers come your way.

For some, this is a period when you’re reluctant to commit to a long-term project, a period of training or another enterprise which ties you in. This is because the following day on the 18th, Saturn returns to your sign of Sagittarius and Saturn is the get real planet, the taskmaster of the heavens.

Saturn rules discipline, duty and responsibility. You have to work hard to reap your rewards when Saturn’s in action. This is the total opposite to your natural Jupiterian nature as you like to be free-wheeling and you don’t easily play by the rules. Saturn was in Sagittarius from late December 2014 until mid-June 2015 so you’ve already had a tester of this important planetary transit. Think back to those dates and what you began or committed to.

Saturn remains here until the end of 2017 so think carefully about where you want to focus your energy and what you’re getting into. Most important now is to take your time and not rush things. Yes, this is an important transit of Saturn but with Mercury on go slow, you don’t have the full story or all the facts at your fingertips. Plus, you never get anywhere trying to force Saturn to move quickly. This is a long-term, slow-moving and at times troublesome planet.

It does seem however that you’re being asked to step up a level and to say Yes to a new phase in your life that encompasses commitment, duty and responsibility and will demand a lot of you. This might necessitate a change of lifestyle, doing things differently so you can cope with a heavy workload, a new position of responsibility or some other form of commitment that’s personal to you.

Finally this month, the lunar eclipse takes place on the 28th and cuts across the Aries/Libra axis of your chart. Eclipses can highlight triangle situations whether this is with regard to love and romance or a friend situation. You might find your alliances begin to shift in the second half of September as some friends show their support and others fade away.

Take things slowly in this regard too and be aware that with Mercury retrograde, misunderstandings are likely. You’ll get the full story at a later date once Mercury picks up speed mid-October.

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