Pisces March 2021

Pisces, monthly horoscopes, fishes

Be More Pisces

It’s all about you as March begins with the Sun in your star sign Pisces until the 20th and popular Venus here until the 21st. Ensure the focus is on your personal goals, make the most of your birthday time of year and have fun and celebrate in style.

When planets are in your star sign, it’s an excellent time to focus on your image and profile and consider how other people see you and how you come across in the world.

For some of you, the strong emphasis on your star sign Pisces will tap you in to your creative or spiritual source. You might be having profound thoughts or find that your imagination is unusually fertile. Go with the flow, listen out for signs and trust in life. 

This is an ideal time to tap in to the best side of your Pisces star sign, the world of fantasy and dreams, your compassionate and giving nature.

This month’s New Moon takes place in Pisces on the 13th, a symbol of new beginnings. This could be an outstanding date for you whether you see yourself in a new light or have a major insight into your personal life.

Plus, this New Moon pulls in a stunning Venus-Neptune conjunction on the 14th and this feels especially beautiful and magic.

Venus and Neptune in Pisces are boundless and represent unconditional love. You may channel this love into a close relationship or have a keen desire to care for and help others. See where love leads you. Be open-hearted, generous and inclusive.

Your co-ruler Neptune is active on the 11th and 30th too, emphasising the importance of your star sign. It’s an ideal month to be more Pisces.

Money Moves

There’s major planetary activity later in the month in the fire sign Aries ruling your personal money and what you value highly in life. Hopefully, this turn of direction and fresh energy brings something new your way which boosts your finances.

The Sun enters Aries on the 20th, the day of the Equinox, a symbol of fresh starts. This is the beginning of the zodiac year.

Plus, lovely Venus enters Aries on the 21st. Venus represents the sweet things in life, gifts, treats, all that’s beautiful. This can go two ways. You might receive something special or want to treat yourself and the ones you love. What you give, you receive in return is Venus’ message.

This is confirmed because of a Sun-Venus conjunction in Aries on the 26th and the Full Moon in Libra on the 28th. Libra is the star sign that rules joint finances and shared resources in your horoscope.

Think of this as the natural flow of money and abundance. When the Sun and Moon oppose each other across the heavens on the 28th, this can manifest something special – money and emotions are linked.

Home Dynamics

Also this month, it’s important to consider your home and family life and how that impacts on what you want to do in the world.

This is because action planet Mars moves into Gemini, the star sign at the base of your horoscope on the 4th. Be ambitious about home and family plans.

Yet, Mars in your home and family sector can be argumentative. Perhaps, you have to confront what’s difficult in order to bring things out into the open. Ask for what you want and need and challenge anyone close who’s being difficult or holding you back.

At times, this month’s planetary activity could leave you feeling breathless or out of control. It’s a month when life is likely to speed up as the focus turns towards you.

A Lucky Note

Finally, your traditional planet Jupiter teams up with talk planet Mercury in Aquarius on the 5th. This may coincide with divine intervention, good news or a solution to a personal issue. This could resolve an issue that’s been dragging on since the start of the year.

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