Pisces Monthly Stars November 2013

Pisces Rankin MissPisces (19 February-20 March)

The water sign of Scorpio is where the action’s at this month and this puts the spotlight on travel, education, spirituality, philosophy and any activity that expands your horizons and opens up your world.

If you want to live in a different country, emigrate or you’re studying hard, the pressure’s on and yet at the same time life may open up in a way you didn’t expect. The key turning points this month take place on the 3rd and 10th, both dates when new information comes to light, something hidden is revealed or you hear the news you’ve been waiting for.

The 3rd is the date of a powerful solar eclipse and if you look at the chart for this eclipse, you’ll see five planetary bodies together in one sign. A solar eclipse is effectively a New Moon, so the Sun and Moon connect, plus it’s a New Moon with extra oomph as the karmic nodes are involved. Add to the mix Saturn which has been moving relentlessly through the sign of Scorpio and a retrograde Mercury and it’s all going on.

If things have been stuck or a door’s been closed to you, you may now find that life starts to shift and nudge you in a new direction. Sometimes during an eclipse you find out what you can’t do rather than what you can do, but at least you know where your options lie.

Scorpio’s a deep water sign so look out for new insights or understanding that you gain on or around this time. You may discover a teacher who can guide you or feel that you want to share your own wisdom and life experiences with others. It feels powerful and when you look back at this time in the future you may realise that what began on or around the 3rd was a major turning point. Don’t forget that New Moons are there to sow seeds, to initiate action and to start something new.

Mercury turning direct is another green light and this takes place on the 10th. This is a really important week for you as on the 13th Neptune, your ruling planet, also turns direct. So if you feel you’ve been swimming against the side, suddenly the floodgates open and you’re almost swept away with the new energy. Mercury and Neptune connect twice in easy aspects on the 9th and 11th so make the most of this weekend and do something that inspires you and sign up for a course or a new adventure. It’s a perfect weekend to go away as a new environment will help you gain a sense of perspective on your current situation.

Mercury is your partner planet so this would be a wonderful weekend to take off somewhere with your other half. Neptune is the planet of romance after all. Relationships are highlighted this month for a couple of reasons. Firstly, Mars, planet of sexuality, is in the sign of Virgo and your relationship sector. Mars adds passion as it’s a full on energy and it’s about taking action rather than waiting for life to happen to you. It can bring more arguments but it’s also a chance to confront important issues and clear the air. If one of you has been uncommunicative of late, that’s going to change once Mercury turns in the heavens on the 10th. Secrets may come to light and if so you need to deal with whatever appears or is foreground. It’s a full on month for love but work together with your other half and the two of you can make progress.

If you’re looking for love, go for it. Sign up to a dating agency, ask someone out or ask your friends for an introduction. Venus, the love planet, moves into Capricorn and your friendship sector on the 5th where it remains until early March 2014, an unusually long time for Venus to remain in one sign. This links friendship and love so whether you fall for someone you’ve known for some time or you meet someone new and immediately feel like best friends, it’s a powerful influence for romance and new love. Best dates for love this month are the 19th and 28th in addition to the weekend of the 9th/10th.

Finally, it’s worth pointing out that the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square in the heavens makes another powerful contact on the 1st. This mighty duo clash seven times in the heavens and their influence can be felt in the world from 2010-2015.

With Uranus, the planet of volatility, in your cash sector, this suggests your money fortunes are going to be up and down. Uranus can bring big wins or a cash bonus but money can slip through your fingers just as quickly. If you’re thinking of taking any kind of financial risk or gamble, avoid the 1st and 15th.

The date that does look lucky this month is the 30th when Uranus connects with the Sun in a beneficial aspect. As the Sun moves into your career sector on the 22nd, this spells good news for work and money for some of you. There’s a sense of excitement and progress as November comes to a close.

[photo from flickr.com]

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6 thoughts on “Pisces Monthly Stars November 2013”

  1. Very informative, Capricorn monthly, horoscope. I can’t wait to see how the month pans out. Mercury retrograde is always very tough on me. Has been a very difficult few days, lets see what November brings my way. Will be reading your horoscopes on a dailey basis now!

    1. Thank you Debra. You have Venus the love planet in your sign from today until the end of March. That’s got to be interesting and Mercury’s only one more week to go. You’re on the up! Sending best wishes, Sally

  2. I am Capricorn and very difficult period from June, when I suddenly lost my
    Job. Hopefully things are improving for capris on job front as well.

    1. I’m sorry to hear things have been tough. It’s a big time of change for many of the cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, especially if you have planets between 9-11 degrees. Mars, planet of action, enters Libra and your career sector on December 7th 2013 and starting then set your stall out for 2014. Be bold & ambitious and most importantly, consider new opportunities or openings that you wouldn’t have done previously. Good luck.

  3. Thanks Sally for your encouragement. Some people don’t believe in astrology. After following your site I started to believe in Astrology with more conviction. Especially your tennis predictions are very accurate. Like when Nadal won US open you said he had dodgy astrology in winter. And after his WTF loss how true your prediction is proving to be. Amazing. Thanks again Sally.

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