Friendship – It’s Complicated
The majority of the planetary activity this month is taking place in the air sign Libra, one of the social signs of the zodiac. This means there’s strong emphasis on your friendship and group sector with a lot of key planets vying for attention. Here’s the planetary line-up in Libra:
- Mercury (communication) – all month, retrograde until the 18th
- Mars (action/drive) – until the 30th
- Sun (essence/ego) – until the 23rd
You may have a strong drive to make new friends now, join a new group, club or society or become more involved with society as a whole. This fits the truth-loving side of your nature. You often like to do your bit for society, whether political, environmental, humanitarian or any other worthy or good cause.
The New Moon could be powerful on the 6th as it pulls in Mars, the planet of ambition and willpower. Mars is active on the 8th & 9th and the New Moon phase is a symbol of new beginnings. It’s a great time to fight for what you believe in and initiate a powerful fresh start in the areas mentioned.
Yet, it is potentially a complex time for friendships as talk planet Mercury is retrograde until the 18th. This can be a time of misunderstandings and untruths. Sometimes, people go quiet on you or you fall out with someone close. You might be keen to leave a group. Alternatively, you’re on the waiting list for a new group venture.
Be patient if this is the case and note that there’s a powerful turning point on the 18th. Not only does Mercury turn direct, bringing new information to light, but your ruling planet Jupiter turns direct on the same day. Jupiter’s in another air sign, Aquarius, linked to communication and community in your horoscope.
If you’re involved in sales, marketing, fund-raising, any area of life that requires a wide circle of people, here’s your green light. Your tweet could go viral, your TikTok video could reach new heights. Or, you could come across the right person at the right time who brings a new and exciting opportunity or venture your way.
Two days later and there’s a Full Moon on the 20th cutting across the social Libra/Aries axis of the zodiac. This is a gorgeous Full Moon for celebration and potentially romance. If you’ve been getting to know someone while Mercury’s been on go slow or an old flame is back in your life, use the Full Moon vibes to complete the deal.
- Lucky Jupiter Dates: 4th, 15th, 18th & 28th – trust your luck
Dive In Deep
At times this month, it’s important to turn your attention to personal issues. It would be easy to only get involved in what’s going on in the world or your social life. Yet, there’s a strong influence building in your previous star sign, Scorpio. Here’s the planetary picture:
- Venus (love/relating) – until the 7th
- Sun (essence/ego) – from the 23rd
- Mars (action/drive) – from the 30th
When planets are in Scorpio, this turns your attention inwards. You might be exploring the metaphysical realm, be talking to spirits or be on a psychic or spiritual path. You could choose to explore therapy or become a coach or counsellor.
During Scorpio season, take some time out, go on retreat and give yourself space to reflect deeply. Don’t get so caught up being busy that you lose sight of a deeper sense of purpose, meaning or fulfilment. Scorpio season is ideal for research and in-depth study too.
Money Tips & Tricks
Be wary around loaning money or getting involved with a rich crowd this month. This is because of what’s happening with the slower-moving planet Pluto. Pluto’s currently in Capricorn and your money sector.
- Tricky money dates: 1st, 17th, 22nd
Consider carefully what you get involved in financially this month and think things through logically and rationally. Pluto is powerful now because it turns direct on the 6th when its planetary energy is intense. Notice where money’s disappearing in your life and try not to let negativity block the flow of abundance.
This is significant because throughout September to December 2021, there’s a rare semi-sextile aspect between your planet Jupiter in Aquarius and Pluto in Capricorn. Jupiter’s working alongside Pluto bringing its positivity, belief and feel-good vibes to Pluto’s themes of loss, power & control.
This is a good time to raise your vibe, whatever that means for you. Actively include positive affirmations in your life and don’t allow fear or scarcity to take hold. Jupiter’s influence is there for you, a reminder to trust your luck.
If you’re in tune with your Sagittarius birthright, you know that luck and opportunity work in your favour, sometimes at the 11th hour. However, you need to cultivate a positive attitude and have faith.
Mercury Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts
Remember the Mercury retrograde mantra – put off the big decisions & major investments until the communication planet is back up to speed on October 18th. Here are some more tips:
- be flexible, have plans B, C & D up your sleeve
- take a step back, do less not more
- double-check everything, read the small print
- chase up old contacts, revisit the past
- use all the re-words – revise, rework, review, reconsider
- rest & retreat when you can
- do your research ready to act when Mercury turns direct
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