Sagittarius Horoscope May 2022

eclipse, Sagittarius horoscope

Jupiter Joy

There’s a major reason to be happy in the month ahead as fire sign energy begins to dominate with a key planet changing star sign. Being a Sagittarius, you are one of the three fire signs and when planets are in your element, there’s a natural flow in your astrology.

Even bigger news for you is the fact that it’s your ruling planet Jupiter on the move. Jupiter is the planet of joy, luck and good fortune and it’s where you find happiness, expansion and growth.

Jupiter remains in each star sign for approximately one year. Since May 2021, Jupiter has spent a considerable amount of time in Pisces, the star sign ruling your home and family. 

You may have moved home or changed your living conditions over the last twelve months. Family may have been your number one focus and your protective instincts have been high.

Trying to find a healthy balance between work and home life and dealing with extra challenges won’t always have been easy, however, either for you or your loved ones. At times, your emotions may have been overwhelming.

Jupiter does make one important planetary aspect as it completes its current journey through Pisces – n.b. that Jupiter returns to Pisces for the last two months of this year.

This month on the 3rd, there’s a significant connection between Jupiter in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn and your money sector. You may be investing in property on or around this date or be making a significant payment to someone in your family. It’s a good time to tie up money matters, invest in your future security and keep your eye on your long-term financial goals.

Also, action planet Mars remains in Pisces until the 24th so stay on track with your home and family-related goals and try not to lose yourself or get diverted from what’s really important. This may be significant on or around the 18th which could be an unusually sentimental or nostalgic time.

On the 11th, Jupiter enters your fellow fire sign Aries and this could feel like a breath of fresh air. The focus turns to you and what you want out of life rather than relying on others or having to think of other people before yourself. 

Aries rules creativity, love affairs, entertainment, fun and children in your horoscope. It’s the playful sector and it’s about doing what you love.

It’s an ideal time to embrace your passion and desire. Plan some fun events with friends and family and make entertainment, laughter and socialising high priority. Focus on the positives in your life and steer away from negative energy.

If you’re looking for love or you simply want to have a good time, the following dates leap out: the 20th & 23rd, the 25th & 29th.

Jupiter is the planet of luck so trust your luck and have a flutter, enter a competition or buy a raffle ticket when you’re out and about. There is a popular saying in the UK, ‘you have to be in to win’ and this can apply to life as well as the lottery, e.g. if you want to meet someone new, join a dating agency or let your friends know you’re keen for an introduction. This will serve you better than sitting home alone waiting for the phone to ring.

Same goes if you’ve always wanted to write a book, paint a portrait or play a musical instrument. While Jupiter’s in Aries, revisit your childhood dreams. Hang out with children too and let their delight and joy in life rub off on you. 

Jupiter’s move into Aries isn’t going to sort out all the nitty-gritty boring stuff of life but it is going to move play and pleasure high up your life barometer and that’s got to be a good thing. Plus, with love planet Venus in Aries from the 2nd to the 28th, it’s an excellent month for romance and love affairs.

Mercury Retrograde

There is a proviso, however, because communication planet Mercury turns retrograde in Gemini and your relationship sector on the 10th and remains on go slow until June 3rd. Therefore, don’t expect everything to fall into your lap straightaway. Be patient and trust that good things come to those who wait.

Sometimes, other people go quiet on you while Mercury’s in retreat in your relationship sector. You may change your mind about love or a business partnership and you may have to follow rather than lead.

Mercury retrograde can flag up a theme of misunderstandings, so it’s a good idea to take a step back and take the pace slow in your relationships. 

Don’t feel you have to make any big decisions during the retrograde phase. Instead, use this time to review your situation and think things through rather than leap into action. When it comes to other people, both personally & professionally, let things be rather than try and sort things out immediately.

The turning point could be the New Moon in Gemini on the 30th, a symbol of new beginnings. This takes place a few days before Mercury turns direct on June 3rd.

This is when you’re wise to reopen the lines of communication and start to make up your mind when it comes to love, passion and relationships.

Lunar Eclipse

Also this month, it’s eclipse season. A new eclipse cycle began in November 2021 cutting across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac. It continues until October 2023.

On April 30th, there was a Solar or New Moon eclipse in Taurus and this month, there’sa Lunar or Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio on the 16th.

For you, this is about your work and health and being of service to others. These are the key areas under the eclipse spotlight. Sometimes during an eclipse, an unexpected event signifies the need for change. There can be a theme of endings before a new beginning. And, with a Full Moon eclipse, you may find yourself caught up in a competitive situation.

You might find that things change fast this month and it could be tricky trying to keep up with everything shifting, perhaps on a daily basis. Therefore, it’s imperative to keep close tabs on your health and prioritise your well-being. 

If you work in an environment where you’re dealing with angry people or frustrations, this could take its toll. There may be challenges in your local community or an issue with a sibling or neighbour that triggers bad feelings.

Ideally, do your bit to help others, to listen and counsel but don’t take on the woes of the world. This is especially important if you’re starting to feel tired or worn out with all that’s going on and you’d appreciate some time out.

Note that Mercury retreats back into Taurus on the 23rd and turns direct here on June 3rd. Mercury retrograde is an ideal time to go on retreat or take time out and look after yourself.

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