Partnership Matters
This is a month when you have to take other people into account. Communication planet Mercury is in Virgo and your relationship sector until the 5th and the Sun remains here until the 22nd.
It will benefit you this month to be a people person and favour your close relationships. This means not only with loved ones but people who come into your life on a daily or regular basis.
This is where emotional fulfilment can be found and one person in particular could open your heart in a positive way. Notice what happens on the romantic and emotional Full Moon in Pisces on the 2nd.
September’s the month for you to be there for others and ask for help when you need it. Be bold and don’t shut down on your feelings. Instead, allow your feelings to guide you.
This month’s New Moon on the 17th also highlights Virgo and your relationship sector, a gorgeous date for new beginnings.
Money Matters
Even when the personal planets move away from Virgo, they enter Libra, the sign of relating and partnership. Mercury is here from the 5th to the 27th and the Sun enters Libra on the 22nd, the day of the Equinox.
Consider which partnerships work for you and ensure that you have good people in your life, in all areas. This would be an excellent month to find the right expert or adviser to help you out, whether for an emotional or financial matter.
Libra rules all forms of joint finances and shared resources in your horoscope. It’s about contracts, mortgages, savings & debt, money earned and money owed. It’s a good month to negotiate well and aim for fairness and justice in financial matters.
This could be easier said than done because of what’s happening with action planet Mars. Mars is spending an unusually long time in Aries and your personal money sector.
Aries rules your assets, your possessions and items of value. It represents your self-worth and how you value what you have to offer the world.
Mars is go-getting and dynamic and wants things to happen and fast. In general, this is a good time to focus on making money and being tough about your financial choices.
Mars Retrograde
However, on September 9th, Mars turns retrograde and will be on go slow until November 13th. This means that it might be harder to make swift progress during this period.
And, if anything, it’s the time to rework your strategy and take a step back rather than pushing ahead. Sometimes, delays occur when Mars is in retreat and you have to be patient, as challenging as that may be.
There are a few clashes this month between the personal and slower-moving planets. This flags up debate, discussion or arguments around money. It’s a hot topic right now and one that’s not easily resolved. The period from the 17th to the 24th is especially volatile.
In fact, you might be wise to slow things down and do more research if necessary, gather facts and figures and resolve to try again or make another push later in the year.
Here too, ensure you get the right people on your side and trust in what next. Saturn is square to Mars throughout September, which suggests feeling trapped or held back. If one route is closed to you, look elsewhere.
Lucky Jupiter
The key turning point for you is the 13th when your traditional ruling planet, Jupiter, switches direction and begins to move forwards again after being on go slow since May 2020.
This could be a significant turning point, especially with regard to your hopes and wishes, your future plans. Look out for the friend or group connection that can help open doors for you.
The other great date for Jupiter is the 9th when there’s a gorgeous Sun-Jupiter trine aspect. Get the right people on your side and you can go far. This theme is emphasized throughout September.
Finally, the planet of relating, Venus, moves into Leo on the 6th and your work and lifestyle sector. Look out for someone, a woman perhaps, to team up with or advise you. Together, you can not only have more fun but get things done as well.
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