This month is a powerful month for your 1-to-1’s, your key relationships and there are a couple of reasons for this.
Firstly, the Sun is in Virgo, your opposite sign, ruling your relationship sector and from the 5th-29th the Sun is joined by Venus, planet of love.
Here’s your opportunity to cosy up close to the one you love and spend some quality time together. When planets are in your opposite sign, it’s not only about love relationships but all your 1-to-1’s, personal and professional so bear this in mind. In other words, this is not a month to go it alone but to work in harmony and partnership alongside other people. Sign up with a personal trainer, employ an accountant or whatever fits for your personal situation.
Love and relationships aren’t straightforward now however as Neptune is in your sign of Pisces, the planet of romance but also confusion. Neptune’s boundless like the sea and this is why you have a vivid imagination and you’re one of the most creative signs of the zodiac. It does mean that you’re easily pulled in two different directions, like the two fishes which represent your zodiac symbol, and making up your mind can be hard.
You may find that you feel especially puzzled or confused about love or another key relationship on or around the 9th/10th of the month. This is because there’s a Full Moon on the 9th that falls across the Virgo/Pisces axis of your horoscope highlighting love and relationships. Plus the following day on the 10th the love planet Venus is opposed by Neptune.
This is all very beguiling and enchanting and for some there’s a real chance that you’re going to fall head over heels in love or even tie the knot and get married. For others, however, you may find that doubts slip in and you’re unsure of your own feelings towards someone close. Be aware that your emotions will be heightened at this time and you need to find an anchor before you make any big decision about love. Keep one foot on the ground even if your head is in the clouds.
Virgo is a sensible sign that deals with the facts so dispel any rumours and ask the important questions. Neptune can pull a veil over your eyes so you see someone through rose-coloured glasses. Keep your intuitive antennae on high alert mid-month to ensure that you don’t let someone deceive you or lead you astray.
If in doubt turn to a good friend to advise you as both the Sun and Venus team up with Pluto in your friendship sector on the 3rd and 14th respectively. It’s your friends who will help keep your feet on the ground and stop you flying away into a romantic bubble. If you’re looking for love, you may fall for a friend this month and realise there’s a powerful connection between the two of you.
For those of you who are in a relationship or married, it’s worth your while taking some time out to discuss your plans for the future and where you’re both heading. Finding some common goals or mutual interests will help bond the relationship.
It’s not all about love and relationships as there’s a lot going on when it comes to money and work. Mercury, the planet of communication, is in Libra and your joint finance sector from the 2nd-27th. Here again there’s the theme of partnership, teaming up with others and working alongside people who can help you. If you’re involved with anyone financially and/or emotionally, this is a good month for talking, meeting and negotiations. Get expert advice and put new agreements in place.
The trickiest period for money matters is mid-month from the 9th-13th when Mercury clashes with the Uranus-Pluto square. This is old news however as you’ve been here before. An argument about money can erupt easily and it’s likely to be an old wound. If you sense that you’re not going to be able to make progress with this particular issue, then why go there. Do your best to see the other person’s point of view, look for a compromise and if in doubt, agree to disagree.
You’re most successful now when you’re looking after your own money and focusing on work to improve your finances. Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and one of your ruling planets, is currently in the fire sign Leo ruling work, your everyday routine, your health and your lifestyle. The more energy you put into these areas of your life the better so work on your general well-being and remember the mind-body-spirit connection.
All month Jupiter is heading toward a stunning trine aspect with the planet Uranus in Aries and your personal money sector on the 25th. This spells good news and Jupiter and Uranus are the risk-taking planets. They’re entrepreneurial and benefit from creative ideas and a new way of thinking.
Here’s your chance to boost your own money and give your self-esteem a lift in the process. For some it spells a new job or work project; for others it’s a new way of earning money or perhaps its freedom from ties that hold you back and keep you trapped. Believe anything is possible and it can be.
Mars, the action planet, also moves into a fire sign on the 13th when it enters the sign of Sagittarius and your career sector. This adds drive to your ambition and it’s an indication that you’re right to go for whatever you want to achieve. Plus a New Moon in Libra and your joint finance sector on the 24th is the final piece in the puzzle that states you’re on the up when it comes to work and money matters and more than ready to make a fresh start.
This full moon was conjunct my Pisces Moon.
My Pisces husbands’ health was our big surprise during the week of the full moon. (Sun 10′, Mercury 25′ and Venus 17′ in Pisces) Routine blood tests taken 09/04 found severe anemia, and he was sent to the hospital on 09/08. After more tests stage 2 cancer was found in his colon. The tumor and a section of his colon were removed laparoscopically on 09/10.
He is healing, and will have the ‘staples’ removed from his surgery 09/22. Then he’ll begin chemotherapy next month.
Dear Laurel, Sending healing vibes your way and here’s hoping he makes a good recovery. best, Sally
Thank you dear. <3
He is doing amazingly well. Those full moon days were challenging, but I believe we have an excellent chance of winning this battle, since we caught it early.
Thank you again, for the positive vibes … Love, Laurel