Pisces October 2019

tree, Pisces

Balanced Finances

As October begins, the inner planets are boosting the star sign Libra. Talk planet Mercury is here until the 3rd and Venus, the planet of relating, until the 8th. Libra rules your joint finances and shared resources and money negotiations will be foreground in your close relationships.

There are two other key planets in Libra. The Sun is here until the 23rd and action planet, Mars, enters Libra on the 4th. Mars remains in your joint finance sector until November 19th.

The Sun and Mars bring energy and drive to the mix, an indication that it’s a top month to sort out your finances. 

Libra is the sign of balance, so ensure you know what’s going out and what’s coming in. Reassess all your financial transactions, to ensure you’re getting the best deals. Be thorough in your undertakings and prioritise money matters, both personally and professionally.

The Libra activity peaks around the time of the Full Moon on the 13th. This Full Moon cuts across the Libra/Aries axis of the zodiac and the financial foundations of your horoscope. Full Moons are a great time to make key decisions and trust your intuition.

Boundaries & Loss

This Full Moon could be intense as it pulls in power planet, Pluto. Sometimes, when Pluto’s involved, you have to let go of something or close the door on a project or plan that’s not worked out. Consider where it would be timely to cut your losses and move on.

Certainly, October seems to be a sound month to put firm boundaries in place to enhance your future financial security. Pluto is in Capricorn along with Saturn, Both slower-moving planets clash with the inner planets in Libra on the following dates: the 1st, 7th, 14th and 27th. 

This could flag up a deficit and you’re wise to pay close attention to money matters. Try not to miss any payments and create new systems that help you keep close tabs on all things financial.

Libra doesn’t only rule money in your horoscope but taboo matters too. It can be linked to issues around power & control, sex & sexuality, death & rebirth. Dig a little deeper this month and look at where else in life you’re wise to be vigilant and keep yourself safe. 

Jupiter’s Influence

A lot depends this month on your career and Jupiter in Sagittarius plays its part during the Full Moon. Jupiter is one of your ruling planets and currently strong in your career and vocation sector.

Keep your eyes firmly fixed on your future goals, play big in life and set up new experiences and adventures that enhance your status and reputation.

In fact, if you play your cards right mid-month, you could find that a new opportunity is just what you need to sort out a financial issue in one fell swoop.

Keep aiming high and ensure your positive nature helps you overcome any fear, lack or scarcity. Your attitude can make a huge difference moving forwards.

Deep Love Vibes

Also, this month, planets in Scorpio are luring you and calling you away from everyday affairs. Scorpio is a fellow water sign. You often feel in your element when the inner planets move through this sector of your horoscope.

Scorpio rules travel and study, the bigger picture in life. Mercury’s here from the 3rd onwards and is joined by Venus on the 8th. As Mercury is your partner planet and Venus the planet of love and relating, this would be a great month to get away with a loved one, to book a trip or second honeymoon.

If you’re looking for love, think foreign climes and holiday romance. Either that or you meet someone when you’re on a course or at a place of study. Scorpio rules all things foreign and educational in your horoscope.

The period from the 14th onwards promises new connections, peaking from the 15th to the 21st. This is potentially a romantic period in the month, also a time when you’re improving your self or increasing your knowledge thanks to your friends or the groups you’re involved in. 

Stretch Your Comfort Zone

The Scorpio activity peaks in the last week of October. This is when the Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd, followed by a stunning New Moon in Scorpio on the 28th, a symbol of new beginnings. Sign up for something new and different late October and stretch your comfort zone. 

Certainly, this is a time to consider doing things differently and embracing all that’s new and unique. This has a lot to do with Uranus, the planet of change, currently in Taurus and your study and communication sector. Uranus is active this month on the 7th, 12th and 28th, the day of the New Moon.

As Uranus is a restless factor, this is one reason why wanderlust is likely to kick in. Be aware that things may not progress in a straightforward manner so get ready to be flexible and adaptable.

Your star sign is one of the mutable signs and your ability to change course quickly is one of your strengths. Keep your options open and be prepared to move fast when necessary.

Note too that Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde on the last day of October, the 31st, and remains on go slow until November 20th. If you can take time out during this period, it would be a great time to do so. 

Yes, you need to be extra vigilant if you’re travelling and do double check documents for trips or courses. Yet, you can make the most of Mercury diving deep into Scorpio and your travel and study sector by going with it.

Seek out mystery, find what’s extraordinary and push back the boundaries of your experiences. Your journey into the unknown starts here.

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