Pisces Monthly Stars November 2012

Pisces Oil PaintingPisces (19 February-20 March)

Don’t be surprised if you feel a sense of urgency as November begins as Mars, the action planet, starts the month at the top of your chart ruling your career and vocation. Mars represents energy and passion and you’re in tune with your stars if you feel a sense of excitement about where your career is heading.

This is an excellent month to make plans for the future and to decide what you want to achieve and to discover what inspires you. Mars is in Sagittarius until the 17th and on the 22nd the Sun picks up the baton and also enters this powerful fire sign.

However, there are additional factors to take into account which suggest that even though it’s great to be positive and optimistic about the future, this isn’t necessarily the best month to sign and seal a deal or commit to a new position. There are a few reasons for this.

Firstly, Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde in Sagittarius and the same sector of your chart on the 6th. This suggests a turn around event, something not happening rather than happening and it may coincide with news that’s a disappointment. If this is the case, don’t be too disheartened because nothing is final when Mercury’s retrograde. You often find that plans change or new information comes to light when Mercury starts to pick up speed again. Whatever you try to begin during Mercury retrograde often shifts or changes to some degree over the course of time. Mercury turns direct on the 26th but only returns to Sagittarius and your career sector on the 11th December.

Mercury’s direct motion coincides with another powerful event, an eclipse that cuts across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of your chart on the 28th. Eclipses are often pivotal moments and continue the shadow theme of Mercury retrograde. Something that’s hidden emerges or comes to light and paints a different picture. Often one door closes for another door to open so there’s a theme of endings and new beginnings as well. Learn to go with the flow this month, stay highly tuned to what life’s telling you and trust that certain opportunities are meant to be whilst others aren’t.

It may only be at the end of the month or even mid-December when you feel as if you’re back on track and know what’s what. There is one other reason why the picture is cloudy right now and nothing feels entirely definite or sure. This is due to Mercury’s connection with your ruling planet Neptune. Neptune is currently in Pisces and returned home to your sign earlier this year. Neptune rules creativity, dreams and imagination and is an inspiring energy.

However, the downside of Neptune is not being able to see the wood for the trees and feeling as if you’re all at sea, going round in circles. Neptune’s energy is strong on the 11th when it turns direct in the heavens so take note of what happens on or around this date. As well as being about inspiration, Neptune rules compassion, kindness and caring for those who are suffering. For some of you, a true vocation is about helping and healing others and it’s only by tapping in to this side of your nature, that you discover true fulfilment.

Neptune squares Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication, three times, on the 29th October, 14th November and 11th December. So this month is mid-way through a period where you’re feeling your way forward and don’t have complete clarity about your next steps. It’s worth asking whether you’re the one who’s hedging your bets or not revealing the full picture to other people in your life, whether that’s your employees or a partner, either personal or professional. Love too feels a little uncertain or confused right now and it’s only in a month’s time when you will either feel sure what you want next or know how someone else feels towards you.

All in all, this is less a month of action and more a month of waiting. You can still take advantage of new opportunities to make money or further your career, especially on the 9th or 26th, but on the whole do what you do best and go with the flow and let life lead you where it will. If you can do just that, come next month you’ll feel more assured and ready to make significant progress.

[photo from flickr.com]

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