Pisces (19 February – 20 March)
Mercury Retrograde Wanderings
This could turn out to be an important month for you but timing is the key to your success. This is because Mercury, the planet of communication, is retrograde in Scorpio until the 20th. Traditionally, when Mercury is on go slow, this is not the time to make any major decisions in your life.
Instead, you’re wise to play a waiting game and see what is revealed once Mercury switches to direct motion on the 20th. Sometimes, new information comes to light which helps you know which direction to take.
Scorpio is a fellow water sign and water signs rule the emotions. Therefore, it’s important that you tap into your feelings during this month and listen to your gut instincts. As Scorpio rules your travel and study sector, it would be a useful Mercury retrograde phase to go somewhere different and take time out from your usual routine.
Think of this as an exploratory phase when you’re open to new insights coming in. Sometimes, doing things differently or being in a new environment can aid your thinking process. Go in deep while Mercury’s in Scorpio.
Expand your thinking and venture into unknown territory. If you’re a typical Pisces, there’s a side to your nature that loves to think outside of the box. Stimulate your imagination this month and listen closely to your dreams.
Full Moon Insights
The period round the Full Moon on the 12th could be a revelation in this respect. The Full Moon cuts across the Scorpio/Taurus axis of your horoscope and is an ideal time to broaden your horizons. This is about studying and teaching, learning and advising. Taking part in a course or some form of study might help you work out your next steps.
Also, on the 11th, there’s a Sun/Mercury conjunction in Scorpio. This is when Mercury retrograde reaches the heart of the Sun, which can bring clarity and light into the darkness. This is a similar theme to the Full Moon, which also illuminates. Use this ‘light’ to seek answers, tap into your psychic nature and push back the veil between worlds.
Travel & Adventure
Then, once Mercury turns direct in Scorpio on the 20th, you’ll be more than ready to leap into action. And, as this coincides with Mars’ move into Scorpio on the 19th, this is a good time for decisive action.
Mars remains in your travel and study sector until early January 2020. Your explorative phase will continue until the end of the year. Make the most of this and keep stepping out of your comfort zone.
Dare to think differently and rock the boat. Dare to stand up for what you believe in and find your voice. This will kick in during the Mars-Uranus opposition on the 24th. Uranus is in Taurus and your communication sector. Uranus is unconventional and alternative and it’s not a month to walk an everyday path. Instead, seek out the road less travelled and play your part in world events.
Career Peaks
November could turn out to be a big month for you career-wise too. This is because of the activity taking place at the peak of your horoscope. Your traditional ruling planet is Jupiter currently in Sagittarius and your career and vocation sector, but only for one more month. On December 2nd, Jupiter leaves Sagittarius where it’s been since December 2019.
Therefore, this is your month to take a big leap, a leap of faith. Jupiter’s domain is opportunity, expansion, entrepreneurial ventures, the visionary. Jupiter rules higher education, publishing, the media, religion and the law.
Venus-Jupiter Vibes
Jupiter is not alone in Sagittarius this month. The second best planet, Venus, accompanies Jupiter on his travels. Venus is here from the 1st to the 26th. Plus, on the 24th, they make an epic conjunction. This feels lucky, opportunistic, packed full of good fortune.
So, make the most of it. Say Yes to a new adventure or experience that comes your way. Use your connections as Venus rules relating, be a role model for others or seek out a person of influence in your own life.
It’s gorgeous astrology which links back to January this year, when there was another Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius on January 23rd. If this date is meaningful for you, there’s more of the same coming your way.
Plus, two days later, on the 26th, there’s a New Moon in Sagittarius, an ideal date to launch a project or start something new. Set your intentions for your career and vocation, find your meaning and purpose and do whatever’s necessary to get ahead.
Turn Dreams Into Reality
Your co-ruler, Neptune, is also in action this month as it turns direct on the 27th. Allow yourself to dream fully during this phase and push back the boundaries of what’s possible. The key dates for Neptune are the weekend of the 8th to the 10th.
This is when there’s a Saturn-Neptune planetary aspect in play. These two planets can turn dreams into reality and this is about your hopes and wishes for the future. This is the final connection of these two planets, which have been active all year.
They first connected on January 31st, then on June 23rd. Use this combination to get practical about your next steps. Line up some goals for the future and put steps in place so you can walk steadily towards your dreams. Get your friends involved too as Saturn is in your friendship sector.
Love Advice
On the friendship front, don’t mix money and friendship when Mars and Pluto clash on the 5th. And, do get excited about love and friendship once Venus enters Capricorn on the 26th. The Venus-Uranus encounter on the 28th is gorgeous for meeting someone new or bringing something fresh and new to a long-term relationship.
Mercury is your partner planet. Therefore, when it’s retrograde, there may be a theme of absence or distance when it comes to love. Bide your time and don’t get involved in other people’s dramas. Once Mercury’s back up to speed, then you can start to make steady progress in your close relationships.