Sagittarius Horoscope August 2022

crystal ball, Sagittarius horoscope

All Change

This could be a month when you’re looking to find a way out of regular employment. Alternatively, you’re seeking freelance work or new online employment. These areas of your life could be especially lively. 

This has a lot to do with the fact that action planet Mars is moving through Taurus and your work and lifestyle sector up until the 20th. And, Mars is in action as soon as the month begins uniting with rebellious Uranus on the 1st/2nd.

This combination suggests freedom and breaking away from your usual routine. You need to be flexible too, because change could come your way unexpectedly.

At the same time, you’re wise to embrace all things new as there may be no going back to the old ways. Plus, the karmic North Node is pulled into the planetary picture. This often means that the wheel of fortune is turning & leading you down a new path.

There will be times this month when less is more and too much stress or overwhelm could lead to arguments. Try not to flare up on the 1st, 7th & 27th when Mars is active. 

You could feel frustrated with what’s happening at work or within society in general. If so, it will be hard not to speak up as Mars and Uranus are an activist combination.

Take note of what happens on or around the Full Moon on the 12th. This is when matters could come to a head as the Full Moon often brings clarity and coincides with completion or culmination.

During this powerful Full Moon, the Saturn-Uranus clash is reignited. This was the dominant planetary aspect of 2021 and it’s back within orb until the end of the year. These two planets are opposing forces. Saturn wants to hold you back and halt you in your tracks whereas Uranus wants to break free.

The Moon is closely conjunct Saturn in Aquarius during the Full Moon period and the Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus is square to the Full Moon. This combination feels volatile and tempers could flare.

You may be stepping back from a community project. Or, perhaps you fall out with a relative or someone in your neighbourhood and this impacts your health or stress levels. If something need’s to give, this could be the time for tough choices.

Fire Sign Adventures

Up until the 23rd of the month, the Sun is in your fellow fire sign Leo. Leo rules travel and study in your horoscope. It’s wherever in life you expand your horizons, dream big and yearn to learn and experience more.

The Sun’s move through Leo could bring out the hedonistic side of your character when you want to play and live life to the full. Talk planet Mercury is here until the 4th and the planet of relating Venus enters Leo on the 11th.

This is another reason why it may be hard to stay put in a regular job or routine. There’s a lot changing, whether because of external circumstances or your inner compass urging you to shake things up.

Travel or being somewhere different could help bring a change of perspective. This is an ideal time of year to fire some Sagittarius arrows high into the air and see where they land. Plan ahead and look to 2023.

Try and take advantage of new ideas or opportunities that come your way. One of the best dates this month is the 18th when lovely Venus in Leo teams up with your ruling planet Jupiter in Aries. This combination is creative, romantic and ideal for embracing pleasure.

Look to other people for help and support too. Venus is in Cancer and your joint finance sector up until the 11th and mediates the chaotic Mars-Uranus vibe on the 2nd & 3rd. This may mean you receive a gift or bonus. Or, someone else in your life steps in with a solution, a way through a seemingly impossible impasse.

Long-Term Goals

There’s another factor taking place that puts the focus on your future path and long-term goals. This is communication planet Mercury in Virgo and your career and vocation sector from the 4th to the 26th. There’s a back-to-work vibe when this combination kicks in and you can get a lot done. 

More importantly, Mercury is the planet linked to the mind so think things through carefully. Yes, it looks as if it could be a month of disruption or sudden twists and turns. Yet, Mercury in Virgo is encouraging you to draw up a plan, write things down, apply for a new job or role, get more organised in general.

This is leading the way up to the Sun’s move into Virgo on the 23rd followed a few days later by a New Moon in Virgo and your career and future sector on the 27th.

This is when new beginnings can be set in motion. Sometimes, life kicks in to move you in a new direction. If one door closes in August, get ready for a new door to open during the New Moon phase.

Love & Passion

Finally, passion planet Mars enters Gemini and your relationship sector on the 20th. Mars doesn’t remain in Gemini for a short while as it will be here for the next seven months until March 2023. This turns the cosmic spotlight directly towards love and relationships.

Gemini rules communication and you may find that your debates are fast and furious. Mars represents anger as well as passion. You might experience more arguments than usual in a relationship but it may mean a chance to sort things out rather than hide what you’re feeling.

One way or another, it’s a time to fully engage with your one-to-ones. Mars in Gemini can be a competitive influence so you may be up against strong competition at work.

Alternatively, there may be someone who wants to play a key role within your life. This isn’t a time to go it alone. Instead, engage actively with your close relationships.

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