Sagittarius July 2021

Sagittarius July 2021, lavender

Fire Sign Energy

Fire sign energy kicks in this month which is good news for you being one of the three fire signs. Adventure is likely to be high up your wish list.

This is because you have action planet Mars in Leo and your travel and study sector until the 29th. Leo represents where you expand your world, whether you do so physically, mentally or you set off on a philosophical or spiritual quest. Mars is the planet of passion and action, where you can harness your get-up-and-go.

Therefore, this is a peak time of year to be considering travel or your next steps. If you’re a typical Sagittarius, you want to see the world as this satisfies your free spirit and adventurous nature. And, if you’re combining foreign connections with study and learning, even better.

The other planet in Leo as the month begins is Venus the planet of relating which remains here until the 22nd. Love could also be part of the picture when it comes to adventure or foreign connections.

Yet, be careful in the first week of the month as there’s some tricky astrology taking place. This is because Venus and Mars clash with the Saturn-Uranus square aspect. The key dates are the 1st & 7th – Saturn; the 4th & 8th – Uranus.

Saturn can stop you in your tracks or coincide with a disappointment or let-down. Uranus is a live-wire energy, unpredictable and chaotic. This whole combination is potentially frustrating and a sudden change of plan might leave you fuming. Tempers could flare under these choppy stars but you’re wise not to act rashly or impulsively.

Saturn is in Aquarius and your communication and transport sector whereas Uranus is in Taurus and your work and health sector. These could be the areas of your life where things are more chaotic than usual.

Be wary of being a daredevil under these volatile stars as you might leap into something spontaneously and this is when accidents could happen.

Stay Positive

If problems do crop up early in the month, hopefully events mid-month could prove to be a turning point. Firstly, Venus and Mars unite in Leo on the 13th, great for love and romance, also finding the right person to help you.

You have providence on your side once the Sun enters Leo and its sign of rulership on the 22nd. Plus, two days later, on the 24th, there’s a Full Moon cutting across the Leo/Aquarius axis of the zodiac, an ideal weekend for travel or study options.

You can see that the astrology gets better in fire sign Leo towards the end of July. If things don’t work out early in the month, rework your plans and try again later on.

Jupiter’s Blessings

Also, your ruling planet Jupiter is important in this respect. Jupiter retreats back into Aquarius and your communication and transport sector on the 28th where it remains until the end of the year.

This could signify a turning point, a chance for ideas or plans to be resurrected once again. Look back to the first part of 2021 when Jupiter was in this sector of your horoscope.

Mars in Leo teams up with Jupiter in Aquarius on the 29th. This is an energetic and adventurous combination. Be bold and daring.

Money & Work

Jupiter’s in action earlier in the month too, once the planet of relating Venus has entered Virgo and your career and vocation sector on the 22nd. These two best planets in astrology meet up on the 22nd and could indicate things moving your way either at home or at work. Work those connections.

Money is important this month and this may be linked to what you want do in life, your next steps. The Sun is in Cancer and your joint finance sector until the 22nd. The best time for money is mid-month when there’s a lovely New Moon in Cancer on the 10th, a symbol of new beginnings.

The stand-out date, however, is the 12th when talk planet Mercury in Cancer aligns with your ruler Jupiter in Pisces. This is gorgeous for good news and things going your way around money, home and family.

As Pisces rules your home and family, it might be these areas where salvation or a solution lies. Perhaps, someone who can help you out financially. Or alternatively, you step in to help a family member and save the day.

However, be careful that money doesn’t come with strings attached this month as money and emotions are closely linked. The troublesome date is the 17th.

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