Pisces November 2020

November is a month of turning points. Yet, you may be happy to live in some kind of magical wonder world, where you have an escape from what’s going on outside. There are a couple of reasons for this.

Neptune Direct

Firstly, your co-ruler Neptune turns direct on the 29th which means that Neptune never moves away from 18 degrees Pisces all month. If your birthday is March 7/8/9, you’ll feel this influence most strongly.

Neptune was God of the Sea in mythology and represents any area or activity that takes you away from the everyday. It’s where you find your bliss, seek romance and look for beauty in the world. It’s transcendent and mystical. Just take care that you don’t lose yourself the wrong way, i.e. in the bottom of a wine glass…

Scorpio Season

Another reason why you may be wanting more magic or wonder in your life is because of the emphasis on the star sign Scorpio. Like Pisces, Scorpio is a water sign and Scorpio goes in deep.

In your horoscope, Scorpio rules travel and study, the bigger picture of life. It’s where you can be expansive and free, find meaning and fulfilment.

The Sun’s in Scorpio until the 21st, talk planet Mercury returns here on the 10th and Venus enters Scorpio on the 21st, so it’s evident all month. Lose yourself in fairy-tales, watch escapist movies, learn or study something new. Connect to something beyond yourself, the everyday – that’s the theme.

The New Moon in Scorpio on the 15th could point the way, a symbol of new beginnings.

Money Matters

There are practicalities to attend to this month, most notably money. This is evident as November begins because talk planet Mercury turns direct in Libra and your joint finance sector on the 3rd.

Often, news or information comes to light when Mercury turns direct. It’s a good date to chase up money owed to you.

Venus is also in Libra until the 21st and this feels helpful. Venus in Libra can coincide with a gift or someone who’s willing to help you. The relationship planet is in your joint finance sector so turn to the ones you love for support.

The only time when this might not work is the 9th when Venus and Mars, the lovers in the heavens, clash. This could signify a falling out over money with a loved one or relation. Aim to compromise without giving in entirely – it’s a tricky tightrope to walk but do your best.

Mars is packing a punch in Aries and your personal money sector in November. Admittedly, Mars has been retrograde or on go slow since September 9th and this can bring frustration or an inability to act.

Yet, Mars turns direct on the 14th, a significant turning point. This is your cue to be assertive around money and act fast. Get things moving, be strong, be bold, be forceful if necessary – without going over the top!


This may be linked to what’s happening with your ruling planet Jupiter. Jupiter is currently in Capricorn and your friendship and group sector and on the 12th Jupiter aligns with Pluto. This power-house combination is often about wealth or debt – together, these two planets are extreme.

Think back to April 5th and June 30th when they met earlier this year to see if you can work out what this means for you. You may need to plug a black hole on your money and stop giving out. Alternatively, you can reap your rewards.

Lunar Eclipse

Finally, there’s a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 30th cutting across the Gemini-Sagittarius axis of the zodiac. This is important for you as these two star signs rule the foundations of your horoscope. It’s about your work/career v. your home/family.

Think back to June 2020 when this eclipse cycle started and note that it will continue until December 2021. Usually, this means that these areas of your life are changing or in flux.

Some of you may move home or your family dynamic may change. Alternatively, you’re on a new career path or a current role or position comes to an end. Eclipses represent the roller-coaster of life with its cycle of ups and downs.

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2 thoughts on “Pisces November 2020”

  1. Thank you. Sounds good & factual! I’ve been given notice by Landlord. Not done wrong. Just wants it back! I’ve been fighting a Crook Lawyer for years, & just discovered the Documents I need to finish him off. I’ve moved loads of times, so look at it as a new cycle. It’s just not knowing how or when!! That’s also part of what drives us forwards. So I’m quite lucky really! I hope your Stars are for you too. Take opportunities, they’re sometimes disguised as what we call bad luck!

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