Sagittarius December 2018

Sagittarius, winter

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

It’s your birthday month as the Sun remains in Sagittarius until the 21st and this is your time to shine. If you’re a typical Sagittarius, you’ll enjoy this time of year especially if there are parties and social events to get involved in.

Being a Sagittarius, you’re the hedonist of the zodiac and usually you love to let your hair down. Also, with the Sun in your star sign, it’s an ideal time to put yourself first. Consider your personal goals and aims. What makes you happy? How can you do more of what you love? Prioritise yourself and your own needs.

The New Moon takes place in Sagittarius on the 7th, an ideal date to set your intentions. Don’t only focus on the month ahead but look beyond the end of the year and into 2019. In fact, as you have expansive Jupiter in your star sign until December 2019, this would be a great month to draw up some plans for the year ahead. Use the New Moon in particular to set new resolutions.

On the 12th, talk planet Mercury moves into your star sign Sagittarius and is drawing ever closer to a gorgeous conjunction with your planet Jupiter on the 21st. This could be a stand-out date for you, especially if your birthday falls on December 1st/2nd or you have key planets/angles at 9 degrees Sagittarius.

These two planets first came together in your star sign on November 27th but last month, Mercury was retrograde. You may have been sowing seeds or waiting to hear about an important project. This time around, what you put in place back then could come to fruition.

Mercury and Jupiter represent good news and opportunity. Reach out to others on this date, whatever you want in your life. It might be a relationship, a new job, a publishing deal or justice. Make the most of this dynamic planetary activity in your star sign.

It’s not all easy-going and smooth this month, however, because key planets clash with the personal planets moving through your star sign. Most significantly, there’s a clash between your needs and what your family needs or a similar scenario.

This is because passion planet Mars is currently in Pisces and your home and family sector. Mars teams up with Neptune on the 7th and both planets clash with the Sun in Sagittarius on the 3rd and 5th. This could resurrect an issue from the past or expose a rift within your family.

Someone may not behave well early in the month which will offend you deeply. As a Sun Sagittarius, truth is important and you won’t take well to someone lying or stretching the truth. 

Be aware that everything is not what it seems early in December. This isn’t the best time to try and sort things out within your family and any issues at home could escalate. Wait a while before drawing up a plan of action.

This happens at the same time as communication planet Mercury returns to Scorpio and the most hidden sector of your horoscope. Mercury retreats into Scorpio on the 1st, turns direct here on the 6th and leaves on the 12th. Scorpio is the star sign linked to secrets and all things hidden. 

When Mercury turns direct on the 6th, you may find something out that displeases you and this is what causes a problem or issue. Mercury’s switch of direction often brings news or information to light.

It’s important that you create some time and space for yourself, particularly in the first half of December. Don’t overdo the socialising or try and sort everything out yourself. It may be that the other person should apologise or make the first move towards conciliation.

The 24th feels slightly mistrustful when Mercury in Sagittarius clashes with Neptune. You might want everyone to get on during the festive season but it may not happen as you wish. Let things go where possible and surrender to life as it is. Focus on you and bring your phenomenal positive outlook to the festivities rather than get too caught up with the one person who lets you down.

Love looks intriguing this month. There’s a tricky planetary aspect on the 1st when Venus in Libra clashes with Uranus in Aries. This can bring the unexpected and any relationship that begins now may not last. Keep out of the way of trouble.

Uranus kicks in again on the 20th but this time in a stunning planetary aspect to the Sun in your star sign Sagittarius. In fact, the 20th/21st could be memorable for love and relationships. Be spontaneous and open to love.

Love planet Venus returns to Scorpio on the 2nd where it remains throughout December. You might be back with an ex or having a private affair. You could be harbouring feelings for someone close or be pursuing a secret passion. You may have to wait until January, however, before the fog clears and your love life is out in the open.

On the 21st, the day of the Solstice, the Sun moves into Capricorn and your personal money sector. The following day, the 22nd, there’s a Full Moon in Cancer which cuts across the financial axis of your horoscope. This could prove to be an important time for money matters and a great date to make a key decision or investment. Take the sensible route when it comes to money and plan ahead.

On the 25th, Christmas Day, the Moon is in a fellow fire sign Leo which promises fun and laughter. Foreign connections could make your day and breaking away from tradition would prove most enjoyable.

Fast-forward to the 31st, New Year’s Eve and the Moon is in Scorpio. You may choose to bring in the new year on your own or you’re back pursuing those private passions.

Wishing you a happy and peaceful festive season, whatever your faith and however you choose to celebrate.

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