Pisces (19 February – 20 March)
Both the Sun and communication planet Mercury are in Scorpio and your fellow water sign as November begins. Mercury’s here until the 12th and the Sun until the 21st. This is lovely for you as you tend to be in flow when planets move through signs that are the same element as your own.
In addition, Scorpio rules the bigger picture in your life so it’s a fine month to focus on your future and to set goals for the year ahead. At the very least, allow yourself some time to visualise your ideal life and dream about what you want. If you get a chance to go away on holiday or take a short trip, even better. You gain a fresh perspective on your life when you’re in new surroundings.
Scorpio also rules study and knowledge and the sharing of ideas. This is a wonderful time to be a student or to teach others. Pass on what you know and expand your mind. The 1st of November is especially gorgeous for you when the Sun connects with your ruling planet Neptune. This is an imaginative combination so seek out adventure and grasp new experiences.
Friends too play their part in your development this month because there are key planets in Capricorn and the friendship sector of your chart. Action planet Mars is in Capricorn until the 9th and on the 3rd and 7th, the Sun and Mercury team up with transformational Pluto in Capricorn. So don’t sit home alone, you’ll gain much more by combining forces with others and seeking out people of like minds.
If life’s become humdrum and you’re bored with your regular routine, this is a key month to line up some fun or meaningful activities in the weeks and months ahead. Decide where you want to explore further; a spiritual path, a new philosophy and go beyond what you believe is possible.
The Full Moon in Taurus on the 14th is also a key date for travel and study in particular. This Full Moon cuts across the Taurus/Scorpio axis of the zodiac lighting up communication, education and the world around you. It’s a safe and steady Full Moon so any plans you put in place will work out and any alliances that are made will last.
The other important sector of your chart this month is your career sector as the personal planets move through Sagittarius. The planet which rules women, Venus, is here until the 12th when it passes on the baton to communication planet Mercury on the same date. Plus, the Sun enters Sagittarius on the 21st.
Sagittarius rules your career and vocation, your future and where you’re heading in life. So this is a top month to get ahead, make progress and be pro-active with regard to your working life.
You might already know that one planet which has been resident in Sagittarius for some time is Saturn, the taskmaster of the heavens. So this can mean a period of hard work or the opposite, a time of unemployment. Yet this month, there’s fresh energy in this sector of your chart so it’s ideal for trying again where you’ve failed in the past.
Plus, Venus and Mercury team up with Uranus in Aries and your money sector on the 5th and 26th. This indicates that new openings are on the way for work and money matters. You might be able to take on a part-time job or find a way to earn extra money on the run up to Christmas. This is a lively, spontaneous energy so act fast when new opportunities come your way.
The New Moon on the 29th also takes place in Sagittarius and this is a key date to find a new job or win a contract. A New Moon equals new beginnings and a chance to start afresh. It’s great energy for job-seeking when you can set new targets for yourself in the year ahead.
Yet at times this month, you might also feel restless or unsettled and be questioning your current direction in life or what it’s all about. This is because of your ruling planet Neptune which is currently strong in Pisces but on the 20th Neptune switches direction in the zodiac.
This means that throughout November Neptune’s influence is stronger than usual as it moves so slowly. Positive ways to tap into Neptune’s bounty are via a creative or spiritual source. Neptune rules art and poetry, music and spirituality. Know too however that Neptune can lead you astray so take care that you don’t get drawn into any activity which isn’t good for you. The most seductive period is the 18th to the 20th.
Neptune rules romance too and there will be moments this month when you can enjoy love to the utmost. The 19th is especially gorgeous when Venus and Neptune come together. If you’re looking for love, love and friendship are linked so ask for an introduction or look at a friend through new eyes. If you’re in a relationship or married, socialise together and enliven your love life.
One of the trickiest planetary aspects this month takes place on the 24th when your traditional ruler Jupiter in Libra clashes with Pluto in Capricorn. Libra rules your joint finances but it’s also about things that are hidden from you.
This combination signals a wake up call or the realisation that you’re not the one in control. Pluto rules power and it wouldn’t be the best time to get involved in a power battle or power game.
Be wary with financial dealings too in the last week of the month and know that if you lend money, it might not be returned quickly or at all. Sometimes this planetary duo flags up a choice between two extremes which test your faith.
Plus Venus is entangled in the picture from the 25th to the 29th so it’s best to keep money separate from love and rein in your generous nature. The Jupiter-Pluto combination will take place twice more in 2017 so this is likely to be a big theme in the year ahead. The more you know what it means for you now, the easier it is to plan ahead and be prepared.