Sagittarius Horoscope September 2022

Sagittarius horoscope, cosmic girl

Mercury & Jupiter Hand-in-Hand

Your ruling planet Jupiter is lively this month in your fellow fire sign Aries. Jupiter represents growth and opportunity. It’s the planet linked to travel, study and spreading your wings. At its best, Jupiter promises abundance, gifts and lucky breaks.

Jupiter’s associated with religion, publishing, media and the Law. It’s a reminder that the more you can adopt a feel-good attitude to life and the more you believe anything’s possible, the more you maximise your chances of success. 

This month, Jupiter’s in opposition to planets in Libra and your friendship and group sector. This can be an out-of-control Jupiter as your hedonistic or wild side kicks in.

You may be the one encouraging your friends to let their hair down and have some fun. Or, perhaps you have other people in your life who want you to get in touch with your freedom-loving spirit. The Sun-Jupiter opposition on the 26th looks lively but fun.

More intriguingly, however, communication planet Mercury turns retrograde opposite Jupiter and these planets make two powerful oppositions on the 3rd & the 18th. This may be a month when you’re backing free speech, you’re debating in a group situation or you’re speaking up for a child or someone younger in your life.

Whatever you’re involved in, you’re going to be throwing yourself into events wholeheartedly. At its best, Jupiter’s an enthusiastic and energetic influence and this isn’t a month when you’re likely to sit back and do nothing.

Career Goals, Mission & Purpose

Plus, this month the Sun is in Virgo, the star sign at the peak of your horoscope, up until the 23rd. Virgo rules your career and vocation, your status and reputation. It’s about your future path in life.

This could mean you’re exceptionally busy and, hopefully, doing well. Virgo is the star sign of order and strategy, so get on top of your job, your projects, the next stage in your life. Journalling could help you find clarity.

And, with the planet of relating Venus in Virgo from the 5th to the 29th, you’re wise to create a strong team around you. You can’t do it all on your own this month, whatever your current goal. 

The Virgo activity peaks on the 10th, the day of the Full Moon. At its best, this combination promises success, a calling, a chance to follow your dreams. You may need hope and faith if you’re exploring the entrepreneurial side of your nature.

There is a proviso, however, and this may be about keeping your feet on the ground. Also, read the small print if you’re involved in a major deal or promotion. Don’t take on too much, otherwise you could quickly become overwhelmed. Balance idealistic dreams with realistic goals and you’re more likely to deliver what you promise.

You could be on a mission in life as a strong sense of purpose and a desire for change and progress pulls you forwards. What you want to achieve might not be for your own ends but taps into something greater, something beyond yourself. Virgo is ultimately the sign of service to others and helping to create a better world.

Do be careful, however, of being seduced or losing touch with reality especially around the Full Moon on the 10th, also on the 16th & 24th. This is about making the right moves that are based on common sense, rather than getting carried away by hype or unrealistic goals.

Mercury Retrograde

There is another reason why you may be called to rein things in or slow down the pace. This is the fact that communication planet Mercury turns retrograde on the 10th, the same day as the Full Moon.

This is often a time when you want to review your situation or you’re revising your options. Plus, Mercury moves back into Virgo and your career and vocation sector on the 23rd.

This might mean a change of direction. Or, perhaps you’re delving back into the past. Sometimes, old contacts benefit you during the Mercury retrograde phase.

Whatever’s foreground in your life, put off the big decisions until October 2nd once Mercury is back up to speed. It’s not the best time to sign or seal a contract when Mercury’s in retreat.

People Skills

There is a shift this month, as the planets move through social Libra. Libra rules friends and group activities in your horoscope and you may feel less stressed or under pressure as September continues. The balance could shift from work to play. Or, at least a healthier work/life balance.

The peak of the Libra activity comes after the 23rd, the day of the Equinox when the Sun enters Libra, heralding a change of season. Two days later, on the 25th, there’s a New Moon in Libra, a symbol of new beginnings.

This all adds up to making new connections in real life. Finding friends who inspire you, promote you, uplift you or vice versa. Use your people skills to the max and charm your way into a new group or network.

Finally, action planet Mars is in your opposite star sign Gemini where it remains for an unusually long time until March 2023. This is a competitive influence but also an indication that it’s not only what you know but who you know that pays off.

Mercury Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts

Remember the Mercury retrograde mantra – put off the big decisions & major investments between September 10th to October 2nd. Here are some more tips:

  • be flexible, have plans B, C & D up your sleeve
  • take a step back, do less not more
  • double-check everything, read the small print
  • chase up old contacts, revisit the past
  • use all the re-words – revise, rework, review, reconsider
  • rest & retreat when you can
  • do your research & explore your options ready to act when Mercury turns direct

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6 thoughts on “Sagittarius Horoscope September 2022”

  1. Hi Sally, hope you are keeping well. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the free monthly readings. They are super comprehensive and accurate and so very helpful. Thank you for the time and effort you put into making these available for us. 🙂

  2. Sally-I am a Sagittarian who’s not been able to get really any kind of traction on any front for the past several years. I’ve tried numerous strategies and reach out for support when I need to. I am quite sane! and those around me even actively observed they don’t know how I keep my motivation up. Now I’m even worse off $$$ than before and I’ll soon be 60. And I’m quite alone. This current retrograde has had numerous stops/n/starts, but only one (of many) has been moderately fruitful (with extraordinary effort, it seems). Any advice at all? Nearly every day I feel like I can’t go on. Yet I do. What’s the other choice?

    1. Thank you for your comment and I’m sorry things have felt tough recently. Retrograde periods aren’t the best time to be starting anything new – rather revising and reviewing what’s working and what’s not. As you’re a Sagittarius, check what Jupiter’s doing, your planet. Jupiter’s a reminder that you need to engage different factors together to be successful – willingness to take a risk, big vision & self-belief plus belief in what you’re doing. The period from November 15-23 is when Jupiter is on your side. Work towards that date if you can. Sending best wishes,

  3. Dear friend,
    I am Sag, 08.12.1962 and I get 60 this year too.
    Really several past years were not as easy as it could be for me.
    Just have a fresh hope every new day and believe in yourself.
    It is almost impossible to put us on the shoulder blades.

    Best wishes,

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