Progressed Lunar Return and Amy Winehouse

On the day the Sun moves into Virgo, a blog on the talented and tragic Amy Winehouse, an incredible jazz singer-songwriter.


photo of Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse

When Amy Winehouse, Sun Virgo (born September 14 1983) died in July 2011, there was much talk in the media about her joining the legendary 27 club. The 27 club comprises musicians who all died aged 27, the most famous being Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison in the early 70’s and Kurt Cobain, lead singer of Nirvana, in 1994.

Astrologers identify the age of 27 with the progressed lunar return when the Moon progresses forward to the place it was in your chart at birth. Progressions in astrology are a symbolic timing measure used in prediction. In astrology, the Moon rules your inner world and represents emotions and personal needs, it’s reflective and changeable. The progressed lunar return has been called the “cycle of maturity”, the end of one chapter in life and the start of a new phase.

In Amy’s birth chart, the Moon is next to Neptune, a planet that often dominates in charts of singers and musicians. Neptune represents escapism, the things in life that allow us to escape from everyday reality, so drink and drugs but also spirituality, music, poetry and, of course, romance and love. In a touching article by Russell Brand in the Guardian on 24 July 2011, he talks of Amy’s addiction being a sickness and says of her singing voice, “it was at once entirely human yet laced with the divine”. The Neptunian symbolism is obvious.

After the progressed lunar return comes the Saturn return at age 29-30. Saturn is the planet associated with the real world, with hard work, limitation and responsibility; it’s about being grown up. We shouldn’t glamorise the 27 club but recognise that for certain vulnerable individuals, the transition into the world of maturity and ultimately aging is a stage too far.

Amy’s chart data: September 14 1983, 10:25pm, London, UK

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3 thoughts on “Progressed Lunar Return and Amy Winehouse”

  1. Thanks Sally.
    With Neptune squaring both my Sun and Moon, I had a very rock’n’roll lifestyle growing up, which had dramatic consequences for me in my mid-twenties. Of course I attracted lots of friends of the same ilk; very creative and sensitive individuals who would ‘party’ and experiment to numb the underlying pain.
    Luckily I am still here to tell the story, but I have lost three of my male friends who may find it harder than females to find their way? I miss them greatly, and they were all gifts to this world.
    I like all the musicians you list in the 27 club, especially Jimmy Hendrix. The one thing about dying that young, is you are forever remembered as your beautiful self, not getting old and wrinkled like Mick Jagger etc…! David Bowie is an exception to this. He will always be beautiful and enigmatic.
    PS, I am 44 now with kids and doing the whole life improvement thing, but hey, I will never forget how much fun and great connections we had in those days.
    With Love.X

    1. I loved your comment and thank you for reminding us of the challenging side of Neptune. I too have Neptune strong in my chart, it’s in a wide conjunction to my Sun and square my ruling planet Mars. ‘Party animal’ is an apt term to describe my 20’s and a good chunk of my 30’s until I decided it was time to settle down which probably saved me. The world of Neptune is a huge temptation and escapism is the drug in whichever form that takes but I agree with you, the memories of the good times will never be forgotten. We are in many respects the lucky ones and hopefully the second half of my life will be more in touch with spiritual highs rather than any form of addiction! best, Sallyx

  2. Thanks Sally.
    With Neptune squaring both my Sun and Moon, I had a very rock’n’roll lifestyle growing up, which had dramatic consequences for me in my mid-twenties. Of course I attracted lots of friends of the same ilk; very creative and sensitive individuals who would ‘party’ and experiment to numb the underlying pain.
    Luckily I am still here to tell the story, but I have lost three of my male friends who may find it harder than females to find their way? I miss them greatly, and they were all gifts to this world.
    I like all the musicians you list in the 27 club, especially Jimmy Hendrix. The one thing about dying that young, is you are forever remembered as your beautiful self, not getting old and wrinkled like Mick Jagger etc…! David Bowie is an exception to this. He will always be beautiful and enigmatic.
    PS, I am 44 now with kids and doing the whole life improvement thing, but hey, I will never forget how much fun and great connections we had in those days.
    With Love.X

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