Sagittarius June 2018

Solstice, Sagittarius

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

Your ruling planet, Jupiter, is swirling around bringing a swell of emotion to your life, especially on the 1st and 2nd. This is when Jupiter is part of a Grand Water Trine with Venus, the planet of love and relating and Neptune, the planet of dreams and the imagination.

This whole combination connects you to your past and what’s been and gone. You might decide to take a trip down memory lane or be evoked or feel sentimental by memories and the people in your life. Go where your emotions lead you and don’t run away from them. If you’re prepared to feel deeply, this is a time when you can learn a lot about yourself.

Also, there’s a sense that you are letting go now and that you do need to move on. Any process of grieving or personal development takes time and it’s only once you’ve shed a skin on the inside that you can then take the new you out into the world.

Remember that your ruler Jupiter will move into your star sign Sagittarius in November 2018 for the first time in twelve years. Do the ground work now, do your research and preparation ready to spread your wings and fly in a few months time.

It’s likely that you can’t escape dealing with the more personal or emotional side of life this month. Key planets are moving through the water sign Cancer and one of the most hidden sectors of your horoscope.

Love planet, Venus, is here until the 13th, communication planet Mercury picks up the Cancer baton from the 12th to the 29th and the Sun enters Cancer on the 21st, the day of the Solstice. On the one hand, this is about your emotional connections and daring to venture into taboo or unknown territory. 

You may feel tied to other people now, which doesn’t always sit comfortably with you being a freedom-loving Sagittarius. This can be about family for you or it could be someone you have an intimate relationship with.

Money too is part of the picture because Cancer rules joint finances and shared resources in your horoscope. You might be dealing with an inheritance, savings or debt, payments or alimony. You may have to take family and children into account now with regard to your finances. Perhaps you’re selling the family home or changing the dynamic of your current living situation.

Also, there may be times throughout the month when you find yourself up against opposition with regard to money matters or problems or issues kick in. This is because of the planets Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn and your personal money sector.

They are a power duo but they also represent control and limitation. You might be caught up in a battle over money this month or recognise that you need to lay down strict boundaries to ensure you’re not out of pocket.

These key oppositions kick in on the 6th, 16th, 23rd and 27th, leading up to the Full Moon on the 28th. The Full Moon cuts across the Cancer/Capricorn axis of the zodiac. It’s very closely linked to Saturn, the planet of responsibility and commitment but also the planet of obstacles and hardship.

Full Moons often shed an important light on your situation. They bring clarity and completion, which is why they are a good time of the month to make decisions, however tough. Do what’s right for you now and be responsible when it comes to money matters. You need to plan for the future rather than be a total free spirit.

This month also flags up the fact that you can’t make decisions easily without involving other people. At times this will feel frustrating but you do have to take others into account now.

There’s a strong influence throughout June on your opposite star sign Gemini and this highlights your 1-to-1 relationships, both personal and professional. Expect more negotiations and meetings than usual as Gemini is the sign of communication.

Love too could be in the ascendancy for some Sagittarius individuals as your partner planet Mercury is in Gemini and your relationship sector until the 12th. The Sun and Mercury unite in Gemini on the 6th, then on the 13th, there’s a stunning New Moon in Gemini, a symbol of new beginnings.

This New Moon comes two weeks after the Full Moon in your star sign Sagittarius on May 29th. Therefore, this is likely to be a peak period for your close relationships and a time when you can make swift progress.

It’s a gorgeous month for marriage and the bond of two people coming together as one. The Sun is also in Gemini until the 21st, the day of the Solstice, so work at partnership and get the right people on your side. This can help you in many different areas, both financially, at work and at play.

If you’re looking for love, love planet Venus lights up your travel and study sector from the 13th onwards. A holiday romance could be glorious for you.

Also, this month you have action planet Mars in Aquarius meaning that life is going to be busy now and you’ll have a lot to sort out and organise. It’s worth cracking on with plans and ideas and getting a good time management system in place. Keep focused on what you need to do and extend your network. This is a top month for sales and liaising with other people to further your interests.

On the 26th, Mars turns retrograde and will be on go slow for the following two months until August 27th. Another reason why it’s worth acting fast to get your life in order and on track before Mars slows down the pace. Aquarius rules siblings and neighbours and your local community. Reach out to others in June and take charge.

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