Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)
August is a big month for your ruling planet Jupiter so this indicates that you have some key decisions to make now and that this month is an interim period, the end of one important phase in your life and the start of a new chapter.
Jupiter is in action early in the month and on the 3rd there’s a major planetary aspect involving Jupiter and Saturn. This is a square aspect so it’s effectively a clash or conflict. Jupiter is flying high in your chart in your fellow fire sign of Leo bringing out the side of you that wants to travel, explore, embrace new experiences and live life to the full. Jupiter is the planet of Yes.
Saturn on the other hand is hidden away in your chart in the sign before yours, Scorpio. This can indicate secret fears, doubts or a determination not to let the past hold you back. Saturn is the planet of No.
Listen carefully to your inner voice during the first week of the month. What are you ready to let go of? Where in your life are you closing a door on the past? What do you believe is possible and who or what is holding you back?
The symbolism of this epic clash might mean you’re more cautious about taking risks or leading a hedonistic lifestyle. You might be ready to settle down, take on a more formal role or job as Saturn is the planet of responsibility. This might be a time when your priorities in life are shifting and changing.
Sometimes when Jupiter and Saturn clash in the heavens, this indicates that you’re at a crossroads and you can only move forward or make progress by knowing where in life you have to say No or by recognising your limitations.
Ideally when Jupiter and Saturn combine in the heavens, you can turn dreams into reality but change won’t happen overnight and you need to combine your vision with hard work.
As Saturn re-enters your sign of Sagittarius in the middle of next month where it remains until the end of 2017, for some this is is about committing to a project or line of work that will take you through the next two and a half years. You might be entering a new chapter in your education or starting a new role as a teacher or adviser. Think long-term now and set yourself up for the future.
Yet aside from the more serious pondering of life, there’s lots of fun to be had this month as the planets continue to energise your fellow fire sign of Leo. Being playful, holidaying, kicking back and relaxing are all perfect ways to make the most of planets in this sector of your chart. What brings you joy in life?
Venus, planet of love and joy, remains retrograde in Leo throughout August so this indicates a slower pace of life. You might be reunited with someone from your past, a lover who lives abroad or whom you met when you were on holiday. Get back in touch with your deeper emotions and rediscover love.
Mars, the planet of sexuality, enters Leo on the 8th where it remains until late September so there’s definitely a part of you that’s hanging on to summer fun or wanting to extend travel, holidays, new experiences as long as possible. Keep love light-hearted now and don’t feel that you have to make any major love decisions.
The other big news for August again involves your ruling planet Jupiter, the planet of luck and opportunity, which enters Virgo and your career sector on the 11th. Jupiter takes approximately one year to journey through each sign of the zodiac and Jupiter remains in Virgo for the next 13 months.
Here’s your chance to play big, to fly high and expand your horizons. Jupiter’s the biggest planet in the heavens and this is the free spirit, the entrepreneur, and Jupiter wants you to be big and bold in your life. Jupiter connects you with the world as it’s the global planet.
Reach out to other networks and play big in your career, plan work abroad or take a sabbatical to study something you’ve always dreamed about or leave the 9-to5 and go freelance. It’s your shout but the opportunity is there whatever your vision.
If you’re currently on the verge of seeking promotion or looking for a new job the 26th and 29th of the month look especially lucky. On the 26th the Sun and Jupiter come together in the sign of Virgo and on the 29th there’s a powerful Full Moon cutting across the Virgo/Pisces axis. If you come across an opportunity to attend a conference or workshop late August, go for it and extend your network.
This is an absolutely superbly-brilliant planetary offering and for some it’s the best news you’ve had with regard to your career or vocation in the last 12 years. Think back to 2003 when Jupiter was last in this sector of your chart to determine what worked, what didn’t work and how to use this Jupiter transit to the best of your ability.
Jupiter’s leaving behind your fellow fire sign of Leo which rules travel, education, spirituality and all the things that give your life meaning and help you feel you belong in the world. Jupiter’s been in this part of your chart since July 2014 and some of the activities you’ve been involved in recently will have moved you closer towards the next big step or stage in your life.