Sagittarius Horoscope March 2023

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If you know anything about astrology, you may already know that March heralds two big astrological events: Saturn entering Pisces on the 7th and Pluto entering Aquarius on the 23rd. I’ve addressed what both these events mean for you in separate sections at the bottom of this month’s horoscope.

Pisces Season

Throughout March, you’re deep in the realm of the emotions and it feels like a sentimental month. Key planets are gathering in the water sign Pisces down at the base of your horoscope. Pisces rules your home and family, your past and where you come from.

The Sun is here until the 20th and talk planet Mercury is in Pisces from the 2nd to the 19th. You might be on a hunt for news about your ancestry or want to know more about your past or lineage. You may be acutely aware of the footsteps in the sand, leading you from your beginnings to where you are now.

The Full Moon on the 7th cuts across the Virgo/Pisces axis of the zodiac and you may experience a deep calling during this Full Moon. Perhaps, you’re more aware of the ties that bind you and the link between your past and your future.

Be open-hearted during this period and try not to cut off from other people. Know that this is a key time to heal any rifts, as Pisces is the star sign linked to forgiveness. Family and past connections are strong during this period, so make the most of them.

The star sign Pisces is about surrender and letting go and the theme of release is evoked. Find support from loved ones and be there for family and close connections in your life. Pisces is a reminder of the natural flow of life and a reminder that what you give, you receive in return.

The trickiest period is potentially the 14th to the 17th when you may feel confused about close relations or have a sense that things are falling apart. Try not to lean too heavily on others during these few days and use your intuitive nature to discern who’s trustworthy in your life and who’s not.

Aries Season

Sometimes when planets are in Pisces, strong emotions dominate. Yet, fire sign energy is also powerful this month and this is what you’re wise to focus on.

Talk planet Mercury enters your fellow fire sign Aries on the 19th, the day before the Equinox on the 20th when the Sun enters Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Plus, there’s a New Moon here on the 21st, a symbol of new beginnings.

This is an excellent time to throw yourself into things and set a positive intention to actively look on the bright side of life. This is your Sagittarius nature. If you’re true to your star sign, you seek out the silver lining in every cloud and try to use any setbacks as a learning experience.

Aries is the most creative sector of your horoscope. It’s about children, also your creative projects. Sow seeds during this time and watch them flourish and grow. Set new intentions after the New Moon to do more of what you love and embrace good times.

If you want to get pregnant or you’re keen to adopt a child, this would be a great time to try. It’s a positive time to focus on the younger generation and encourage them to find their yes to life.

Love And Passion

The Aries influence is stoking the fires of love too. You not only have love planet Venus in your romance sector up until the 16th but passion planet Mars is in Gemini and your relationship sector until the 25th.

These are two huge clues as to where to focus your energy. This could turn out to be a big month for love and relationships, whether you’re rekindling relations or running off with someone new. The 11th is great for socialising and one-to-one encounters when Venus and Mars team up together.

Gemini rules communication and Aries is fiery and quick. You may find that your debates are fast and furious. Conversations could blow up quickly and there’s an opportunity to clear the air. You might experience more arguments than usual but at least you’re getting to sort things out rather than hide what you’re feeling.

Plus, your ruling planet Jupiter is in Aries and firing speedily and quickly through this sector of your horoscope. This month, there are two lucky Jupiter conjunctions with the planet of love Venus on the 2nd and the planet of communication Mercury on the 28th.

Venus and Jupiter together conjure up the theme of big love or abundance. Mercury and Jupiter together promise good news. Be heart-centred throughout March.

Finally, it’s important to note that action planet Mars leaves Gemini on the 25th where it’s been for the last seven months and where it turned retrograde in the last two months of 2022 and the first half of January 2023.

Mars moves into Cancer and your joint finance sector. This shows the importance of family and loved ones, security and comfort. There’s a protective influence to Mars in Cancer and caring for the ones you love.

Saturn Enters Pisces – March 7

Saturn is the planet of rules and regulation, authority, discipline and boundaries. Since December 2017, Saturn has been in Capricorn and Aquarius, its two signs of rulership. Saturn rules with a firm hand during this period.

This month, Saturn moves into Pisces, the last star sign and an emotional water sign, which is unknown territory for the planet representing boundaries. Pisces is where the ego dissolves and you encounter the vast universe, the one-ness of life.

Will the unreal become real as fantasy, the imagination and the impossible become possible? Or, will Saturn bring structure and form to Pisces’ realm, e.g. the sea, drugs, the media, spirituality? The last time Saturn was in Pisces was 1993-1996 and this time around, Saturn remains in Pisces until 2026.

Pisces is the star sign at the base of your horoscope ruling your home and family, your past and where you come from. This may be a time when you’re thinking about putting down roots or settling somewhere. This could come as something of a shock to you as your star sign Sagittarius favours freedom.

Alternatively, there could be a significant ending in your life, perhaps a break with the past. Or, you’re caught up with your parents or ancestry. You could be returning to the past in a way you hadn’t envisaged. Saturn’s linked to history, also duty & responsibility.

Pluto Enters Aquarius – March 23

The slowest-moving planet Pluto changes star sign this month and moves into Aquarius. Pluto is the planet of power & transformation, loss & endings. The last time Pluto changed star sign was 2008 when it entered Capricorn, the sign of big business, coinciding with a financial crash. 

It will take Pluto eighteen months before it’s established in Aquarius, the star sign linked to technology, equality and the collective, where it will remain until 2043.

As Pluto’s a generational planet, the themes may not resonate with you immediately. Yet, it’s helpful to note where Pluto is strong in your horoscope and where there may be a theme of transformation, loss or deep psychological change.

Pluto’s been moving through Capricorn and your personal money sector. Perhaps, you’ve experienced bankruptcy over the last years. Or, been dealing with a large amount of debt. Alternatively, you may have transformed your finances and been able to invest in hidden areas that have made you large amounts of money.

Pluto is now moving into your communication sector giving power to your words, both spoken and written. You could become a voice of the people. Or, find yourself on a committee working towards a more equal world for all. Consider what truth means to you as Pluto enters Aquarius and where you’re ready to speak up.

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