Pisces Monthly Stars April 2013

Pisces Rankin MissPisces (19 February-20 March)

Mercury is the planet of communication and until the 14th it’s in your sign of Pisces. This is particularly important as Mercury has been in your sign since early February but it’s been retrograde, up to its tricks and going back and forth. If you’ve found plans changing more than usual or you’ve been waiting for information or the go-ahead for a significant project, you’ve been zapped by Mercury retrograde.

The good news is that Mercury has a free run through your sign for the first two weeks of the month and 6th April is especially noteworthy as Mercury returns to the place it was when it turned retrograde on 23rd February. This is green light territory and brings the theme of second or even third chances. Chase up contacts, ask again if you were rejected first time round and make things happen. It’s a positive start to the month and good news for all forms of communication, meetings and ideas.

As Mercury is your partner planet, this suggests that any bumps on the road with regard to a close relationship can also be ironed out and you’re on a smooth run. Keep conversation light and rekindle romance in an easy fashion.

Swift progress can be made on the financial front too as a stack of planets in Aries revs up your money sector as the month gets underway. Venus (relating), Mars (action) and the Sun are all lighting up cash matters and urging you to take action and fast. In addition, the planet of innovation, Uranus is in this sector of your chart and you may benefit by being spontaneous and impulsive.

Uranus has been in your money sector for a couple of years which suggests something of a roller coaster ride for money and earnings as Uranus brings highs and lows. Yes, it does have the potential for you to benefit from a get-rich-quick scheme and improve your financial situation significantly overnight but money comes and goes quicker than usual. Unexpected expenses or a job that’s there one minute and gone the next. Uranus is closely linked with technology and entrepreneurship so any work that you do on your own and online opportunities are especially well-starred.

On the 10th, there’s a New Moon in Aries, a great day to sort out money matters, initiate new beginnings and make things happen. It’s a fresh energy and a time to sow seeds that can grow and flourish. On the 7th, Venus and Mars come together in Aries, which makes it a good day for teamwork that’s earnings-related. If you’re looking for love, you could bump into Mr/Ms Moneybags and grab yourself a date with someone who likes to splash the cash. Another good date for money is the 18th when the Sun and Mars connect in the heavens. Be ambitious and bold and go for what you want.

Mid-month, the planets start to shift signs with Venus, the Sun and Mars all entering the earth sign of Taurus. This slows the pace a little, although Mercury does enter Aries on the 14th, keeping you up to speed with money matters. If you’re buying or selling property or need to organise a family pow-wow, the 24th looks brilliant when Mercury and Jupiter, your ruler, come together in the heavens. As this also brings your ruling planet and your partner planet together, it’s a wonderful day to connect with your other half, have some fun and ensure the two of you are on the same wavelength.

But back to Taurus, the sign that rules communication in your chart and your relationship with siblings, neighbours and your local community. From mid-month onwards you benefit by getting out in the world, sharing your ideas and catching up with what’s going on close to home. It feels less independent and more social. You may find that the conversations you have become more serious, concerning the bigger scheme of things: worldly concerns, philosophical concepts, spirituality and anything else that broadens your mind.

Neptune is your co-ruler and currently in Pisces, Neptune connects with Venus on the 19th, the Sun on the 24th and Mars on the 27th. This feels creative and inspirational and some of the people you meet and the conversations you have towards the end of the month will impress you deeply and determine the next steps in life you take. However, Neptune is a boundless quality so beware of escapism and losing yourself in your thoughts or a fantasy world.

It’s a successful period for you if you engage your common sense and you’re practical as well as inspirational. Use the earthy grounded nature of Taurus to put your plans into action and ‘do’ as well as ‘be’. If in doubt, line up someone to be accountable to and one of the earth signs would be perfect, Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.

There is a lunar eclipse on the 25th cutting across the Taurus/Scorpio axis and this suggests a big decision needs to be made. What takes place may scupper your plans to travel or study or attend a mind-expanding course and you’re asked to find a way to fix things. Saturn involved in the mix shows you where your limits are but the emphasis on Taurus adds dogged persistence and if you want something to happen, you’re going to have to be determined and prove your commitment.

Think back to what took place on or around November 13th 2012 when there was a solar eclipse in Scorpio ruling your 9th house of travel, study, publishing, the Law and seeking a deeper purpose in life. If one of these areas matters to you deeply now, you can expect more of the same but hopefully you’re better prepared to deal with whatever arises. Life can be challenging but it’s how you react and respond to life’s challenges that make all the difference.

[art by Rankin Miss at flickr]

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