Pisces October 2016

Pisces, mountain

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

Events early in the month could prove decisive for you especially where relationships and your 1-to-1’s are concerned. This is because on the 7th, your partner planet Mercury leaves Virgo and your relationship sector where it’s been since the end of July.

Since then, Mercury has been to-ing and fro-ing through this same part of your chart but it’s time to move on. This will mean different things to you depending on your personal situation.

If a relationship’s not working out, it’s time to change the way you do things, to try something different. If you’ve invested time and energy in someone who hasn’t returned the favour, consider whether you’re ready to give up.

You might currently be in a relationship and be coming to the end of your honeymoon period. If this is the case decide whether you’re ready to make a more committed investment in the one you love. It’s up to you what this means but a new phase is beginning.

New beginnings are also on the cards on the 1st when there’s a New Moon in Libra and your joint finance sector. This is a good date for partnership in general whether you seek out an expert to help you or you join forces with someone close to boost your finances.

Certainly this is a month when you must pay close attention to money matters and if your usual mode of approach is to hide any bills, find a way to do things differently. This month is the ideal time to tackle anything difficult or taboo. In your chart, Libra rules sexuality as well as money, power, death and rebirth. This is about transformation and change on a deep level.

These areas are highlighted now in particular because last month your ruling planet Jupiter entered Libra where it remains for the next 12 months. Jupiter is the planet of opportunity and growth and in financial terms it represents abundance and prosperity.

You might find that money comes to you now via an inheritance, bonus, gift or return on investment. You might experience an opportunity to team up with someone close to improve your finances and share resources. This could be a love relationship, a business partner, a joint venture.

Note who or what comes your way now to help you make progress and focus on your financial future. One of the best dates this month is the 11th when communication planet Mercury teams up with Jupiter in Libra.

This is ideal for negotiating, arranging a meeting or interview. Share ideas with others, pool your knowledge and begin to create your dream team. Knowledge is power when Mercury and Jupiter combine.

There are other reasons why it’s important to ensure your financial situation is stable this month because there are periods of instability. The main one runs from the 15th to the 20th when unpredictable Uranus opposes the Sun and Mercury in Libra. This period includes the Full Moon on the 16th which cuts across the Aries/Libra axis of the zodiac highlighting finances.

This is a time when you will see your own situation clearly and it’s not a positive period for taking risks or initiating drastic action, especially around money. Get the law on your side if necessary and when it comes to money matters play fair and expect other people to do the same.

Friends too or a group in which you’re involved is pulled into the planetary picture because of strong activity in Capricorn and this sector of your chart. Action planet Mars storms through Capricorn this month and this does indicate on the one level that together you’re stronger. Get the right people on your side and you’re a power house.

Yet inevitably there could be arguments or disagreements this month especially around money. Take care in any financial transactions that involve your friends as this is where there’s room for difficulty. Not everyone will play fair and money will trigger strong emotions.

The trickiest dates are the 5th, 19th and 29th so keep things balanced during these days and don’t be pushed into doing anything that doesn’t sit easily with you. Mars is a forceful planet so ensure you’re the one to step into your power, to take on a leadership role rather than allow others to control or dominate you.

Love has a foreign feel this month especially when love planet Venus is in Scorpio and your travel sector up until the 18th. This is a classic holiday romance combination or perhaps you meet someone new from a different culture or through your place of study.

The 1st is dreamily romantic when Venus teams up with your co-ruler Neptune in Pisces and the end of the month too looks promising for love when your partner planet Mercury unites with Neptune on the 30th.

The end of the month could turn out to be quite momentous because on the 30th there’s also a New Moon in Scorpio and your travel and study sector. Plus love planet Venus has by then moved into Sagittarius and your career sector and it sits side-by-side with Saturn on the same day.

This feels decisive and whatever you begin on or around this date is likely to last. Note too however that Saturn can flag up an ending whether someone you like is leaving work or you’re saying goodbye to a person who’s played an important role in your lie.

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