Your ruling planet Jupiter is caught up in the major planetary event that dominates the month, a Cardinal Grand Cross which peaks over the Easter weekend, In brief, a Grand Cross is when four planets are square to one another and this indicates that different people have different agendas and the Grand Cross aspect generally symbolizes a certain amount of conflict or opposition. The four cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, the leaders of the zodiac.
Your ruler Jupiter is currently in the sign of Cancer ruling children, love affairs, creativity, entertainment and anything in life that you enjoy and/or ‘give birth to’. This ups the fun factor in your life and play is as important as work and sometimes even more so. It’s all about lifestyle balance.
Over the Easter weekend, Jupiter is opposed by the planet Pluto which racks up the intensity and suddenly things become urgent. If you’ve involved in an event with a group of friends or a club you participate in, this may indicate a key player who pulls out causing a certain amount of disruption. An event may have to be cancelled or at least postponed and this will not only be disappointing but could cost money too.
The second opposition of the Grand Cross involves planets in the money sectors of your chart and finances look especially volatile or unsettled. You may know what this means for you at the beginning of April as the Grand Cross is activated whenever a personal planet connects to it and this takes place in the first week of April, from the 14th-16th and from the 22nd/23rd.
The liveliest activity is in the sign of Aries ruling your personal finances and this indicates that you need to speak up about money and ask for what’s rightfully yours. It’s a fast-changing scenario, however, and you have to act fast to keep your money safe. The planets in Aries are opposed by Mars currently retrograde or on go slow in the sign of Libra, ruling joint finances. This may mean that you have to wait a while before you receive a payout or can finalise a mortgage or can push ahead in any other key financial transaction. If this event leaves you out of pocket, hence the disruptive and unsettled feel to your cash stars.
You may also need to consider your financial arrangements with a friend, a group or a child. If you suspect that your money’s disappearing down a black hole, this is the time to pull out of a dodgy financial transaction and cut your losses. Same applies if someone asks you for a loan or donation and you should only offer your money now if you can let it go freely and you’re not worried about the money being returned to you.
The most emotional time of the month comes during the Full Moon or Lunar Eclipse which takes place on the 15th cutting across the Aries/Libra axis and highlighting money matters. Money is often an emotional subject for many people and if things go wrong financially, you or someone else may be looking to point the finger and to find someone to blame. Furious arguments won’t bring answers and come with consequences attached. What is more worthwhile is to choose your battles wisely and to take direct action to create a new way for making money. Choose the constructive approach to money management and stay out of the way of arguments and the blame game.
Things begin to stabilise once Mercury (communication) joins the Sun in the earth sign Taurus on the 23rd. This is the time to have those conversations that matter and can make a difference. In fact, the New Moon or Solar Eclipse on the 29th also falls in Taurus and this indicates a conversation that’s a major turning point. You hear news on or around this date that helps you to know where you stand and allows you to close a door on the past.
Aside from the potentially disruptive stars in April, love is in the air as you have Venus, Goddess of love, in your sign of Pisces from the 5th. Venus is exalted in Pisces and this symbolises kindness, gratitude, sensitivity and caring emotions. This is a lovely foil to the more difficult and confrontational astrology throughout April and it’s up to you to lead the way for a more harmonious form of relating. The clashing stars suggest that self interest leads to aggression but that willingness and compromise can help people work together as a team. Remind others of this fact and advocate love not war when it comes to working relationships.
This is also a promising month for your personal relationships and even though money may be an ugly topic, don’t let it get in the way of love. This month’s events help you realise what you truly value in life and that it’s the love and support of the people close to you that matters. If you’re looking for love, other people will be drawn to your sensitive and artistic nature. Saturday the 12th feels especially loving and romantic.