Pisces Monthly Stars June 2013

Pisces Kitschensyngk 2Pisces (19 February-20 March)

The month of June holds great potential but as always timing is the key and it’s important to be realistic about your plans and not let yourself get swept away on a wave of wishful thinking.

One area of your life that looks lively this month is your home and family and your connection to the past. Your traditional ruler Jupiter has spent the last 12 months in Gemini, the sign at the base of your chart, boosting all things domestic. Whether you’ve been on the move or reconnecting with family, this month’s events are the last hurrah.

In fact, you may feel there’s urgency surrounding a home or family related matter as Mars, the planet of action, is in this sector of your chart. When Mars is active, passions rise and arguments are more likely, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing if it gives you a chance to clear the air and speak your mind. Sometimes you need a reason to initiate a heart-to-heart or start the ball rolling with a big event.

The New Moon on the 8th takes place in Gemini and this is a good day for new beginnings or to make a fresh start. Getting together with family is well-starred or to begin looking for a new home if you want or need to move.

The stellar day of the month and possibly the year is the 19th when the Sun and Jupiter connect in the heavens. This is an annual event and this time around these two connect in Gemini. This may signal a celebration or a good reason to be happy and positive about the future. Jupiter’s a protective influence but also represents freedom from ties or restrictions. You may find that what takes place is the culmination of your efforts over the last 12 months and that this completes the cycle. In some form or another, you can expect good news for your family and the ones you love.

Jupiter leaves Gemini on the 26th and moves into your fellow water sign of Cancer. This is a placing that Jupiter loves because Cancer rules all the good things in life; children, creativity, romance, fun & entertainment. It’s a lucky placing for the planet of opportunity. This month in general you’re wise to start thinking about what you want next and to create a vision board or make plans to turn your dreams into reality.

This is the start of a 12 month journey which can deliver something wonderful and blessed into your life. There’s no need to rush things for now, however, and in fact, you may benefit from taking a steady pace and proceeding slowly. This applies whether you’re trying to get pregnant, you’re in a new romance or you’re involved in a creative project. Venus is in Cancer from the 3rd-27th and this looks glorious and must bring some form of pleasure your way.

As the personal planets move through Cancer, they make what’s called a grand trine with two other planets, Saturn in Scorpio and your co-ruler Neptune in your own sign of Pisces. A grand trine is a triangle of planets in the heavens and as you’re one of the water signs, there’s extra power and depth in the astrology this month and next. You have the imagination and vision and with a little common sense and some effort on your part you can create something special. Foreign connections or travel may be part of the picture or you may find yourself wanting to study or teach.

Again do your research and explore your options. It really is a case of slowly, slowly this month as Mercury, the communication planet, is slowing down and turns retrograde in Cancer on the 26th. It won’t be until mid-July that the fog clears completely and you can see the way forward with clarity. In addition, new information may come to light that makes you realise you were glad you waited before committing to a new path or a course of action.

Neptune, your planet, dominates the planetary scene on the 7th so on or around this date, take care that you’re not viewing life through rose-coloured glasses and that you’re wise to dishonesty or deceit. Trust your intuition and do what feels right rather than what you think is right and if other people are finding it hard to understand you or your motivation, be sympathetic towards them. Compassion and consideration for others helps you surf the wave of life together and brings about greater insight and understanding.

 [photo from flickr.com]

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