Your ruling planet, Jupiter, was in fine form last month as it turned direct in Sagittarius, the star sign at the peak of your horoscope.
Now’s the time to put more energy into your career and vocation, while Jupiter makes its last transit through this sector of your horoscope, until early December 2019.
Follow Your Dreams
This month, however, there’s another big event taking place, also involving Jupiter. This is the third and final Jupiter-Neptune square aspect of 2019, which takes place on the 21st. It first took place in January, then again in June and this is the last hoorah.
This is a huge deal for you because Jupiter and Neptune are co-rulers of your star sign, Pisces. They are both currently in their signs of rulership and therefore strong. Plus, they are lighting up not only your career and success sector but your personal sector too.
At its best, this combination is encouraging you to follow your dreams, to make the most of your potential and play big in life. Jupiter represents global connections, it rules the law, publishing and the media. Neptune has an artistic and creative vibe and is the planet most closely linked to compassion and charitable goals.
Put all this together and you could be in for an outstanding month when you get yourself noticed and then some. Both Jupiter and Neptune are extremely active in the first two weeks of September, from the 2nd until the 14th, the day of the Full Moon in your star sign, Pisces. If ever there was a time to believe anything’s possible, it’s now.
Partnership Goals
Jupiter and Neptune team up with the inner planets moving through Virgo in the first fortnight. Therefore, on the one hand, this suggests that your success comes either via other people or in partnership with other people. Certainly, you tend not to have the leading role when your opposite star sign, Virgo, dominates.
This could mean that your partner’s career or vocation is developing at a fast rate of knots. Or perhaps, you’re making a romantic move that brings with it more than love and connection. It could be a marriage – or business partnership – which improves your status and reputation. The peak of this activity comes during the emotional Full Moon on the 14th, which could bring your turn in the spotlight.
Stay Grounded
With all the slower-moving planets, you need to be aware of their flip side. For you, this means not taking on too much or promising more than you can deliver. Jupiter and Neptune together can be about overwhelm, being wildly optimistic but losing sight of reality.
This is something that as a Pisces you are susceptible to. If you’re true to your star sign, you have deep trust and faith in life and you pin your hopes on your dreams and wishes. What you need and sometimes lack is an ability to turn those dreams into reality, to put in the work to ensure they happen.
This is provided by your opposite star sign, Virgo, and we all have the ability to benefit from the positive traits of our opposite sign. Keep your feet on the ground, be realistic and pay attention to the details.
Adopt a hard-work ethic if you are busy and look after your mind, body and soul to support you in getting things done. Or, hand everything over to another person, a Virgo type, who can do this for you.
On the whole, September’s astrology looks uplifting and exhilarating, if you step beyond the hype and avoid being fooled or seduced. Keep the momentum going while you have Jupiter strong in Sagittarius.
Balance & Flow
Mid-month, there’s a shift in planetary energy as the social planets, Mercury and Venus, change star sign. They leave behind Virgo and move into air sign, Libra. This feels more balanced for you and helps restore harmony.
When it comes to your personal and professional relationships, pay attention to the practicalities, deal with money matters and use your people skills to charm and persuade others.
The Sun joins the inner planets in Libra on the 23rd, the day of the Equinox. Plus, five days later, on the 28th, there’s a New Moon in Libra, a symbol of new beginnings. There’s a flow of energy here with regard to money, joint finances and shared resources. Get your accounts in order and be open to gifts and cash flow coming in.
Jupiter is also active during this period in a good way. It teams up with Mercury on the 24th and Venus on the 8th, the day of the New Moon. A partnership could pay off big time during this period. Any contract or alliance that begins in the last week of the month is likely to do well.
Moving On
Finally, one of the slower-moving planets, Saturn, switches direction this month on the 18th. This is an important planetary shift. This is because Saturn turned retrograde on April 30th. Ever since, Saturn has been in retreat next to the karmic South Node.
This has all been happening in Capricorn and your group sector. You may have been moving away from a set of friends during this period or cut ties with a group you were previously involved in. Notice what happens on or around the 18th and again on the 28th when Saturn finally parts company from the South Node.
This could signify an important turning point in a friendship or your role within a group. You might be ready to move out of your comfort zone and step in to a position of leadership. Or perhaps, you’re ready to release and let go an association that hasn’t served you well. It will be personal to you. Know that the time is right to put one foot in front of the other and move on determinedly.