There’s some lively astrology taking place as April gets underway lighting up your romance and relationship sectors. In fact, this could turn into an intriguing and interesting month as talk planet Mercury in Aries and action planet Mars in Gemini are working together.
Mutual Connections
Aries is your romance sector and Gemini is your relationship sector and these two important planets are in each other’s sign of rulership from the 4th to the 19th.
This is called mutual reception in astrology and it’s a helpful, supportive influence. This would be an ideal time for having a heart-to-heart or letting someone know how you really feel. Mercury and Mars together are about walking (Mars) your talk (Mercury).
Mercury is your partner planet so look out for the person who can help you, someone who appears in your life at the right time.
Expert advice, a coach or mentor could accelerate your progress, especially when you find the right person to meet your needs. Seek out the person who ‘gets you’, who understands your inner motivations.
In fact, the first two weeks of April could be truly lovely. You have Venus the planet of love in Aries and your romance sector until the 14th. Plus, Venus and Mars, the lovers of the heavens come together on the 6th. This combination doesn’t happen very often but it’s gorgeous for making connections.
The Sun & Mercury are both in Aries until the 19th, a fellow fire sign. The whole vibe of the fire sign energy is about actively enjoying your life, throwing yourself into things and having fun.
It’s about play and creativity, entertainment and spontaneity. If you’re a parent, it’s a good time in the year to spend quality time with your kids and let their love of life rub off on you.
Shake off any fear or worries by filling your life with lovely things and lovely people – do what you can to raise your positive vibe. You’re a hedonist at heart, a free spirit and it’s when you trust in life and look on the bright side that you’re able to get back in flow.
Work & Money
Aside from the lively vibe, the second half of the month is a good time to focus on everyday matters. In fact, the two go hand in hand. Sort out the basics of life, work on your time management, get more organised and you’ll create more space for fun, play and the good things in life.
Do be careful, however, of over-spending or committing more money than you can afford. This is the cautionary note throughout April as Pluto prepares to turn retrograde in Capricorn and your personal money sector.
The key dates are the 12th, 16th & 17th. This is when there’s a New Moon in Aries on the 12th, a symbol of new beginnings. This could, however, reveal some harsh truths around money and you’re wise to enjoy yourself but without running up extra expense.
Plus, Pluto energy peaks at the Full Moon in Scorpio on the 27th as this is also the date that Pluto turns retrograde. Use the light of the Full Moon for clarity and insight moving forwards. Consider what you need to let go or release.
A Slower Pace
The inner planets are moving into Taurus, one of the earth signs, as April progresses. Taurus rules your work and routine, your lifestyle and your health.
Venus moves here on the 14th followed by the Sun & Mercury on the 19th. Put healthy habits in place to support you moving forwards. Think mind, body, soul and be holistic in your approach to good health. Work too could pick up the pace from mid-month onwards.
The planets moving through Taurus are an indication on how to improve your finances, if that’s something you need to engage with this month.
Earth signs dominate your work and money sectors. Therefore, working hard and purposefully can reap rewards. It’s regular employment, the steady job that can help to bring financial security your way.
Bear this in mind moving forwards and have a clear plan of where you’re heading with regard to work and money.
This is the theme of the Full Moon on the 27th, which cuts across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac. Trust your intuition when it comes to work and health and take time out if necessary to reassess the bigger picture of your life.
There may be a link to the past as well, as there’s a sense of karma about this Full Moon. You might be rewarded for past favours or find that the past catches up with you.
The Uranus Factor
You can’t ignore the influence of Uranus, the planet of change, also moving through Taurus. This signifies doing things differently, thinking unconventionally and outside of the box.
This month, Uranus is active from the 23rd to the 30th. You might have a brilliant work idea on or around these dates or be able to make money and fast. Take advantage of change to boost your own situation.
Admittedly, sometimes Uranus brings unexpected events and you have to change your future path accordingly. Combining the old with the new is a wise strategy this month, especially with regard to your work and your future prospects.