Pisces Monthly Stars June 2012

Pisces Ukraine StampPisces (19 February-20 March)

Planets are gathering at the base of your chart this month and there’s a lot of activity associated with your home, family and past. This is a continuing theme which started at last month’s solar or New Moon eclipse on the 20th May.

A solar eclipse is often about inner change, needing to grow, move on or let go. This month the second of this pair of eclipses takes place on the 4th June. It’s a lunar or Full Moon eclipse that cuts across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis and focuses on work/vocation v. home/family.

A lunar eclipse is often about external events, things beyond your control. It tends to bring what’s hidden to light and can be dramatic. A lunar eclipse suggests one door closing for another door to open and is often about endings and new beginnings. What happens with regard to a family member, your home or your past may have a knock on effect to your career and vocation or vice versa. You may need to move to find work or changes at home affect the way you work. For some of you, you’ll either want or need to spend more time at home and will be looking at ways to make this happen.

This eclipse is especially powerful, however, as it’s linked with the Venus transit of the Sun, a once-in-a-lifetime event that takes place on 5th/6th June. These transits happen in pairs and the first took place on June 8 2004, the second is this month, but then there won’t be another Venus transit until 2117. Venus is the Goddess of love so this confirms the spotlight is on close relationships in your life, including your family, your home life and even your ancestors.

Venus represents the good things in life like love, pleasure and money and as this Venus transit falls on the Diamond Jubilee weekend in the UK, there’s a strong chance that this is about enjoyment, your own celebration and gathering together with friends and family. It may be a specific family event that brings you all close.

On 11th June, Jupiter, one of your ruling planets, also enters Gemini, where it’s going to remain until June 26 2013. This is major for you and signals new developments at home, whether a house move, renovations or expanding your living space in some way, perhaps taking in lodgers or moving in with another family. It’s about getting the most out of your home or rental space and it’s about freedom and liberation. This is a chance to cut the ties that bind you if you’ve been feeling trapped, and to find your own personal retreat. If you’re celebrating a family anniversary or wedding over the next year, then you’re in tune with your stars and organising the arrangements will take up a lot of your time and energy but be huge fun too.

However, as the astrological activity is so contradictory this month, some of you may be struggling with personal issues. Perhaps you find it difficult to let go of the past or feel a strong urge to return to the place you were born in order to answer some questions about your own life. This may be particularly poignant on or around the 25th of June when your two ruling planets, Jupiter and Neptune, clash in the heavens.

This is a significant encounter between these two planets and it’s a soul-searching combination. You may be questioning who you are, coming to terms with your past or want to let go of a chapter in your life that no longer serves you. Letting go of a situation may mean less financial security, but if you want to create the future that’s right for you, this may be the best option. Weigh up the pros and cons first before making your decision.

This month’s stars do suggest a period of reflection and contemplation and looking back to your childhood or past. Why not go with the flow and if there’s no need to rush things, wait until Venus turns direct on the 27th June before making any major decisions to do with your home or family. If a new romance or your children are involved with a personal decision, be wise and kind. It is your life though and the planets are urging you to live it the way you choose.

[Pisces from flickr.com]

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