Sagittarius August 2019

sea, Sagittarius

Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

Jupiter Joy

There are many reasons to be excited about the month coming up. The main one for you is the fact that your ruling planet, Jupiter, turns direct in your star sign, Sagittarius, on the 11th. Jupiter has been retrograde, i.e. in retreat since mid-April. But, this month, it switches direction and will be in forward motion until early December.

This is good news if your birthday is on December 6th or 7th or you have key planets/angles at 14 degrees Sagittarius. This is where Jupiter turns direct in the zodiac.

When the slower-moving planet are retrograde, their influence turns inwards. Change or growth can happen on an inner level. When the slower-moving planets are in direct motion, their influence is felt out in the world. Therefore, if you’ve been plotting or planning over the last few months, now is the ideal time to go public with your ideas, plans and projects.

While Jupiter is in Sagittarius, this is about your personal goals and aims, your image and profile and how the world sees you. You may want to do something special to mark Jupiter’s change of direction, make an announcement or boost your image and profile in some way.

Jupiter rules the law, publishing, religion, beliefs, travel and higher education. This is your opportunity to flourish in one of these key areas of life. When Jupiter’s active, it’s a positive time to be visionary, take risks and play big.

Jupiter is in action on the 7th, 8th and 21st, when it teams up with the Sun in Leo, Venus in Leo and Mercury in Leo. This is fire sign heaven, whether it brings new opportunities your way or you’re enjoying yourself more than you have for some time.

Travel & Adventure

Leo is the sign of the moment for the first two weeks of August, so if you’re on holiday or travelling, you’re in tune with your stars. In fact, Leo rules the sector of your horoscope that’s closely linked to all things Jupiter. This includes travel & study, the bigger picture, being expansive and living life to the full.

Plus, there’s a New Moon in Leo on the 1st (July 31st in America). A New Moon is a symbol of new beginnings and a great date to set your intentions, launch something new and start over.

The two weeks between the New Moon on the 1st and the Full Moon on the 15th are ideal for being pro-active and getting out and about. The more you put into life, the more you get back in return. The start of August promises freedom and adventure, so embrace new experiences and live life to the full. 

Freedom Calls

The only proviso is the fact that Uranus kicks in early August too. Uranus is currently in Taurus and your work and health sector. Therefore, things may not always go according to plan – key dates are the 2nd and 16th.

This feels disruptive, so be flexible in the first fortnight and go with the flow. If you’re out of work, it would be a good time to take yourself off somewhere new and different. Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus on the 12th, the day after your ruler Jupiter, turns direct in Sagittarius. 

Both planets emphasise space and freedom and you won’t find it easy if you’re tied down or restricted in any way. You might be the one making a bid for freedom.

Love Vibes

Love too is part of the picture when the inner planets are in Leo. Venus, the planet of love and relating, is involved in both the New Moon on the 1st and the Full Moon on the 15th. 

This promises a holiday romance or fun in the sun with the one you love. There’s a foreign theme to love and relationships. The key date for love is the 21st, when your planet Jupiter teams up with your partner planet, Mercury.

Money Matters

Mercury is on a new journey this month as the planet of communication turns direct on the 1st (July 31st in America). Mercury picks up speed in Cancer and the star sign that rules joint finances and shared resources in your horoscope.

This could prove to be a significant turning point for money matters when new information comes to light or something hidden is revealed. Mercury turns direct at the same degree in the zodiac as the Lunar Eclipse on July 16th. Therefore, these two events may be linked. 

Look for a way to resolve a situation, pay off a debt or take advantage of a shifting money market. You can start to make investments or purchases with confidence once Mercury is back up to speed.

Career Goals

During the second half of August, you’re wise to turn your attention to work, your career and vocation, your future path. It’s time to ask where you’re heading and why. Some of you could make great strides and swiftly from the 18th onwards.

This is the date when action planet Mars moves into Virgo and your career and vocation sector. Mars is joined by Venus on the 21st, the Sun on the 23rd and communication planet, Mercury, on the 29th.

Plus, one day later, on the 30th, there’s a second New Moon, this time in Virgo boosting your career and vocation, your status and reputation. You’re wise to get back to work or focus on next steps with this strong earth sign energy.

Uranus is also involved, in a good way, on the 26th, the 28th and the 30th. Play your cards right and you could land yourself a new job, a promotion or more exposure within your career.

Love too could be part of the picture as the lovers of the heavens, Venus and Mars, meet in Virgo on the 24th. This is the only time this year that they unite. You may find love through work, fall for someone you admire or find that you and someone close make a great team.

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