Pisces Monthly Stars December 2014

Chocolate Santa ClausPisces (19 February – 20 March) 

As the month of December begins, there are three personal planets in the sign of Sagittarius ruling your career and vocation. They are Venus (relating), Mercury (communication/mind) and the Sun (self). This is where the energy’s at and for the first half of the month, you’re not only going to be busy but you can make the most of new opportunities that come your way.

In fact your work feels blessed this month as Jupiter, your traditional ruler, is in Leo, the sign that rules your everyday work, routine, lifestyle and health.

Plus Jupiter teams up with the Sagittarius planets on the 4th, 12th and 14th so whether you’re socialising with work colleagues or seeking out new employment opportunities, the more positive and happy you are, the more successful the outcome.

Jupiter is the feel-good planet and encourages you to view the glass half full rather than half empty.  It’s energising and zingy and urges you to broaden your horizons, play big in life and take risks. Jupiter is also one of the planets that’s linked to space and freedom so for some this may be a time when you want to change your work situation in some way.

Work abroad may be an option, a study sabbatical, less hours or more flexibility. If there’s something you really want or need then look to how you might be able to make this happen. Jupiter’s about finding solutions to problems rather than getting stuck in impossibility.

There is one word of warning however that life could turn a tad serious on the work and career front before the year is out. This is because of the planet Saturn, the taskmaster of the heavens, which also enters Sagittarius and your career and vocation sector on December 23rd.

This is where it will remain for the next couple of years so do be aware of this whatever you commit to in December. Saturn is the long-term planet but it can sometimes feel like a burden and it’s not as easy to shift your situation when Saturn’s in tow. So be aware what you’re getting yourself into if you say ‘yes’ to a promotion or new position of responsibility.

Another important date to note with regard to work is the 6th when there’s a Full Moon that cuts across the Sagittarius/Gemini axis of your horoscope. This is a time when emotions are heightened and it’s important that you focus on a healthy work/life balance. The light of the Full Moon is bright and gives clarity to your situation. You can see things clearly and therefore make wise decisions.

There’s also an important planetary configuration taking place this month which focuses on money and this is the Uranus-Pluto square. These two mighty Titans have clashed in the heavens not once but five times since June 2012. This month they clash again on December 15th and in only a few months time in mid-March 2015 they have their seventh and final encounter.

Uranus is in the third fire sign of Aries ruling your money, personal possessions and your values. Uranus is an unpredictable energy and you often find that your finances are up and down when Uranus is in this sector of your chart. You win some but you lose some too and there’s nothing stable or predictable about your situation.

Uranus in Aries clashes with Pluto in Capricorn ruling the sector of your chart that represents friends, groups, clubs and the wider society. On a very basic level, you may have lost out by loaning money to a friend or investing in a group of club as Pluto is the planet of loss. Yet there’s also the possibility to transform situations when Pluto’s dominant and Uranus is the planet of reinvention. Doing things differently, finding new ways to invest may have grown out of necessity or need.

It’s also hard to think of the future when this duo clash as Capricorn rules your future hopes and wishes and with money so unpredictable it’s not easy to plan ahead. Bear this in mind now too but know that come March 2015, you can finally put these issues to bed and move on.

Do avoid any sensitive issues if you don’t want to fall out over the Christmas period as Venus clashes with the Uranus-Pluto square on the 20th and Mercury on Christmas Day (25th) itself. This could easily provoke an argument so best to keep money issues out of the equation if you want to have a peaceful Christmas.

On Christmas Day the Moon is in your previous sign of Aquarius and you will want to do things differently. Aquarius is the humanitarian sign and helping at a charity event could be the perfect way to spend Christmas Day. You may choose to be on your own or go on a spiritual retreat.

Uranus in Aries will make you think twice about the money you spend on Christmas gifts and perhaps wanting or choosing to do things differently. Giving your time, your love, your help can be other ways to gift the ones you love.

Look out for new friends this festive season too especially on or around the 22nd when there’s a dynamic New Moon in Capricorn. This is a perfect date to meet up with good friends or to attend a social function and make some new friends.

Set your intentions for the year ahead with regard to friends, groups and community so you feel supported and can share your life with others. New Year’s Eve (31st) is equally as sociable and you’ll enjoy yourself most sharing the banter with old and new friends alike. Raise a glass and welcome in the New Year.

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