Pisces (19 February – 20 March)
The fog lifts as December begins and after a potentially confusing end to November, this is the time for action.
Both the Sun (identity) and Mercury (communication/mind) are in Sagittarius and your career sector and raring for action as the month begins. What takes place early in December is your green light and you can’t hang around if you want to grab a new job or improve your prospects.
Uranus, the planet of spontaneity, is in Aries and your personal money sector and on the 1st and 9th, Uranus teams up with both Mercury and the Sun in speedy fashion. Act fast and you have a chance to boost your earnings, to make money swiftly, to impress the boss.
Online technology is involved in your success whether you run a business online or it’s through your connections and/or social media where you hear of new openings, a work or money-making opportunity.
Plus on the 11th there’s a stunning New Moon in Sagittarius highlighting your career and vocation, your status and reputation. A New Moon is a signal to initiate action, sow seeds, set your intentions. It’s a fast, dynamic energy and you benefit by getting in step with this lively fire sign buzz. Focus on money and work and what you can do to create new ideas/projects in both.
One other planet highlighting money in your chart is Mars the action planet currently in Libra and the part of your chart which rules joint finances and shared resources. Again this indicates that December is a good month to push ahead with money matters. Get on top of your finances, work out a budget for Christmas expenses and be assertive in your financial goals.
There is one period that is particularly volatile for money however and this is from the 6th – 11th when Mars clashes with the Uranus/Pluto duo. This often indicates a battle, a clash of wills and you might find that you have to fight for what’s rightfully yours.
This could link to your past, an ex or a third party who’s either playing mean or believes that you owe them. It’s a lively combination and it’s not worth falling out over money if you can help it. Decisions or ultimatums could prove final whoever throws their toys out of the pram.
Choose your battles carefully and avoid anyone who’s unreasonably angry about the distribution of resources. It might be as simple as falling out over Christmas presents but an argument could easily get out of hand so don’t fan the flames unless you think it’s worth it.
Other areas of your life are progressing much more smoothly and it’s an easy month for relationships and friendships on the whole. The more you work at getting along with other people and the more you hang out with people who perk you up and make you feel happy and positive, the better.
On the 10th, communication planet Mercury moves into Capricorn and your friendship sector and on the 22nd, Mercury is joined by the Sun. This indicates a sociable run up to Christmas when you’d do well to reconnect with old friends and join in with any group ventures or parties. It doesn’t mean that you have to go wild, unless you want to, but rather enjoy some comfy and cosy experiences together.
Romance too is on the cards and love and friendship are linked. Your planet Neptune is wafting its magic and the 11th, 14th and 29th look special for love. The stars indicate a slow-burn relationship rather than a fast wham bam experience.
You might begin to recognise your feelings for a good friend or want to take your time getting to know someone better. There’s no rush when it comes to love and in fact a relationship is more likely to last if you make slow progress.
Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and abundance, remains in your opposite sign of Virgo blessing your 1-to-1’s throughout December. If you’re in a relationship or married, enjoy some quality time together and there should be a chance for you to reconnect on Christmas Eve, the 24th December and Christmas Day, the 25th December.
In fact, there’s a loving romantic vibe at this festive time of year and for some, it’s the right time to commit to a relationship or accept a proposal. There’s a Full Moon in the heavens on Christmas Day and it takes place in the sign of Cancer and your romance sector. Prioritise love and happiness and connect fully with your emotional nature.
This indicates a loving and giving Christmas and festive period and as Cancer is the home and family sign and also rules children in your chart, being with the ones you love is a fulfilling and nurturing experience.
Put any issues or problems to one side, especially financial, and focus instead on the things in life that really matter, like people, love and connections.
New Year’s Eve looks special for you when the Moon in your opposite sign of Virgo connects with Jupiter in your relationship sector. This is the time to make a wish, a love blessing. This combination holds promise whether you’re hand-in-hand with the one you love on New Year’s Eve or you’re looking ahead to the promise of what’s to come.