Sagittarius’ Vibes
December is your birthday month and the Sun remains in Sagittarius until the 22nd, the day of the Solstice. If you’re a typical Sagittarius, you’re a hedonist at heart and it’s fitting that you celebrate your birthday during one of the most festive months of the year.
For many Sagittarius individuals, the run up to the holiday season is the perfect excuse to party, celebrate and enjoy yourself, not only on your birthday itself but any invitation that comes your way. In fact, there’s a lot of opportunity this month to go out and have a good time, if that’s what you choose.
Talk planet, Mercury, is also in Sagittarius from the 9th to the 29th. Therefore, the focus is firmly on you and your personal goals and aims. This is about your image and profile and how you come across to others and how the world sees you. Find your voice and ensure you’re heard. This is a good month to reinvent yourself and do more of what makes you happy.
Love Questions
When it comes to love, the most important date this month is the 12th when there’s a Full Moon cutting across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of the zodiac. This is a time when emotions are heightened and you see your situation clearly.
There’s a romantic vibe to this Full Moon, although you may be faced with a ‘commit or quit’ decision. Be wary of any kind of emotional blackmail. And definitely veer away from a financial trap. This month feels like a time to reclaim your personal power while the focus is on Sagittarius and on you.
Jupiter Leaves Sagittarius
The big news, however, is the fact that your ruling planet, Jupiter, is on the move this month. In fact, Jupiter leaves your star sign Sagittarius on the 2nd where it’s been since November 2018.
Jupiter is the planet of luck and opportunity, also the planet of freedom. At its best, Jupiter is a breath of fresh air. When it’s in your star sign, you feel more able to chase your dreams and do whatever makes you happy. For some of you, the last year may have been a time of personal growth when you received more exposure out in the world.
While the Sun remains in Sagittarius until the 22nd, continue to make the most of the seeds you’ve sown over the past year. You may find that the work you’ve put in finally pays off in an end-of-year flurry.
Jupiter Goals – Money & Abundance
Jupiter is the planet of expansion. On the 2nd, Jupiter enters earth sign Capricorn where it remains until December 2020. Jupiter transits are always powerful for you and Capricorn rules money in your horoscope, personal finances, possessions and what you value highly in life.
Over the course of the next year, seek an opportunity to boost your finances and lead a wealthier or more abundant lifestyle. You may be ready to pay off debt that you’ve run up while Saturn and Pluto have joined forces in Capricorn and your personal money sector. Jupiter often brings freedom and is linked to truth and justice. This is good news if you’re about to fight a legal case or want to expose corruption or wrong-doing.
There’s strong focus on your values as well and what matters to you greatly. You might be ready to leave certain beliefs or values behind as you move forwards. It’s a similar story when it comes to money and possessions. If you find yourself in the mood for a serious de-clutter and a desire to minimalise your life, you’re in sync with your stars.
This could stem from financial circumstances or perhaps you’re starting to become aware that less is more. You want to embrace life experiences but not necessarily all the trappings that go with success or making your way in the world.
Events on or around the 15th could prove spectacular when Jupiter in Capricorn teams up with Uranus in Taurus. This combination feels entrepreneurial and is great for finding work or boosting your finances. Plus, on the 27th, there’s a Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn, which feels both abundant and lucky.
Capricorn Solar Eclipse
The only proviso is a New Moon or Solar Eclipse on the 26th. Solar Eclipses are like a New Moon with extra oomph. They’re turbo-charged. Admittedly, they sometimes coincide with dramatic events and can indicate a significant turning point.
This eclipse is part of the Cancer/Capricorn cycle which began in July 2018 and continues until July 2020. Wherever you find the eclipses in your horoscope, this is where change happens. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good or bad. What it does tend to coincide with is the unexpected, so that things look different at the end of the eclipse season.
Hopefully, Jupiter’s role in this month’s eclipse will bring good fortune your way. Be wary of going over the top, however, and rein in your extravagant nature.
Hidden Matters
Finally, action planet, Mars remains in Scorpio this month, immersing you in deep analysis, a spiritual journey or preparation for what lies ahead. In brief, this indicates that the important work you do now is on your self. Turn your attention inwards and delve deep within. The in-depth work you put in will reap you rewards by the start of next year.
Neptune in Pisces is also active at times this month, especially on the 8th and 13th. Pisces rules your home and family, your past and where you come from and you may be taking a trip down memory lane or feel more able to let your emotions flow.
There’s a sentimental vibe to this planetary combination. Find your place in life, whether you come home to yourself or you seek somewhere that brings you solace and comfort on a deep level.