Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)
Move into the New Year at a leisurely pace and don’t feel that you have to set any New Year resolutions as soon as 2017 begins. In fact, you’d be wise to wait a little longer before you set your intentions. An important date early in this regard is January 8th when communication planet Mercury turns direct after three weeks on go slow.
This is key for you because Mercury turns direct in your sign of Sagittarius so this may relate back to events early December 2016. Mercury rules communication and when it turns direct it often coincides with good news, what you’ve been waiting to hear.
It’s also a positive date to speak up, to reach out to others, to let other people know what you’ve been up to. The 8th is an important date for significant conversations of all kinds. It’s also the best date early January to set those New Year resolutions.
Money too is an important feature of Mercury’s movement this month because for most of the time whilst Mercury was retrograde, it was on go slow in Capricorn and your personal money sector. In fact, Mercury only moves back into Capricorn on January 12th and finally moves out of its shadow phase on January 27th.
So both dates could be significant turning points for money. You might make an important decision about your financial future or be ready to chase up money that’s owed to you. It’s also a good month to look closely at your expenses and to see where your money goes. The more practical you about financial matters, the better.
There’s also a powerful Full Moon on January 12th which confirms that this date is significant for you with regard to money and finances. This is the same date that Mercury returns to your money sector.
This powerful Full Moon creates a Grand Cross in the sky and picks out key planets in the four cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. During the Full Moon the Sun sits next to power planet Pluto in Capricorn which opposes the Moon in Cancer and your joint finance sector.
In addition, the Full Moon is squared by a major opposition between your ruling planet Jupiter and lively Uranus. These are the freedom planets so you’ll be wanting to break free from a financial tie on or around this date. Either that or you’re ready to get creative to fund something special you want to achieve.
The Jupiter-Uranus opposition lights up the social sectors of your chart but this is also linked to children & pregnancy, creative projects. You could be ready to pay for a big event, you might be discussing finances with an ex, especially if you share children together.
At times it might feel like overwhelm during the Full Moon period and Full Moons are notoriously emotional. Certainly you could feel pulled in different directions especially if you’re trying to support different people financially or emotionally. Take care that you don’t give too much during this period and be ready to make a move that frees you up and enables you to do things your way.
This will become even more important to you once action planet Mars enters the fire sign Aries on January 28th. This begins a key period for you when it comes to fun and pleasure. Your priorities in life are beginning to shift and it’s throughout January that you’ll notice who or what is most significant to you.
There is another influence calling you now and this relates back to your past. This is because the lovers of the heavens, Mars and Venus, spend most of the month of January down at the base of your chart in the sign of Pisces.
Pisces rules your home and family, your past and where you come from and this sector of your chart is especially strong throughout the month because of the planet Neptune. Watery Neptune has resided here for some years now and in January it meets up first with Mars on January 1st and second with Venus on January 12th.
This feels sentimental, wistful, emotional even. You’re being drawn back towards the past whether this is via memories or people you encounter. You might be keen to draw up your family tree now and get in touch with people from your childhood, especially people you haven’t seen for some time.
In the second half of January, there’s an added factor when Saturn in your sign of Sagittarius squares up to Mars on the 19th and Venus on the 29th. So you might have to put boundaries in place now to protect yourself or to limit the sadness you feel. If your emotions threaten to overwhelm you and you’re constantly giving, begin to focus your attention towards yourself.
Both Venus and Mars leave behind Pisces at the end of January and beginning of February and this is when a positive attitude will do you wonders. In addition, the Sun enters Aquarius and one of the social sectors of your chart on January 19th and there’s a New Moon in the same sign on January 28th.
This is another indication that it’s time to reach out to other people, to make new friends, to use your networks and social connections to good effect. If you’ve been spending more time alone than you’re used to, it’s time to readdress the balance.
Lean on others for advice and support, line up some new events, get out and about and have fun. Romance too is calling once Mars enters Aries and your romance sector on January 28th. This is the time when your love life could kick in big time.